





  1. 表示祝贺。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八三回:“闔城文武印委各员,都纷纷前来道贺。”《孽海花》第五回:“一来告辞,二来道贺。” 许地山 《凶手》第一幕:“今天是大爷的生辰,特来道贺。”



  1. I consider it a great privilege to say a word of hearty congratulation to Bob on the happy occasion of his birthday.


  2. While we were exchanging greetings, I began to realise the change in my friends' environment.


  3. In reaction to his victory, leaders in Brussels and Washington were among the first to congratulate him.


  4. They could even pat a player on the back to congratulate him for scoring a goal.


  5. The public also turned out to sign congratulatory guest books outside Tokyo's Imperial Palace.


  6. You two make a perfect couple! Let me wish you the best of everything!


  7. And once you make your first million, please send me an email and let me know so I can congratulate you.


  8. His tactics proved solid, and Dodonna was on hand to congratulate the young heroes of Yavin at the awards ceremony thereafter.


  9. Bingley replied that he did, and made his congratulations.


  1. 我向你献上道贺。

    I tender my congratulations to you.

  2. 我可以冒昧向你道贺吗

    May I venture to congratulate you.

  3. 无论如何,替我向珍妮道贺。

    Anyway, congratulate Jenny for me.

  4. 我想第一个向您道贺。

    Id like to be the first to congratulate you.

  5. 道贺的客人是我们的亲戚和朋友们。

    Our guests are family and friends.

  6. 你的确很有经验,向你道贺。

    You are really quite experienced. My compliment to you.

  7. 大家纷纷向那封新婚夫妇道贺。

    Congratulations showered on the newlyweds.

  8. 请允许我为您的晋升向您道贺。

    May I offer my congratulations on your promotion?

  9. 请允许我为您得晋升向您道贺。

    May I offer my congratulations on your promotion ?

  10. 嘿, 弗雷迪, 过来向比尔道贺吧。

    Hey, Freddie, come over and give Bill here a good slap on the back.

  11. 我们大家走上前向获胜者道贺。

    We all came up to congratulate on the winner.

  12. 我上气不接下气地向赛跑的赢家道贺

    I panted my congratulations to the winner of the race.

  13. 办公室里所有的人都想去医院道贺。

    Everyone at the office is about to head to the hospital.

  14. 彬格莱说他看到了, 又向她道贺。

    Bingley replied that he did, and made his congratulations.

  15. 人群涌上来向我道贺, 我开始把风筝收回来。

    I began to pull my kite back as people rushed to congratulate me.

  16. 你回来真是太好了, 就等着向你道贺呢!

    It's great to have you back. Congratulations are surely in order!

  17. 这顿饭真是太丰美了!我要向厨师道贺。

    That was an excellent meal! My compliments to the chef.

  18. 当我跟她道贺的时候, 她告诉我, 这个孩子是我男朋友的。

    While in the middle of telling her congrats, she told me it was with my boyfriend.

  19. 德怀尔船长向您道贺, 并请问您能否赏光上船。

    Captain Dwyer presents his compliments and asks if you will honor him and come aboard.

  20. 请允许我为您升为本部门得主任而道贺。

    Please permit me to congratulate you on your being promoted as director of this department.

  21. 请允许我为您升为本部门的主任而道贺。

    Please permit me to congratulate you on your being promoted as director of this department.

  22. 有些还坐在他们的屋顶上, 高声向我道贺。

    Some, still sitting on their rooftops, shouted their congratulations to me.

  23. 我当时以为,我的祖先会从天而降来向我道贺。

    I thought all my ancestors would descend from heaven to congratulate me.

  24. 一种握著手紧紧不放的道贺, 带来分享喜乐的福

    The handshake that lingers in congratulation can being a blessing of joysharing.

  25. 在的时候, 我很荣幸向史密斯先生表示道贺。

    It is my great privilege to say a word of congratulation to Mr. Smith on the occasion of.

  26. 在的时候, 我很荣幸向史密斯先生表示衷心的道贺。

    It is my GREat pleasure to say a word of hearty congratulation to Mr. Smith on the occasion.

  27. 他们甚至可以在球员射门时轻拍他的背部向他道贺。

    They could even pat a player on the back to congratulate him for scoring a goal.

  28. 切尔西的叔叔罗杰。克林顿,也带着儿子前去道贺。

    The bride's uncle Roger Clinton together with his son, showed congratulations to the newlyweds.


  1. 问:道贺拼音怎么拼?道贺的读音是什么?道贺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:道贺的读音是dàohè,道贺翻译成英文是 congratulate; congratulate sb.; on a happy occa...



道贺 dàohè [congratulate;congratulate sb. on a happy occasion]∶对某人成功或运气好表示祝贺,道喜 道贺他儿子毕业 [felicitate]∶认为幸运或幸福而表示祝贺