


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……







汉语拼音:qiáng cì jī








  1. a nerve impulse resulting from a weak stimulus is just as strong as a nerve impulse resulting from a strong stimulus.


  2. Gimmick divides strong stimulation and weak stimulation, apply with strong exciting law more.


  3. Take cream square during should diet raw or cold food, fat, acrimony etc stodgy reach have stronger excitant food.


  4. Still, the industry needs a catalyst, and Mamma Mia! could be just that.


  5. and ' pain nerves react to great amounts of heat and cold, great pressure, and other strong stimuli.


  6. Combustion hazard: This product helps to combust and is severe corrosive and irritant , may cause burns to human body


  7. The effect of different medicine given method on phlebitis in strong and stimulating medicine chemotherapy


  8. And can lead to early symptoms of epilepsy seizure of the three incentives include: fatigue light sound strong electrical stimulation;


  9. Lead to the symptoms of epilepsy seizure of the three incentives: fatigue light sound strong electrical stimulation;


  1. 本法为强刺激手法之一。

    This is one of the manipulations with strong stimulation.

  2. 弱刺激产生的神经冲动和强刺激产生的神经冲动一样强。

    A nerve impulse resulting from a weak stimulus is just as strong as a nerve impulse resulting from a strong stimulus.

  3. 而实际上, 神经元受到刺激不是弱刺激, 而应是强刺激。

    But in realistic situations, the stimulus should not be weak but strong.

  4. 业界需要强刺激, 而妈妈咪呀!可能就是一剂强心针。

    Still, the industry needs a catalyst, and Mamma Mia! could be just that.

  5. 在绝对不应期内,再强的刺激也不能引起反应。

    In the absolute refractory period, the stronger stimulation also cannot cause reaction again.

  6. 用强电流刺激大脑,从而导致抽搐和休克的治疗方法。

    The administration of a strong electric current that passes through the brain to induce convulsions and coma.

  7. 摩擦还是存在的, 虽然到现在为止这并不构成很强的刺激。

    There is a rub, however, though it has not proved too great an irritant until now.

  8. 他得出一个结论,白日做梦对成功是一种强有力的刺激。

    It is, he concluded, a powerful spur to achievement.

  9. 人造和强有力的阻止性刺激

    Artificial and powerful PREVENTION of sexual stimulation

  10. 其中以抽氨酸和赖氮酸的刺激作用最强。

    And pulls out the ammonia acid and depends the nitric acid the stimulation to be strongest.

  11. 手法分强刺激和弱刺激,以强刺激法应用较多。

    Gimmick divides strong stimulation and weak stimulation, apply with strong exciting law more.

  12. 他们的生活,有时就如戏剧一般,寻求刺激,暗示性强。

    Their life, be like sometimes Thespian and general, seek stimulation, allusive sex is strong.

  13. 去污力强,对皮肤无刺激,不留裂痕,不含增白剂。

    Qu Wuli strong, and stimulate the skin, leaving cracks, non whitening agent.

  14. 这种人一般占有欲较强, 可能是在刺激自己的女性同伴。

    He is inclined to be possessive, and can be tactile with his female companions.

  15. 色彩刺激强量矮,版面当然相差跳脱一些。

    Color stimulating high strength, suites, of course, some relative trip.

  16. 刺激性强的洗涤剂

    harsh detergents

  17. 一次强有力的刺激性体验

    a power trip.

  18. 降低视疲劳,减弱强光刺激

    Reduce eyestrain, reduce glare and enhance contrast.

  19. 他感到强光对视觉的刺激。

    He had a visual sensation of intense light.

  20. 使用对皮肤刺激性不强的肥皂。

    Use a soap that is mild on the skin.

  21. 我眼部手术之后,受不了强光的刺激。

    After my eye surgery, I couldn't stand bright light.

  22. 我眼部手术之后,受不了强光的刺激。

    After my eye surgery, I couldn't stand bright light.

  23. 针刺补泻、强弱刺激治疗的临床应用

    The clinical application of acupuncture manipulation.

  24. 被测者在强光刺激之后,进入黑暗状态。

    After being stimulated by strong light driver is in dark state.

  25. 小儿静脉注射强刺激性药物渗漏的防治

    Prevent and Cure of Seepage Caused by Intense Irritant Drugs Through Intravenous Injection for Children

  26. 早期强声刺激对大鼠听觉系统的影响

    The Influence of Postnatal Exposure to Intensive Sound on the Auditory System in Rat

  27. 淡兰色粉末, 有较强的氯刺激性气味。

    Light blue powder, with strong chlorine pungent smell.

  28. 亚强刺激电流在肌松监测中的应用研究

    Application of submaximal current stimulation to monitoring neuromuscular blockade

  29. 用刺激性不强的肥皂和热水把脸彻底洗干净。

    Wash your face thoroughly with a mild soap and warm water.

  30. 坟强刺激, 又可以把压抑了的小波重新激发出来。

    The suppressed wavelet can be brought back again by increasing the intensity of stimulation.


