




1. 吐 [tǔ]2. 吐 [tù]吐 [tǔ]使东西从口里出来:~痰。吞~。~刚茹柔(吐出硬的,吃下软的;喻欺软怕硬)。放出,露出:高粱~穗。~故纳新。说出:~话。一~为快。吐 [tù]内脏里的东西从口里涌出:呕~。上~下泻。把吞没的东西……



汉语拼音:tūn tǔ








  1. 吞进和吐出。比喻出纳、隐现、聚散等变化。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《登大雷岸与妹书》:“吞吐百川,写泄万壑。” 唐 卢仝 《月蚀》诗:“奈何万里光,受此吞吐厄。” 宋 范成大 《望海亭赋》:“惊玉池之破碎,漾银盘而吞吐。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·城南录》:“烟靄云涛,吞吐变化。” 赵光荣 《里湖纪游》诗:“神物在天池,烟云与吞吐。”

  2. 指道家的吐纳之术。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·极言》:“调利筋骨,有偃仰之方;杜疾闲邪,有吞吐之术。”

  3. 倾诉;谈吐。

    元 关汉卿 《蝴蝶梦》第二折:“难吞吐,没气路,短嘆长吁。愁肠似火,雨泪如珠。” 清 江炳炎 《念奴娇·雍正甲辰》词:“因念煖酒扶春,含毫意邈,吞吐淹羣雅。”

  4. 言语支吾,含混不清。

    明 单本 《蕉帕记·议婚》:“我适纔言词吞吐,思歟,这姻缘可乎?” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·青梅》:“生方读,惊问所来,词涉吞吐。” 老舍 《赵子曰》第二十:“作官的时候出锋头是心里的劲儿,越吞吐掩抑越见长处。”



  1. And that's not to mention the hopes of U. S. diesel fans that just went up in a sooty puff of smoke.


  2. Increasing the number of users to 175 did not produce a significantly higher throughput since the machine was already at capacity.


  3. It was not a combat, it was the interior of a furnace; there mouths breathed the flame; there countenances were extraordinary.


  4. Throughput is often measured in relation to load, determining where the boundaries of the system might be as user load continues to grow.


  5. This is not ideal, although in some cases it may be acceptable to have at least slow throughput rather than no throughput at all.


  6. In practice, a large number of locks is often desirable for maximum throughput.


  7. Think of the throughput as a measure of the total traffic or data passing through that highway in a given time period.


  8. After a few puffs to develop an ash, and while continuing to draw, tamp the tobacco down evenly all around the bowl with a tamper.


  9. Squint just a little and you're looking at some MBPs in an Apple Store.


  1. 天然气吞吐

    cyclic nature gas injection.

  2. 港口吞吐能力

    harbour capacity

  3. 蒸汽吞吐试验

    steam huff and puff test

  4. 吞吐基础货币

    adjustment of monetary base

  5. 蒸汽吞吐工艺

    steam huff and puff technology

  6. 港口吞吐情况

    Basic Statistics On Cargo Handled at Ports

  7. 吞吐率公平

    throughput fair.

  8. 吞吐率模型

    throughput model.

  9. 网络吞吐率

    network throughput.

  10. 蒸汽吞吐井

    Steam Huff Puff Oil Wells

  11. 业务吞吐率

    business throughput rate.

  12. 氮气与蒸汽吞吐

    nitrogen and steam stimulation

  13. 化学剂吞吐技术

    chemicals huff and puff technique

  14. 信息吞吐率

    rate of information throughput.

  15. 吞吐剂配方

    formulation of huff and puff agent.

  16. 设计年吞吐能力

    With a designed annual handling capacity

  17. 跑道吞吐能力。跑道吞吐量

    runway capacity

  18. 单井注气吞吐

    Single well gas injection swallowing spitting plug removal.

  19. 信息周转率, 信息吞吐率

    RIT Rate of Information Throughput

  20. 国债买卖吞吐基础货币

    basic currency for national bond sales and buying

  21. 网络数据包吞吐率

    network packet passed ratio

  22. 响应速度和吞吐率

    response speed and throughput

  23. 困窘使演讲人话语吞吐。

    Embarrassment caused the speaker to hesitate.

  24. 注水吞吐采油机理研究

    Study of oil production mechanism by waterflood stimulation

  25. 集装箱码头吞吐能力探析

    A Study on Container Terminal Throughput Capacity

  26. 集装箱码头合理吞吐能力探讨

    On the Reasonable Throughput Capacity of Container Terminals

  27. 厦门港集装箱吞吐排名上升

    Xiamen Port rises in container traffic league table

  28. 蒸汽化学吞吐的能量平衡方程

    The Energy Balance Equation of Steam Injection With Chemicals.

  29. 稠油蒸汽吞吐热裂解行为研究

    Study on the thermal cracking of heavy oil during steam soak

  30. 稠油微生物多轮次吞吐技术研究

    Multicyclic Microbes HuffPuff for Improving Heavy Oil Recovery in Liaohe Oil Fields


  1. 问:吞吐拼音怎么拼?吞吐的读音是什么?吞吐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吞吐的读音是tūntǔ,吞吐翻译成英文是 handle; hesitant

  2. 问:吞吐量拼音怎么拼?吞吐量的读音是什么?吞吐量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吞吐量的读音是tūntǔliàng,吞吐量翻译成英文是 handling capacity; the volume of freight handl...

  3. 问:吞吐时间拼音怎么拼?吞吐时间的读音是什么?吞吐时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吞吐时间的读音是tūn tǔ shí jiān,吞吐时间翻译成英文是 throughput time

  4. 问:吞吐能力拼音怎么拼?吞吐能力的读音是什么?吞吐能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吞吐能力的读音是tūn tǔ néng lì,吞吐能力翻译成英文是 throughout capacity

  5. 问:吞吐量分析拼音怎么拼?吞吐量分析的读音是什么?吞吐量分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吞吐量分析的读音是tūn tǔ liàng fēn xī,吞吐量分析翻译成英文是 throughput analysis

  6. 问:吞吐量等级协商拼音怎么拼?吞吐量等级协商的读音是什么?吞吐量等级协商翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吞吐量等级协商的读音是tūn tǔ liàng děng jí xié shāng,吞吐量等级协商翻译成英文是 throughput class negotiation


