









汉语拼音:yě mǎi jiǔ



  1. 网络
  2. yesmywine;yesmywine.

  3. com;yeywine.

  4. com

  1. 不用银钱, 不用价值, 也来买酒和奶。

    Yes, come, buy wine and milk Without money and without price.

  2. 在很多有执照的酒吧, 客人可以在店里喝酒也可以买酒带走。

    Many pubs are licensed to sell alcohol for drinking on or off the premises.

  3. 当瀚峰被支出去买酒的时候,母亲把同样的话也对思玉说了。

    The same message had been conveyed to Siyu, when Hanfeng was sent to buy a bottle of wine for dinner.

  4. 穷草莽连一口酒也买不起。

    The poor sod couldnt even buy a drink.

  5. 那个穷鬼连一口酒也买不起。

    The poor sod couldn't even buy a drink.

  6. 那个穷鬼连一口酒也买不起。

    The poor sod couldn't even buy a drink.

  7. 醉汉花钱全买酒。

    A drunkard a bottle.

  8. 现在他们也买车了。

    And they are now buying cars.

  9. 未满18岁者不得买酒。

    Nobody under 18 is allowed to buy alcohol.

  10. 你替未成年人买酒真可耻

    shame on you for buying liquor for a minor.

  11. 我从我妈那偷钱买酒之后

    And then again.

  12. 你也买份保险吧。以防万一。

    You'd better get some insurance too. You know, just in case.

  13. 买酒已经超过了免税限度

    We shopped til we maxed out our duty free allowance on liquor. They probably thought we had some kind of a drinking problem lol

  14. 你才14岁,不到买酒的年龄。

    At 14 you aren t old enough to buy alcohol.

  15. 您不仅买到了款式, 也买到了质量。

    You have get the quality there as well as the style.

  16. 我买了一辆新车, 约翰也买了一辆。

    I've got a new car and so has John.

  17. 然后她动员我也买了一辆。

    Then she persuade me to buy one.

  18. 我买了运动鞋,她也买了网球拍。

    We bought some sports shoes and Li Qing bought a tennis racket as well.

  19. 我总也买不到合身的衣服。

    I can never get clothes to fit me.

  20. 他们也买其他一些国家的汽车。

    They have bought cars from several other countries as well.

  21. 一百万元也买不下那件杰作。

    A million dollars could not purchase that masterpiece.

  22. 我能给我的狗也买点吃的吗?

    Can I get some food for my dog, too?

  23. 只喝白开水的人用不著买酒。

    Those who drink but water will have no liquor to buy.

  24. 我答应她我会给她也买一个得。

    I promised her I would buy one for her.

  25. 我答应她我会给她也买一个的。

    I promised her I would buy one for her.

  26. 碰巧,我自己最近也买了张书桌。

    As it happens, I have recently bought a desk of my own.

  27. 我也买了,刚放到冰箱里呢。

    I just got one too and put it in the refrigerator.

  28. 这东西你什么地方也买不到的。

    You can't get it anywhere.

  29. 这东西你什么地方也买不到得。

    You can't get it anywhere.

  30. 我也买了安全帽和自行车运动短裤。

    I also had to buy a helmet and bike shorts.



