
  • 【解释】:就:顺着。指事情已经做错了,索性顺着错误继续做下去。
  • 【出自】:宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十六:“将错就错,西方极乐。”
  • 【示例】:有人说是上头看时叠错的,那些阅卷的只好~。
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语;指一错再错


  1. Not all the mistakes will regret, will wrong, also can produce a beautiful mistake.


  2. Policymakers are then caught between throwing good money after bad or tolerating brutal adjustment, as their markets disappear.


  3. She thought we were off to search the dry creek bed, and I didn't correct her.


  4. If it buys, it throws good money after bad.


  5. merchant said, 11 two 3 money are weighed, think the son of old man is careless, OK now will wrong Wrong, earn this redundant silver.


  6. We do not try seven-year itch, and directly try had each other. Life is short, I am willing and you will be wrong.


  7. This will wrong gift that taught me many. . .


  1. 我将错就错,换了一副嗓子说话。

    I played along, and disguised my voice.

  2. 小偷只好将错就错, 跟著去警察局。

    Thief is forced over shoes over boots, go accordingly police station.

  3. 其实有些事错过一次就注定将错就错。

    Actually some matters miss one time are doomed to make the best of a bad situation.

  4. 再改过来很难, 我只好将错就错。我从未想过要喝咸咖啡。

    It was hard for me to ask for a change, so I just went ahead.

  5. 并非所有的错误都会留下遗憾, 将错就错, 也能错出一段美丽。

    Not all the mistakes will regret, will wrong, also can produce a beautiful mistake.

  6. 发现错了就及时寻觅新径, 不要怕人议论, 千万不可将错就错。

    Discover wrong look for new path time, don't terrifying comment, ten million can't will wrong wrong.

  7. 将现在出将牌就错了。

    Yor're wrong to play trump cards now.

  8. 你现在出将牌就错了。

    You are wrong to play trump card now.

  9. 你回伦敦的话就将错过音乐会了。

    A So you will mi the concert while you are in London.

  10. 如果有人将这些话解释为悲叹,那就错了。

    Those who interpret these words as a lamentation are mistaken.

  11. 观照它,错就错了。

    Take note, and that is that.

  12. 你错就错在这里,保罗

    Well,that's where you're wrong,Paul.

  13. 你错就错在这里,保罗。

    Well, that's where you're wrong, Paul.

  14. 错就错在领导人过于独断专行。

    What went wrong was that the leaders were too autocratic.

  15. 你最好现在就将信收尾, 不然会错过邮递员的收信时间。

    You d better sign off now or you'll miss the collection of the post.

  16. 谁也难免会讲些废话,错就错在一本正经地讲。

    No one is exempt from talking nonsense the mistake is to do it solemnly.

  17. 错就错在没有禁止吃蛇, 不然的话, 亚当就很可能把蛇吃掉了。

    The mistake is in not forbidding the serpent, then Adam would have eaten the serpent.

  18. 但有谁以为该问题将就此告一段落就错了。

    But anyone who thought that would be an end to the matter was mistaken.

  19. 你就认为这次我会将所有错归咎于你么?

    Chorus did you think that i was gonna give it up to you this time.

  20. 对就是对, 错就是错

    What is rights is right and what is wrong is wrong

  21. 错了就错了,不要辩解。

    A mistake is a mistake. Don't try to explain it away.

  22. 错就是错, 不管是谁说得。

    Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.

  23. 错就是错,不管是谁说的。

    Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.

  24. 那你就错了

    Well far from it.

  25. 人事两将就

    If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain

  26. 那你可就错了

    That's where you're wrong.

  27. 修修补补将就过去

    made do and mend

  28. 你求他就错了。

    You made a mistake in asking him.

  29. 他将错过三场比赛

    He’s going to miss 3 games.

  30. 是的,没错就是晶体管。

    Yes, thats right. The transistor.


  1. 问:将错就错拼音怎么拼?将错就错的读音是什么?将错就错翻译成英文是什么?

    答:将错就错的读音是jiāngcuòjiùcuò,将错就错翻译成英文是 make the best of a bad situation



“将错就错”是个多义词,它可以指将错就错(Boy'z演唱的歌曲), 将错就错(电影将错就错), 将错就错(甘阳创作随笔集), 将错就错(张栋梁演唱歌曲), 将错就错(楼雨晴创作小说), 将错就错(成语)。