


1. 肚 [dù]2. 肚 [dǔ]肚 [dù]腹部,胸下腿上的部分,亦指人的肠胃部分:~子。~胁。~皮。牵肠挂~(挂念,不放心)。器物下面的中心部分:炉~儿。圆而凸起像肚子的:腿~子。手指头~儿。肚 [dǔ]供食用的动物的胃:猪~子。羊~……





汉语拼音:dù qí






  1. 肚子中间脐带脱落的地方。

    柔石 《没有人听完她底哀诉》:“有的翻转裤腰,表示身上只有一个肚脐。”



  1. For even the healthiest of youth, a search for a navel piercing specialist should not take place in a limited amount of time.


  2. Try to rotate even your navel upward toward the ceiling just as you do your face.


  3. Close your eyes and try to picture Britney with her navel covered.


  4. She looks at her belly button, uneasy: "You've got to be kidding me. "


  5. Without taking in a deep breath. Try to move your belly button inward as far away from your finger as you can.


  6. In person, their eyes are always so small, each eye like a black marble stuck into a fat man's bellybutton.


  7. Other sites that ventral hernias can develop are the belly button (umbilicus) or any other area of the abdominal wall.


  8. Now you can see here, this shaft is pointing at my belly button, at the center of my body.


  9. I once made 20$ on a bet that my geography teacher would pull his pants up to this belly button the second class started. And he did.


  1. 从病人肚脐下刀

    Through the patient's belly button.

  2. 来观察肚脐的样貌

    and see what it does.

  3. 顺时针按摩肚脐周围18次。

    Rub around your navel clockwise 16 times.

  4. 泥垢总是积在肚脐眼里。

    Dirt gets rolled up in your navel.

  5. 我能穿肚脐孔吗

    Can I get my belly button pierced

  6. 他们争辩亚当是否有肚脐。

    They argued whether or not adam had a navel.

  7. 种脐肚脐状或线形。

    Hilum umbilicate or linear.

  8. 脐带连接胎儿肚脐的位置。

    The umbilical cord attaches it to the fetus at the navel.

  9. 她肚脐上面有一个纹身。

    She had a tattoo just above her bellybutton.

  10. 她肚脐上面有一个纹身。

    She had a tattoo just above her bellybutton.

  11. 为什么肚脐上的线是蓝色的?

    why is bellybutton lint blue

  12. 脐部围绕肚脐的腹部部位。

    The region of the abdomen surrounding the navel.

  13. 穿洞的耳朵,鼻子,肚脐,眉毛。

    Pierced ears, nose, navel, eye brows.

  14. 肚脐得意象象徵著生命得起源。

    The belly button symbolizes the origin of life.

  15. 肚脐的意象象徵著生命的起源。

    The belly button symbolizes the origin of life.

  16. 不锈钢耳钉,肚脐环,鼻钉,唇钉。

    Stomach annulus umbilical is, ear nail, nose nail, lip nail.

  17. 但是我们要保持肚脐的可见。

    But we absolutely must maintain navel visibility.

  18. 保护肚脐以免受凉, 吸汗, 透气。

    Protect tummy button from catching cold. Absorbent, ventilate.

  19. 你能通过肚脐眼挑战吗?

    Can YOU pass the belly button challenge?

  20. 恶心,看起来像干衣机的肚脐

    Ew, looks like the dryer's belly button.

  21. 我肚脐眼里嵌进了一点绒毛。

    I've got a bit of lint stuck in my belly button.

  22. 深吸气,努力将肚脐贴向脊柱。

    Deep inspiratory, stick navel to rachis hard.

  23. 处处对肚脐很好奇,就问爸爸。

    Very about all of the navel, the father asked.

  24. 海的肚脐上戴着一个铃铛。

    The sea wears a bell in its navel.

  25. 海得肚脐上戴着一个铃铛。

    The sea wears a bell in its navel.

  26. 正常。但是不要让肚脐遇到水。

    Normal. Do not let navel come up against water nevertheless.

  27. 肚脐以下没有知觉,也不能活动。

    He had no movement or feeling below his navel.

  28. 肚脐是人体中心,控制中心可以控制整个。

    The navel is the center of the body, the control center can control the whole.

  29. 正进行肚脐单切口胆囊切除术

    Is doing singleincision gall bladder removal through the belly button.

  30. 肚脐周围的三个小洞是什么

    What are those three little holes around the navel


  1. 问:肚脐拼音怎么拼?肚脐的读音是什么?肚脐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肚脐的读音是dùqí,肚脐翻译成英文是 navel; tummy-button


