





  • 【解释】:狰狞:面目凶恶。形容面目凶狠可怕。亦作“面貌狰狞”、“狰狞面目”。


  1. I remember her bringing me up to a truculent and red- faced old gentleman covered all over with orders and ribbons .


  2. I held out my hand, and the horrible, soft-spoken , eyeless creature gripped it in a moment like a vice.


  3. Window above the fence is made of iron, the middle set with a face of grim skull indicate it is from a ghost house.


  4. A fearful man, all in coarse gray, with a great iron on his leg.


  5. This yellow wind monster, ferocious and sinister in appearance, roars its way into this city in northern China.


  6. Police were forced to abandon their cars and revert to their grim old armoured Land Rovers, themselves symbols of conflict.


  7. When I do, I find a grim-looking man stationed in a chair outside my door, glaring at me.


  8. Fills all sinister in appearance, who told us what human beings.


  9. Right, he's Uncle Fuh, a dirty-old man with Popey-like face, toothless . . . He sold real good banana, though.


  1. 面目狰狞的彪形大汉。

    A man of enormous size and terrifying aspect

  2. 面目狰狞得彪形大汉。

    A man of enormous size and terrifying aspect.

  3. 野蛮的长相凶恶的或面目狰狞的。

    Savage or threatening in appearance.

  4. 我见过的尸体多半面目狰狞。

    He hadnt really believed in it until Evil penetrated into his house and devilish forces have changed his destiny.

  5. 他眉毛浓黑, 生性冷酷, 面目狰狞。

    He was darkbrowed, grim and fearsome.

  6. 这些偶像各个面目狰狞,满是仇恨和愤怒。

    The faces of these idols were distorted and grotesque with violent expressions of anger and hatred.

  7. 你看他面目狰狞的样子,好像中魔了一样。

    Look at his savage face; it seems that he is possessed by evil spirits.

  8. 我们还经常以为李逵是一个面目狰狞的彪形大汉。

    We always think of Likui as a man of enormous site and terrifying aspect.

  9. 他那张破了相的脸,活象面目狰狞的复仇之神。

    His disfigured face was like some avenging nemesis of gargoyle design.

  10. 一个面目狰狞的陌生仆人从门口满腹狐疑地斜眼看着我。

    An unfamiliar butler with a villainous face squinted at me suspiciously from the door.

  11. 就是阎罗王狰狞面目,他见了都不会浑身发抖的。

    Even the awful presence of death struck no solemn chill upon him.


成语:面目狰狞发音:miànmùzhēngníng释义:狰狞:面目凶恶。形容面目凶狠可怕。亦作“面貌狰狞”、“狰狞面目”出处 清·吴趼人《九命奇冤》第13回:“另外还有两人……都是身材骄健,面目狰狞。”