





  1. 犹在位;在朝。

    《国语·晋语》六:“吾闻古之王者,政德既成,又听於民;於是乎使工诵諫於朝,在列者献诗使勿兜。” 韦昭 注:“列,位也,谓公卿至於士献诗以讽也。兜,惑也。”



  1. It is possible that students were discouraged from printing, although we did not see any evidence of that.


  2. And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.


  3. The surface of the road shimmered in the heat of the sun.


  4. In the column, Valen detailed how the cruelty she experienced in her college sorority caused her to avoid friendships with other women.


  5. We stayed in Leh for a while before flying back down to Delhi where we were much safer. We enjoyed sight-seeing and going to the Taj Mahal.


  6. You gave us up to be devoured like sheep and have scattered us among the nations.


  7. And I will scatter thee among the heathen, and disperse thee in the countries, and will consume thy filthiness out of thee.


  8. Just as in an Excel table, formulas in an XML table are filled down the column when new rows are added to the table.


  9. Howbeit they buried him in the city of David, but not in the sepulchres of the kings.


  1. 在表中,数据排列在列中。

    In a table, data is arranged into columns.

  2. 在列上创建一个查阅。

    Creating a lookup on a column.

  3. 显示在列的上边缘的文本。

    Text to display on the upper edge of the column.

  4. 显示在列的下边缘的文本。

    Text to display on the lower edge of the column.

  5. 希望在列或列的组合中强制唯一性。

    You want to enforce uniqueness in a column or combination of columns.

  6. 我在列名单,看我等一下要去咬谁。

    I am in a list, see wait to want to who bite.

  7. 我坐在这儿正在列可以回收废纸的清单。

    I was just sitting here making a list of ways I could recycle paper products.

  8. 在列王记上和列王记下,他是统治我们的君王。

    And in Kings and Chronicles, He's our Reigning King.

  9. 连续映射的扩张,拼接以及连续映射在列紧集上的性质

    The extension and the conjunction of continuous mapping and its propertiesz on a sequential compact set

  10. 这对于在列分析过程中收集的频率分布也是一样的。

    The same is true for the frequency distributions collected during the column analysis.

  11. 用在列有人名的选票上划十字形记号选某人。

    Election where people vote for someone by marking a cross on a paper with a list of name.

  12. 我们正在列一份我们最不愿意嫁的十大男人的名单。

    We are making a list of the top ten men we would not want to be married to.

  13. 选择此复选框以在列的底部呈现具有脚注文本的行。

    Select this check box to render a row at the bottom of the columns with footer text.

  14. 禅师正在列一个清单, 深思熟虑想要找出谁淘气了谁乖乖。

    He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice.

  15. 在列内容中任何存在指定的搜索字符串处,对全文索引。

    Column return rows where the specified search string exists anywhere in the content of the column.

  16. 获取初始化值,并通过在列的首个元素上的操作来与其结合。

    Take an initial value and combine it via an operation on the first element of the list.

  17. 被列在候选人内

    to be included as a candidate

  18. 注脚列在书页下端。

    A footnote is made at the bottom of the page.

  19. 列在选民的名单上。

    On the list of electors.

  20. 扫罗也列在先知中 么

    Is Saul also among the prophets ?

  21. 扫罗也列在先知中吗

    Is even Saul among the prophets

  22. 阅读材料都列在阅读材料的章节。

    The readings all listed in the readings section.

  23. 阅读资料的缩写列在最后。

    The abbreviation key for the reading is given at the end.

  24. 我们接受列在这里的信用卡。

    We accept the credit cards displayed here.

  25. 我们接受列在这里得信用卡。

    We accept the credit cards displayed here.

  26. 请把我列在候补名单上。

    Please put me on the waiting list.

  27. 兹证明上列在本行帐户

    This is to certify that the above named account with us

  28. 她的名字列在名单的第一位。

    Her name headed the list.

  29. 他的名字没列在电话簿内。

    He is not listed in the phone book.

  30. 我的经验已经列在我的简历里。

    My experiences are listed in my resume.