


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……







汉语拼音:zǒng biān jí






  1. 新闻出版单位编辑业务的总负责人。

    曹禺 《日出》第四幕:“我姓 潘 ,我是 潘四爷 呀……我找总编辑 张先生 说话。” 袁鹰 《飞》:“作为总编辑,他既写社论、时评,也写诗篇。”亦省称“ 总编 ”。 孙犁 《秀露集·关于纪昀的通信》:“他是四库全书馆的总纂官,就是现在的‘主编’或‘总编’。”



  1. The editor-in-chief, Col Allan, had said the intent was to ridicule Washington's efforts to revive the economy.


  2. Chief Editor Colin Myler said: "As a final tribute to seven-and-a-half million readers, this is for you - and for the staff. "


  3. So you can say she was the designer and editor in chief, and i was the poor internship student working for her.


  4. Take a read of what my colleague Hannah Beech, TIME's China bureau chief, had to say in a recent magazine essay.


  5. Isabel Wilkerson won the Pulitzer Prize in 1994 for her coverage as the Chicago bureau chief of The New York Times.


  6. Adi served as the Wall Street Journal's Moscow bureau chief in the early 1990s and was eager to get back to Russia.


  7. Chen Tong, editor-in-chief at Sina, China's leading news portal, said there was no point being surprised about the crackdown.


  8. At the other end of the spectrum is the Olympian perspective of a former Newsweek bureau chief for Germany and eastern Europe.


  9. WIKILEAKS editor-in-chief Julian Assange might be unpopular with the US and its allies, but he's still mummy's little boy.


  1. 主编, 总编辑

    A chief editor

  2. 总编辑引言。

    Message from the Chief Editor P.

  3. 总编辑兼司长

    Chief Editor and Director

  4. 这里是总编辑室。

    It is here editor in chief's room.

  5. 瑞丽女性网总编辑

    Vice Chief Editor of RAYLI NEW MEDIA

  6. 总编辑兼司长办公室

    Office of the Chief Editor and Director

  7. 总编辑删节了某些文章。

    The editor in chief docked some of the articles.

  8. 报纸总编辑应是政治家

    The Editor in Chief of Newspaper Should Become a Statesman

  9. 在我担任总编辑的职位

    In my function as chief editor.

  10. 总编辑把稿子压缩了一半。

    The general editor condensed manuscript to half of its original length.

  11. 约翰李尔庭,金融时报总编辑

    John Ridding, the chief executive of The Financial Times.

  12. 我是赞比亚法律报告总编辑。

    I am the General Editor of the Zambia Law Report.

  13. 不,我是英语出版部的总编辑。

    No, I'm the chief editor of our English Publications Division.

  14. 由南华早报出版有限公司执行总编辑

    Managing Editor of South China Morning Post

  15. 报社的职员对总编辑的辞职议论纷纷。

    The resignation of the editor in chief was remarked upon by all the staff members in the newspaper office.

  16. 群言出版社现任社长兼总编辑范芳。

    Qun Yan Publishing House incumbent director chief editor FAN Fang.

  17. 发行量最大的报纸副总编辑也是妇女。

    The Deputy Editor for the most widely circulated newspaper is a woman.

  18. 总编辑把这篇报道原稿刻意雕缀得面目全非。

    The editor in chief embroidered the original story beyond recognition.

  19. 出版工作中总编辑决策活动的哲学问题研究

    A philosophical probe into the tactics of the chief editor in the edition and publishing activities.

  20. 我们得总编辑在办公室里, 可说是, 像个国王。

    Our editor in chief is, so to speak, a king in the office.

  21. 我们的总编辑在办公室里,可说是,像个国王。

    Our editor in chief is, so to speak, a king in the office.

  22. 是新纪囗元周报的总编辑,说房产税是不合理的。

    Zang Shan, chief editor of New Epoch Weekly, said that a property tax is not justified.

  23. 曾在中央电视台做新闻编辑,后任人民日报总编辑。

    Worked for CCTV as a news editing and then became an editor of People's Daily.

  24. 除此之外,胡女士的总编辑王硕也提交了他的辞呈。

    In addition to Ms. Hu, managing editor Wang Shuo also submitted his resignation, he said on Twitter.

  25. 我下楼去看秘密献花在总编辑那里有何反应。

    I go downstairs to see if I can find out how my floral tribute is playing with the editor.

  26. 本杰明雷德福是怀疑论询问者科学杂志得总编辑。

    Benjamin Radford is managing editor of the Skeptical Inquirer science magazine.

  27. 本杰明雷德福是怀疑论询问者科学杂志的总编辑。

    Benjamin Radford is managing editor of the Skeptical Inquirer science magazine.

  28. 她因善于取精用宏,而成了总编辑最得力的助理。

    She becomes the most capable assistant of the chief editor because she is good at selecting the finest from great quantity.

  29. 她因善于取精用宏,而成了总编辑最得力的助理。

    She becomes the most capable assistant of the chief editor because she is good at selecting the finest from great quantity.

  30. 中安社总编辑一行远赴印度参加国际消防研讨会及消防展

    Chief Editor of China Public Security Visit India Internatioanl Fire Exhibition


  1. 问:总编辑拼音怎么拼?总编辑的读音是什么?总编辑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总编辑的读音是,总编辑翻译成英文是 Contributing editor