









汉语拼音:huái guān jié



  1. Body on the right to force the main active ankle, pushing the body to throw the direction of lower limb rotation.

  2. But his massive stature was also the cause of the wear and tear on his leg and ankle that forced him to retire.

  3. We can also cut the sleeves of an old sweater to a suitable length and slip them around our ankles to make a pair of warm covers.

  4. Members of the unit shot him in the ankle, and medics treated him at the scene.

  5. Allow the leg to stretch down to the ground, but keep your body straight. You could add ankle weights to help the stretch.

  6. The German, who has undergone surgery on an injured ankle, is now ineligible to play in the competition until the knock-out stage.

  7. The best way I found to stop the cramp is to stand up, keep your foot flat, then push your ankle back and your knee forward.

  8. We report an unusual demonstration of a fistulous gas communication between the ankle joint and ganglion of the medial malleolus.

  9. Ankle fractures are a frequently seen injury in both the general population and also occur frequently in contact sports.


  1. 踝关节, 脚踝骱

    ankle joint

  2. 运动膝, 踝关节损伤

    injury in knee and ankle in sport

  3. 我想我踝关节扭伤了。

    I think I have sprained my ankle.

  4. 踝关节脱位徒手复位术

    Close reduction for dislocation of ankle joint

  5. 戴上加强踝关节力量的支架。

    A brace worn to strengthen the ankle.

  6. 踝骨脱, 踝关节脱位, 脚盘出臼, 脚踝骱出

    dislocation of ankle joint

  7. 穴在踝关节前骨节分解凹陷中。

    The point is in the anterior articular depression of the ankle joint.

  8. 踝关节和腿骨相连, 一起构成踝骨。

    The ankle bone articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle bones.

  9. 她笨重地摔了一跤,摔断了踝关节。

    She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle.

  10. 目的探讨分析踝关节的手术治疗方法。

    Objective To discuss and analyze the method of operative treatment of anklebone.

  11. 在这种情况下,这些关节是髋,膝和踝关节。

    In this situation these joints are the hip, knee, and ankle.

  12. 踏板蹬伸阶段膝、踝关节伸展不充分。

    Their knee joint anklebone don't stretch well in the footplate period.

  13. 踝关节被动伸展性抗阻功能训练研究

    Study on Resistive Functional Training of Passive Spread of Ankle Joint

  14. 踝关节扭伤大约占所有受伤情况的一半。

    Ankle sprains accounted for about half of all injuries.

  15. 踝关节扭伤大约占所有受伤情况得一半。

    Ankle sprains accounted for about half of all injuries.

  16. 最后, 她踝关节得踝骨形状像我们祖先得。

    Finally, the tarsus bone in her ankle is shaped like our ancestors.

  17. 最后,她踝关节的踝骨形状像我们祖先的。

    Finally, the tarsus bone in her ankle is shaped like our ancestors.

  18. 武术运动员膝、踝关节柔韧性训练的探讨

    On the Training of Flexibility of Knees and Ankles of Athletes

  19. 踝关节扭伤处理不当常导致慢性踝关节不稳定。

    The sprain of ankle could result in chronic instability without appropriate treatment.

  20. 目的探讨正确处理踝关节骨折的治疗方法。

    Objective To discuss the therapy method of ankle joint fracture.

  21. 竞技体操运动员踝关节损伤的机制与防治

    Mechanism and prevention of ankle joint injury of competitive gymnastics athletes

  22. 尽管她摔得老远, 但只扭伤了踝关节。

    The only injury to her ankle was a bad sprain, despite the distance she had fallen.

  23. 主动式踝关节假肢的位置伺服系统研究

    Research on the Position Servo System of Powered Ankle Prosthesis.

  24. 本病主要累及跖趾关节及踝关节,也可累及膝关节。

    Joint of this foot of Zhi of ill main drag in reachs gambrel, also but drag in knee joint.

  25. 相反,踝关节、腕关节和胸骨注射似乎不那么安全。

    Conversely, ankle, wrist, and sternum injections appear to be less safe.

  26. 这和你的假体踝关节的有力程度 没有关系。

    It does not matter how powerful your prosthetic ankle is.

  27. 恢复了腓骨的解剖连续,促进踝关节的稳定性。

    Repair the anatomical continuation of fibula and is good for ankle joint stability.

  28. 少年从事举重运动对踝关节形态结构的影响

    The Effect on the Shape Structure of the Ankle Joints for Children Weightlifters

  29. 采用踝关节骨关节炎评分评价治疗后初步结果。

    The primary outcome measurement was the ankle osteoarthritis score.

  30. 脑损伤昏迷患者踝关节康复护理的临床意义

    Clinical meaning of rehabilitation nursing of ankle joint for brain injured and comatose patients


  1. 问:踝关节拼音怎么拼?踝关节的读音是什么?踝关节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:踝关节的读音是huái guān jié,踝关节翻译成英文是 ankle joint

  2. 问:踝关节囊拼音怎么拼?踝关节囊的读音是什么?踝关节囊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:踝关节囊的读音是huái guān jié náng,踝关节囊翻译成英文是 capsule of ankle joint

  3. 问:踝关节影像拼音怎么拼?踝关节影像的读音是什么?踝关节影像翻译成英文是什么?

    答:踝关节影像的读音是huái guān jié yǐng xiàng,踝关节影像翻译成英文是 mortise projection

  4. 问:踝关节扭伤拼音怎么拼?踝关节扭伤的读音是什么?踝关节扭伤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:踝关节扭伤的读音是huái guān jié niǔ shāng,踝关节扭伤翻译成英文是 sprained ankle



踝关节(ankle joint),由胫骨、腓骨下端的关节面与距骨滑车构成,故又名距骨小腿关节。胫骨的下关节面及内、外踝关节面共同形成的“冂”形的关节窝,容纳距骨滑车(关节头),由于滑车关节面前宽后窄,当足背屈时,较宽的前部进入窝内,关节稳定;但在跖屈时,如走下坡路时滑车较窄的后部进入窝内,踝关节松动且能作侧方运动,此时踝关节容易发生扭伤,其中以内翻损伤最多见,因为外踝比内踝长而低,可阻止距骨过度外翻。