











汉语拼音:piàn zhǐ zhī zì








  • 【解释】:不多的几句话,极少的几个字。指零碎的文字材料。
  • 【出自】:晋·陆机《谢平原内史表》:“片言只字,不关其间。”
  • 【示例】:他的信每次总是~,从不多写。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作主语、宾语;用于写信等


  1. THE whole party were in hopes of a letter from Mr. Bennet the next morning, but the post came in without bringing a single line from him.


  1. 仅仅两字只差却带来了天壤地别的变化。

    There is only one word difference between them but it about lots of changes.

  2. 热这个字只在与流动或转移有关时才使用。

    The word heat has been used only in conjunction with flow or transfer.

  3. 诗是由文字组成,就只是字而已。

    Poems are made of words, nothing but words.

  4. 萨瑟兰必须只听到字而且下来去了他的裤子。

    Sutherland had to only hear the words and down went his pants.

  5. 萨瑟兰必须只听到字而且下来去了他得裤子。

    Sutherland had to only hear the words and down went his pants.

  6. 爱只有一个字, 而且决不重复。

    Love has but one word and is never repeats meet.

  7. 立正和稍息得口令只有一个字。

    The commands Attention and Halt are only one word.

  8. 立正和稍息的口令只有一个字。

    The commands Attention and Halt are only one word.

  9. 我们作为作家, 唯一拥有得只是些字和词。

    I respect that kind of care for what is being done.

  10. 我们作为作家,唯一拥有的只是些字和词。

    I respect that kind of care for what is being done.

  11. 任何结尾谦称用语都只大写第一个字的第一个字母。

    Only the initial letter in the first word of any complimentary close is capitalized.

  12. 上海络众商贸有限公司的经营理念只有一个字诚。

    The principle of Shanghai Luozone co., ltd is Honesty is the best policy.

  13. 爱只是一个字,直到有人来到你面前,并赋予它意义。

    Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.

  14. 分手,只有2个字!

    Break up, only have 2 word!

  15. 这封信只有3行字。

    The letter contained only three lines.

  16. 但是用笔写只字。

    But a pen can write only words.

  17. 而你只字未提过

    And you never said a word.

  18. 折子上的钱只是几个字!

    Once the money got into the book, all that remained were some scribbling.

  19. 折子上得钱只是几个字!

    Once the money got into the book, all that remained were some scribbling.

  20. 他掌握的词汇只有几百个字。

    He has a vocabulary of only a few hundred words.

  21. 他只字未提真是太傻了!

    how silly of him not to say anything!

  22. 你只须涂掉这个字就行了。

    You only have to Blot out this word

  23. 非常安静,只有汤米写字的声音。

    Deep silence save for Tommys pencilscribbling.

  24. 不,他只字未提那架直升机。

    No, he didn't say anything about a helicopter.

  25. 她还不如当初就只说个不字。

    She would have been better off simply to say,'no'.

  26. 他对他所看到的只字不说。

    He kept mum about what hed seen.

  27. 关于我们的谈话他只字未提。

    He never breathed a word about our conversation.

  28. 您好!四年前, 我只字不识。

    Four years ago, I didn't know a word.

  29. 主题演讲结束。仍旧只字未提价格。

    AM PDT Keynote concludes. Still no word on price point.

  30. 然而 媒体对这些事件 几乎只字未提

    Yet the media remains mostly silent on these stories.


  1. 问:片纸只字拼音怎么拼?片纸只字的读音是什么?片纸只字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:片纸只字的读音是piànzhǐzhīzì,片纸只字翻译成英文是 fragments of writing; a brief note or letter...


