





  1. 办事。

    《左传·文公十八年》:“先君 周公 制 周 礼,曰:‘则以观德,德以处事。’”《国语·鲁语下》:“朝夕处事,犹恐忘先人之业。” 唐 韩愈 《兴元少尹房君墓志》:“﹝ 房武 ﹞歷十二官,处事无纤毫过差。” 沙汀 《淘金记》四:“一个人信用要紧,我们又是才到社会上来处事的。”

  2. 六书之一。即指事。

    《周礼·地官·保氏》“五曰六书” 郑玄 注引 汉 郑司农 曰:“六书,象形、会意、转注、处事、假借、谐声也。” 孙诒让 正义引 许慎 《<说文解字>叙》:“《周礼》八岁入小学,保氏教国子,先以六书。一曰指事。指事者,视而可识,察而可见,‘上’、‘下’是也。”参见“ 指事 ”。



  1. These habits and attitudes that clearly put the principles of occupational jacket, making it a family feature.

  2. With a light touch and keen ear, she had spent decades chronicling the ambivalent desires of her self-absorbed cohort.

  3. Louie was then a tall, creative 16-year-old whose wild, curly hair made him easy to find in a crowd.

  4. What Joanne sends out with her Really Useful Attitude comes back to her a thousandfold and becomes a joyous, self-fulfilling reality.

  5. Henrietta was known for her discreet and even temper, but she must also have had sharp elbows.

  6. That's not to say I can't learn something from his way of doing things.

  7. You know, is in the attitude of doing things, make you feel and he has so much the same place.

  8. Machine troubleshooting is to restore that part of the normal working state, or to render the product quality requirements.

  9. People doing things, will have support on a certain subject, how much you can support the weight, it is necessary to bear much pressure.


  1. 处事粗心大意

    a negligent attitude

  2. 职员处事细心

    Proper handling by careful staff

  3. 处事极为失当。

    Get things badly out of perspective

  4. 处事方式可卑

    Has a grubby way of treating others.

  5. 他处事一向明理。

    He always does things reasonably.

  6. 聪明人处事精明。

    He knows how many beans make five.

  7. 他待人处事, 八面玲珑。

    He was smooth and agreeable.

  8. 迅速是处事之本。

    Dispatch is the soul of Business.

  9. 光明正大地处事

    playing fair.

  10. 他为人处事很古板。

    He's so set in his ways.

  11. 她不善于圆通处事。

    Tact is not one of her strong points.

  12. 他行为处事非常幼稚。

    He acted very childishly.

  13. 他为人大方,处事落拓。

    He is generous and unconventional.

  14. 他为人大方,处事落拓。

    He is generous and unconventional.

  15. 愠怒待人处事态度暴躁

    To behave in a grumpy manner.

  16. 要我轻松处事很难。

    It's difficult for me to be casual about anything.

  17. 他与人处事总是格格不入。

    He is ajar with the world.

  18. 新任领导处事方式的转变

    A Change in a Way New leaders handle Affairs

  19. 摩尔先生处事不够圆通。

    Tact was never Mr. Moore's strength.

  20. 我处事的方式有点认真。

    I can get a little serious about things.

  21. 第三, 待人处事都要公道。

    Thirdly, we must be fair and reasonable.

  22. 此时,氙灯进不出变态处事。

    At this point, Xenon lamp in normal work.

  23. 领导者处事灵活而不武断。

    Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic.

  24. 我还懂得一些处事的技巧。

    I know a thing or two about working a room.

  25. 他处事严肃, 态度却十分和蔼。

    He handles affairs in a businesslike yet friendly way.

  26. 坚持真理, 刚正不阿的处事品格

    Quality of holding firmly to the truth and being upright and above flattery in handling affairs

  27. 挑战自己的品行与处事的能力。

    Challenges of their own behavior and the ability of doing things.

  28. 公平即是公正的待人或处事。

    Justice is even treatment.

  29. 他行为处事就像个贵族似的。

    He behaves as if he is a noble.

  30. 舒尔茨先生处事之道正是如此。

    That is the way Mr. Schultz is.


  1. 问:处事拼音怎么拼?处事的读音是什么?处事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:处事的读音是chǔshì,处事翻译成英文是 to handle affairs; to deal with

