




落下:~泪。减损,消失:~色。~价儿。遗失,遗漏:这一行~了两个字。回转(zhuǎn ):~头。~转。摇摆,引申为卖弄,耍:~文。~俏。~以轻心。~臂而去。对换:~包。~换。落在后面:~队。用在动词后表示动作完成:改~。戒~。……



汉语拼音:bá diào



  1. Lincoln takes the IV needle out his arm and calls Michael's name into the grate, Michael excitedly knocks back against the new metal plate.


  2. Choose a safe, quiet place to meditate. Turn off the phone. Put a "Do not disturb" sign on the door. Relax.


  3. In this law we would want it to say; for every lie you tell to the citizens of the United States we get to pull one tooth out of your month.


  4. Patient : How much to have this tooth pulled?


  5. And after we've learned to see the beauty in weeds, even though we have to pull them out of the garden, we can first admire their design.


  6. Had it been here the reader could have seen with what consummate generosity Bankim Babu had taken the sting out of that unfortunate episode.


  7. at every step the child should be allowed to meet the real experiences of life; the thorns should never be plucked from his roses.


  8. And I've got to go back to the dentist. Again. One crown to fit, and a possible extraction, which sounds less painful than it actually is.


  9. Let's Compare If the oven is not used for a long time, plug off from power source and place it in a airy and no erosive gas environment.


  1. 把插头拔掉。

    Pull the plug out.

  2. 把活塞拔掉

    And take the plunger out.

  3. 用力拔掉牙齿

    yank out a tooth

  4. 我达到拔掉它。

    I reached up to unpin it.

  5. 拔掉蛇的尖牙

    to defang a snake.

  6. 这颗牙得拔掉。

    The tooth will have to be taken out.

  7. 那颗牙齿应该拔掉。

    That tooth should be pulled out.

  8. 拔掉塞子, 把水放掉。

    Pull the plug and let the water drain away.

  9. 这颗牙齿必须拔掉。

    The toothll have to be taken out.

  10. 拔掉塞子,把水放掉。

    Pull the plug and let the water drain away.

  11. 拔掉冰箱的电源插头

    to unplug a refrigerator

  12. 我要拔掉你的头发。

    Ill unhair your head.

  13. 我要拔掉你得头发。

    Ill unhair your head.

  14. 鹅得毛拔掉了没有?

    Has the goose been plucked?

  15. 牙医拔掉了那颗牙

    The dentist pulled the tooth.

  16. 拔掉我的两个门牙!

    Pull out my two front teeth!

  17. 我拔掉了一颗蛀牙。

    I hada decayed tooth out.

  18. 拔掉我的两个门牙!

    Pull out my two front teeth!

  19. 牙医拔掉她的智齿

    The dentist extracted her wisdom teeth.

  20. 你必须把那齿拔掉。

    You must have you tooth extracted.

  21. 我把它拔掉了因为。

    I unplugged that thing in order to.

  22. 牙医将拔掉这只牙。

    The dentist is going to yank this tooth out.

  23. 他需要拔掉两颗牙齿。

    He needs two extractions.

  24. 你必须把那牙齿拔掉。

    You must have your tooth extract.

  25. 用镊子拔掉蜜蜂的螫刺。

    Remove the bee sting with tweezers.

  26. 牙医要拔掉这只牙齿。

    The dentist is going to take this tooth out.

  27. 请把录音机的插头拔掉。

    Unplug the recorder, please.

  28. 请把录音机得插头拔掉。

    Unplug the recorder, please.

  29. 我们得把那些野草拔掉。

    We should dig up those weeds.

  30. 您是否会立即拔掉插头?

    Do you immediately pull the plug


  1. 问:拔掉闩拼音怎么拼?拔掉闩的读音是什么?拔掉闩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拔掉闩的读音是,拔掉闩翻译成英文是 unpin

  2. 问:拔掉门栓拼音怎么拼?拔掉门栓的读音是什么?拔掉门栓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拔掉门栓的读音是,拔掉门栓翻译成英文是 unlatch