







  1. As if all the hard and easy, everything's injuries were not hurt does not itch, and they, even with a smile so bright!


  2. For one, it was near painless.


  1. 原因之一,降薪几乎是不疼不痒的。

    For one, it was near painless.

  2. 你以这种不疼不痒的轻罪关押一个重案犯?

    You're arresting a jailed capital murder suspect for a misdemeanor?

  3. 他不疼了。

    His pain slaked.

  4. 那根本不疼

    Oh, like that hurt.

  5. 不用就不疼

    Not if I don't use them.

  6. 不,我胃不疼。

    No.I haven't got a stomach ache.

  7. 突然不疼了。

    The pain went off suddenly.

  8. 拜托,不疼的

    Oh, come on. That didn't hurt.

  9. 疼不疼啊,肖恩

    Good. Good.

  10. 您排尿时疼不疼?

    Does your water burn or sting?

  11. 不疼,我踢足球的

    Nah, I play football.

  12. 不要叫唤了 又不疼

    Stop saying ow. It doesn't hurt.

  13. 进针时一点不疼。

    It doesn't hurt at all when the needles are inserted.

  14. 你确定我会不疼吗

    You sure I'm numb?

  15. 不用,已经好些了,不疼了

    No, it's getting better. It doesn't hurt.

  16. 她的伤口一点都不疼

    Her incision doesn't hurt.

  17. 很快病人就不疼了。

    Very quickly, the patient was relieved of his pain.

  18. 不疼,可是我总感到口渴。

    No, but Im always thirsty!

  19. 深呼吸, 压你的胸部疼不疼?

    Breathe deeply. Does it hurt when I press your chest ?

  20. 深呼吸,压你得胸部疼不疼?

    Breathe deeply. Does it hurt when I press your chest?

  21. 耳朵或太阳穴的附近疼不疼?

    Have you pain in the temple or the ear?

  22. 我的腿时而疼时而不疼。

    The pain in my leg comes and goes.

  23. 牙齿周围口腔溃疡,不疼。不好。

    The tooth vicinity cavity ulcer, does not ache. Not good.

  24. 手术很顺利, 她终于不疼了。

    The surgery went well and finally she was free of pain.

  25. 手术很顺利,她终于不疼了。

    The surgery went well and finally she was free of pain.

  26. 只要一个地方不疼就行了。

    One part's doing okay.

  27. 只要一个地方不疼就行了。

    One part's doing okay.

  28. 过来让我亲一亲就不疼了。

    Come here and let me kiss it better.

  29. 这种感觉很神秘, 但一点都不疼。

    It felt very weird but it didn't hurt at all.

  30. 我休息了一会儿,不久头也不疼了。

    I a rest for a while and soon my headache went off.