


回,归:往~。~航。~工。~青(某些植物的幼苗移栽或越冬后,由黄转绿并恢复生长)。~销。~修。~还(huán )。流连忘~。……


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……







汉语拼音:fǎn běn huán yuán







  1. 网络
  2. returnbackoldplace;Returning to the the Source;panbon hwanwŏ

  3. n

  1. 管理的草原温室气体汇还是源

    Managed grasslands A greenhouse gas sink or source

  2. 夏多勃里昂写的三部美国传奇也还是源起遥远的南方。

    Chateaubriand's three romances of America are situated farther south.

  3. 他们还充当记录源窗体和报表。

    They also function as the record source for forms and reports.

  4. 此外, 源对象还可以包含可选得

    The source object can also include an optional

  5. 此外, 源对象还可以包含可选的

    The source object can also include an optional

  6. 否定和拒绝是返回本还源之道。

    The way back to your self is through refusal and rejection.

  7. 它还指定了访问源数据所需的信息。

    It is also the specification of the information necessary to access source data.

  8. 显而易见我们还有潜在的需求源。

    There is no secret about the other potential sources of demand.

  9. 显而易见我们还有潜在得需求源。

    There is no secret about the other potential sources of demand.

  10. 源模型中还包括一组健壮的方法和模板。

    A robust set of methods and templates is also part of the source model.

  11. 还考虑了影响有源矩阵性能的因素。

    Some factors influencing the characteristics of active matrix are also considered.

  12. 问题之源还应大大地前推。

    The roots of its problem stretch much further back.

  13. 同时我们的客户源还在稳步上升。

    Meanwhiles our consumer source give back at with steady steps ascension.

  14. 土源性生物, 所以还会发生

    Soil borne organism so can be additional cases

  15. 家畜还是主要的温室气体排放源。

    Livestock are also a major source of greenhouse gases.

  16. 还使您可以添加新项目数据源。

    Also enables you to add a new project data source.

  17. 牙源性角化囊肿囊肿还是囊性肿瘤?

    Odontogenic keratocyst a cyst or a cystic neoplasm

  18. 然而, 无源合流器中还是可能发生反射。

    However, reflections might still occur in the passive combiner.

  19. 至此,机器人身上还没有马达也没有动力源。

    So there's no motors on board this right now, no power.

  20. 当然,浪漫剧情的主线还是源自时代广场。

    The threads of romance emanate from, of course, Times Square.

  21. 以六价铬还原作铬源的三价铬电镀工艺的研究

    A Study on Reducing Reaction of Creating Trivalent Cr for Cr Electroplating from Hexavalent Cr

  22. 性能度量还假定源自所有差错的同等影响。

    The performance metric also assumes equal impact from all errors.

  23. 该滤波器还可相应抵御来自电磁源的干扰。

    This filter also provides relative immunity to interference from electromagnetic sources.

  24. 在一些案例中,部署的工件还可以是源代码。

    In some cases, deployed artifacts can be source code as well.

  25. 还有上尉, 在源代码世界你不能脱离任务

    And Captain, you cannot deviate from the mission while inside the Source Code.

  26. 而且不仅仅是榜样, 还要作为你的灵感之源。

    And not your model simply, but as your inspiration.

  27. 而且不仅仅是榜样, 还要作为你得灵感之源。

    And not your model simply, but as your inspiration.

  28. 薰衣草又可作药用, 还是良好的蜜源植物。

    Lavender can be medicinal, or good nectar source plants.

  29. 还讨论了内源激素比例与裂果的关系。

    The relationship between the balance of endogenous hormones and the occurring of fruit cracking in Litchi was also discussed.

  30. 于是我想 或许还有类似开源的情报信息

    So what I started thinking was, perhaps there is something like open source intelligence here.



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