




1. 知 [zhī]2. 知 [zhì]知 [zhī]晓得,明了:~道。~名(著名)。~觉(有感觉而知道)。良~。~人善任。温故~新。~难而进。~情达理。使知道:通~。~照。学识,学问:~识,求~。无~。主管:~县(旧时的县长)。~府。~州……





汉语拼音:tiān zhī dao






  1. 表示难以理解或无法分辨。

    闻一多 《死水·大鼓师》诗:“若要问到咱们自己的歌,天知道,我真说不出的心慌!”



  1. Who knows how much of that $17 million the Kardashian clan pillaged before Kris could get his hands on it.


  2. God knows how much more they'd charge us for! Even if we pay them more, they are smaller agencies.


  3. That's it. Two years and who knows how much money got me five concepts.


  4. God knows how much i tolerated to love you in the past.


  5. Jenny: She told me that she decided not to have it tested. Only God knows.


  6. With two good eyes, who knows what he might have done.


  7. Who knows what I'll be trying to kill if I have to wait around for hours in one place!


  8. God knows what I could have done if I hadn't been a Buddhist.


  9. Making stock predictions is like forecasting the weather: For all the fancy charts, what happens next is often anyone's guess.


  1. 天知道你想不想。

    God knows you want to.

  2. 天知道你想不想。

    God knows you want to.

  3. 天知道,我不是圣人。

    I'm no saint,God knows.

  4. 天知道她能做什么

    god only knows what she'd do.

  5. 天知道那些退休在家的

    Ah, you never know what those retirees.

  6. 天知道她已经哭了多久

    Who knows how long she's been crying.

  7. 天知道,我见过一些大的。

    And God knows that I have seen big ones.

  8. 只有天知道会有什么结果。

    Heaven only knows whats to be the termination.

  9. 天知道它是怎么长成的。

    Heaven knows how it came to pass.

  10. 多莉!天知道你在说什么呢!

    Marlin Dory! Heaven knows what youre saying!

  11. 天知道我犯下了什么罪孽。

    God knows what sin I have committed.

  12. 天知道炸药在那边放了多久了。

    God knows how long that dynamite has been out there.

  13. 天知道他还找谁在监视我。

    And god knows who else he has watching me.

  14. 天知道你,你说你跟西蒙娜在一起

    You go god knows, You said you were with Simone and.

  15. 天知道他们在里面放了些什么。

    Heaven knows what they put in it.

  16. 天知道那些龙涎香值多少钱。

    And heaven knows what price the ambergris would fetch.

  17. 天知道我为今晚准备了多久。

    God knows it took me long enough to get ready tonight.

  18. 天知道你觉得自己有多矮,伙计

    No one knows how short you are except for you, dude.

  19. 天知道我身上会发生什么样的事

    and who knows what's gonna happen to me.

  20. 天知道他期末考试怎么会不及格。

    ParrotGod know how he could fail the final.

  21. 天知道还杀了多少人的妻儿

    and God knows how many other wives and sons.

  22. 天知道我是不是能这些事干完。

    God knows if I can ever get all these do!

  23. 天知道在那个小家伙身上发生了什么。

    God knows what happened to that little guy.

  24. 天知道,我是个不露声色的情人。

    God knows, I have been a very indifferent lover.

  25. 亦或是比最大的细菌还大?天知道

    Is it bigger than the biggest bacterium? We don't know.

  26. 天知道我是怎样逃脱那种下场的。

    Goodness knows how I escaped being like that.

  27. 怎么会容许这种事情发生,只有天知道。

    How this was allowed to happen, heaven alone knows.

  28. 我晕, 这么乱乎, 天知道那个人在哪里。

    I am dizzy, so disorderly, the sky knows that person where.

  29. 天知道我是不是能把这些事干完。

    God knows if I can ever get all these done!

  30. 天知道我还得做多久的洗头妹?

    I'm supposed to spend the next god knows how long as a shampoo girl?


  1. 问:天知道拼音怎么拼?天知道的读音是什么?天知道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天知道的读音是tiānzhīdào,天知道翻译成英文是 God knows

  2. 问:天知道!拼音怎么拼?天知道!的读音是什么?天知道!翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天知道!的读音是tiānzhīdào!,天知道!翻译成英文是 God knows!


