


1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……


1. 囊 [náng]2. 囊 [nāng]囊 [náng]口袋:药~。探~取物。~空如洗。~括。〔~生〕藏语,中国西藏农奴主家的奴隶。亦称“朗生”。像口袋的东西:胆~。胶~。~肿。囊 [nāng]〔~膪〕猪的乳部肥而松软的肉。〔~揣〕a.……



汉语拼音:xíng náng







  1. 出行时所带的钱袋。

    宋 洪迈 《夷坚志补·蔡州小道人》:“吾行囊元不乏钱。” 明 邵璨 《香囊记·途叙》:“谁道人离乡贱,宝剑青毡,行囊儘餘沽酒钱,何处卸行躔,向 长安 都市眠。”《儿女英雄传》第五回:“世间可有个行囊里装着两三千银子去找馆地当师爷的么?”

  2. 借指出行时所带的钱。

    元 柯丹邱 《荆钗记·分别》:“随身不虑无琴剑,虑只虑行囊缺欠。”

  3. 行李。

    元 石子章 《竹坞听琴》第一折:“你行囊在何处?”《西游记》第五三回:“ 唐三藏 攀鞍上马, 沙和尚 挑着行囊。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·坎坷记愁》:“﹝余﹞因是于行囊之外,转得吾父所遗图书、砚臺、笔筒数件。” 杨朔 《雪花飘在满洲》:“他踌蹰在车站里,终于提着简单的行囊走到他舅父那里。”参见“ 行李 ”。



  1. My children got on the train without many luggage, if I can put the beautiful memories in their baggage, I will be so happy.


  2. The following week I packed up and decided to hit the road and get out of that city of ignorance which is the modern city.


  3. My child hasn't baggage with him when he get on, I will be happy if I can give him nice memory in his baggage.


  4. In London he revealed to the Financial Times that he was carrying Smith's "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" in his suitcase.


  5. Carrying a backpack, i feel as if i was still preparing for senior high school, but actually my university life is starting.


  6. Would pack up and go . And there was this kind of sense of the nomad in him .


  7. For many years after retirement is the desire to carry luggage, walk the Quartet, as easily as some of you, free and easy.


  8. People began to leave, and soon I was reluctantly packing my bags, too.


  9. I sat down, case began with twilight, I started so and unable to part from.


  1. 他们打点行囊,回家了。

    They packed up and went home.

  2. 奥森收拾行囊准备离去

    Orson packed his bags.

  3. 旅行者肩负着沉重的行囊。

    The traveler was shouldering a heavy bag.

  4. 我整理行囊搬到英格兰。

    I packed my bags and I moved to England.

  5. 乐队弹奏着背起行囊走天涯

    And the band played Waltzing Matilda

  6. 我背上我的大行囊往外走。

    My back pack out of my big walk.

  7. 只有乐队演奏背起行囊走天涯

    But the band plays Waltzing Matilda

  8. 背着他的行囊跋涉了三十英里

    Walking thirty miles with a pack on his back

  9. 于是我和儿子拿起背包行囊便走。

    Then I and son take knapsack to traveling bag to go.

  10. 然后他在中意的地方放下了他的行囊

    And he put down his load where he thought it was the best

  11. 我星期六打点行囊, 你能帮我一把吗?

    Could you give me a hand packing on saturday?

  12. 你这被围困的城池, 快从地上拾起你的行囊!

    Gather up thy shame out of the land, thou that dwellest in a siege.

  13. 我们打开行囊, 布置陈设, 一直忙了一两天。

    For a day or two we were busily employed in unpacking and laying out our property to the best advantage.

  14. 对我, 再也没有背起行囊走天涯的日子了

    No more waltzing Matilda for me

  15. 我们背上行囊, 登上冒险得征程, 只为找到舒心得爱。

    We put on our backpack for our adventure for the love of ease.

  16. 拉法走了,列拉决定放下行囊留在利物浦。

    Albert Riera is ready to stay at Liverpool now Rafa Benitez has left the club.

  17. 我们背上行囊,登上冒险的征程,只为找到舒心的爱。

    We put on our backpack for our adventure for the love of ease.

  18. 我很不情愿地收拾好行囊,然后我们驱车向北开去。

    With appallingly bad grace I packed up and we drove north.

  19. 终于可以放下行囊,去聆听那叮咚的山泉和心跳的声音!

    Finally, we can put off the bags to listen to the sound of hill spring and heart beating.

  20. 给你一个机会自个儿背个行囊走遍大江南北,去不去

    No fXXking way. Im a LUX traveller.

  21. 如果我能在子嗣的行囊中留下美好的回忆,我会感到幸福。

    I would feel blessed if I could leave in my children's travelling bag any beautiful memory.

  22. 有时候, 我真想收拾我得行囊, 躲到一处热带海滨去度假。

    Sometimes, I just want to pack my bags and go a getaway to a tropical beach.

  23. 有时候, 我真想收拾我的行囊, 躲到一处热带海滨去度假。

    Sometimes, I just want to pack my bags and go a getaway to a tropical beach.

  24. 到家里头,打点行囊包裹,上京赶考。你不想你自个儿怎么去呀

    Home attends Beijing special package rbis. Don't you think you alone how go to?

  25. 到家里头, 打点行囊包裹, 上京赶考。你不想你自个儿如何去呀?

    Home, bags, attends Beijing special package rbis. Don't you think you alone how go to?

  26. 我打点起行囊,把它们装进一辆小面包车内,便上路向科罗拉多进发,去作一名野外训练项目教练。

    I packed my stuff into a U-Haul and headed to Colorado to become an instructor at Outward Bound, the wilderness-education program.


  1. 问:行囊拼音怎么拼?行囊的读音是什么?行囊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:行囊的读音是xíngnáng,行囊翻译成英文是 travel bag; luggage




拼音:xíng náng释义:[wallet;travelling bag] 出行时所带的装行李的袋子或背包