






1. 陆 [lù]陆 [lù]高出水面的土地:~地。大~。随从的样子:~~续续。跳跃:“……翘足而~,此马之真性也”。〔~离〕a.色彩繁杂,如“斑驳~~”;b.长(cháng),如“带长铗之~~兮,冠切云之崔嵬”。姓。……



汉语拼音:jiù dà lù






  1. 主要指 欧 、 亚 、 非 三洲。相对十五世纪末 欧洲 人所发现的新大陆( 美洲 )而言。

    鲁迅 《伪自由书·战略关系》:“无论是黄面孔,白面孔,新大陆,旧大陆的敌人,无论这些敌人要深入到什么地方,都请深入罢。”



  1. The youthful dynamism of America, and now of China and India, seems to be leaving the decrepit old continent in the shade.


  2. That will allow it to keep data about European transfers on the old continent, where it cannot be subpoenaed by the American government.


  3. It is oldest of the "new" nations--the first one to be made out of an Old world colony.


  4. So, are the Mongol hordes about to ride roughshod over the Old Continent?


  5. In this case the intimacy of the boy and girl might be little more than the continuance in this country of old-world folkways .


  6. teasel with lilac flowers native to Old World but naturalized in North America; dried flower heads used to raise a nap on woolen cloth.


  7. any of several herbs of the genus Dipsacus native to the Old World having flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts.


  8. Any of several plump - bodied Old World game birds , especially of the genera Perdix and Alectoris, related to the pheasants and grouse .


  9. genus of Old World annual or biennial or perennial herbs with racemose flowers; many are considered to be weeds.


  1. 旧大陆木质草本植物。

    Old World woody vines.

  2. 旧大陆灌木的属女贞。

    genus of Old World shrubs privet.

  3. 主要长在旧大陆的草本。

    Chiefly Old World herbs.

  4. 旧大陆灌木和草本的属。

    Genus of Old World shrubs and herbs.

  5. 旧大陆的一个禾本属。

    A genus of Old World grasses.

  6. 旧大陆的一种辛辣的野葱。

    Pungent Old World wild onion.

  7. 而旧大陆的情况却不是这样。

    But not so in the Old World.

  8. 旧大陆热带的树和灌木的属。

    Genus of trees and shrubs of the old world tropics.

  9. 旧大陆得热带得草质藤本属。

    Old World tropical vine.

  10. 旧大陆的热带的草质藤本属。

    Old World tropical vine.

  11. 旧大陆的一种带有球形茎的葱。

    Old World leek with a spherical bulb.

  12. 旧大陆得一种带有球形茎得葱。

    Old World leek with a spherical bulb.

  13. 旧大陆十字花科的一个属。

    Old World genus of the family Cruciferae.

  14. 旧大陆十字花科得一个属。

    Old World genus of the family Cruciferae.

  15. 与葫芦巴相关的旧大陆草本植物。

    Old World herb related to fenugreek.

  16. 这是新大陆, 还是旧大陆, 还是下一个大陆?

    Was this the New World, the Old World, or the Next World ?

  17. 通常多刺得热带灌木得旧大陆得属。

    Old World genus of tropical evergreen usually spiny shrubs.

  18. 旧大陆热带的灌木和木质藤属。

    Genus of Old World tropical shrubs and woody vines.

  19. 旧大陆一个草本属,类似千里光。

    Genus of Old World herbs resembling groundsel.

  20. 旧大陆的一种带辛辣味的草本植物。

    Pungent Old World weedy plant.

  21. 新旧大陆温带的一个灌木大属。

    Large genus of shruof temperate zones of New and Old Worlds.

  22. 通常为附生的热带旧大陆蕨类植物。

    Often epiphytic tropical Old World ferns.

  23. 从旧大陆来寻求好生活的冒险家

    Some as adventurers from the Old World seeking a better life

  24. 新大陆和旧大陆都有的一种小型鸢。

    A genus of small kites of both Old and New Worlds.

  25. 旧大陆的手斧与东方远古文化传统

    The bifaces of the old world and the ancient cultural tradition of the Orient

  26. 跟随着太阳的光辉, 我们离开了旧大陆。

    Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.

  27. 跟随着太阳得光辉,我们离开了旧大陆。

    Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.

  28. 一年或多年生旧大陆一个多刺菊属。

    Genus of annual or perennial Old World prickly thistles.

  29. 美洲广泛种植的旧大陆禾草的一个属。

    A genus of Old World grasses widely cultivated in America.

  30. 中新世和上新世的旧大陆人科的一属。

    The Pliocene Epoch or its system of deposits.


  1. 问:旧大陆拼音怎么拼?旧大陆的读音是什么?旧大陆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旧大陆的读音是,旧大陆翻译成英文是 Old World

  2. 问:旧大陆豪猪拼音怎么拼?旧大陆豪猪的读音是什么?旧大陆豪猪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旧大陆豪猪的读音是,旧大陆豪猪翻译成英文是 Old World porcupine

  3. 问:旧大陆的猪笼草拼音怎么拼?旧大陆的猪笼草的读音是什么?旧大陆的猪笼草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旧大陆的猪笼草的读音是,旧大陆的猪笼草翻译成英文是 Pitcher Plants of the Old World

  4. 问:旧大陆型利什曼病拼音怎么拼?旧大陆型利什曼病的读音是什么?旧大陆型利什曼病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旧大陆型利什曼病的读音是jiù dà lù xíng lì shí màn bìng,旧大陆型利什曼病翻译成英文是 Old World leishmaniasis


