




1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……



汉语拼音:zì zhuàn







自转 [zì zhuàn]
  1. 自行转动。

    《后汉书·张衡传》:“参轮可使自转,木雕犹能独飞。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·定势》:“圆者规体,其势也自转;方者矩形,其势也自安;文章体势,如斯而已。”

  2. 天文学名词。凡行星绕着自己的轴心转动,谓之自转。地球自转一周的时间是23小时56分4秒;月亮自转一周的时间跟它绕地球公转一周的时间相同,都是27天7小时43分11.5秒。



  1. The planet's spinning turns that current into a magnetic field in a system known as a dynamo.


  2. Support the upper body rotation by applying slight pressure against the front leg with your front arm.


  3. The earth is one of the nine planets. All nine planets go round the sun the same way. Each of them also turns on its own axis.


  4. THE STORY OF MY LIFE, Helen Keller tells how unruly she was as a youny child.


  5. Magnetism is, ultimately, the result of a quantum-mechanical property known as spin.


  6. Wouldn't we feel the earth moving if it were spinning on its axis, or if it were travelling through space in an orbit around the sun?


  7. Since the Earth's rotational axis is tilted, the Sun is directly over the equator just twice a year.


  8. If accretion takes place in eccentric orbits as well, the rotation will be prograde and of the right order of magnitude.


  9. The rotation of the original gas and dust cloud becomes the revolutions of the planets around the Sun and the rotation of the Sun itself.


  1. 银河系自转曲线

    galactic rotation curve

  2. 圆形自转挤奶台

    rotary dairy

  3. 自转角速度

    spin velocity.

  4. 银河系较差自转

    differential galactic rotation

  5. 地球的周日自转

    the diurnal rotation of the earth.

  6. 地球自转的方向。

    The direction of the earths axial rotation.

  7. 救援用自转翼机

    rescue autogiro

  8. 西向超自转

    westward superrotation.

  9. 自转旋翼机旋翼

    autogyro rotor

  10. 无限小自转张量

    infinitesimal spin tensor

  11. 地球一面自转,一面公转。

    The earth rotates and it revolves.

  12. 地球每天的自转

    the daily rotation of the earth on its axis.

  13. 地球绕轴自转。

    The earth rotates on its axis.

  14. 地球自转角速度

    rotational angular velocity of the earth

  15. 地球每天自转一次。

    The earth rotates once a day.

  16. 地球绕地轴自转。

    The earth turns on its own axis.

  17. 地球每24小时自转一圈。

    The earth turns on its axis once every 24 hours.

  18. 天体的形状和自转理论

    theory of the figure and rotation of celestial body

  19. 棱镜自转棱镜,速度可调。

    Prism rotating prisms adjustable in speed.

  20. 地球既公转又自转。

    The earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis.

  21. 汽车式自转旋翼机

    roadable autogiro

  22. 无机翼的自转旋翼机

    wingless autogiro

  23. 地球绕着地轴自转。

    The Earth spins on its own axis.

  24. 向世人证明了。太阳的自转!

    Proving to all. solar rotation!

  25. 闭舱式自转旋翼机

    cabin autogiro

  26. 太阳活动, 厄尔尼诺与地球自转

    Solar Activity, EL Nino Event and the Earth Rotation

  27. 地球自转对海岸流之效应。

    Effects of earth rotation on coastal flows.

  28. 地球的自转形成白天和夜晚。

    The revolution of the earth causes day and night.

  29. 跳跃起飞式自转旋翼机

    jump off autogiro

  30. 土星自转一周的时间是多少?

    How long is a day in Saturn?


  1. 问:自转拼音怎么拼?自转的读音是什么?自转翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自转的读音是zìzhuàn,自转翻译成英文是 rotate

  2. 问:自转型拼音怎么拼?自转型的读音是什么?自转型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自转型的读音是zì zhuǎn xíng,自转型翻译成英文是 selfer

  3. 问:自转极拼音怎么拼?自转极的读音是什么?自转极翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自转极的读音是,自转极翻译成英文是 pole of rotation

  4. 问:自转速度拼音怎么拼?自转速度的读音是什么?自转速度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自转速度的读音是zì zhuàn sù dù,自转速度翻译成英文是 speed of autorotation

  5. 问:自转週期拼音怎么拼?自转週期的读音是什么?自转週期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自转週期的读音是,自转週期翻译成英文是 Rotation period

  6. 问:自转基准轴拼音怎么拼?自转基准轴的读音是什么?自转基准轴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自转基准轴的读音是zì zhuàn jī zhǔn zhóu,自转基准轴翻译成英文是 spin reference coordinate

  7. 问:自转旋翼机拼音怎么拼?自转旋翼机的读音是什么?自转旋翼机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自转旋翼机的读音是,自转旋翼机翻译成英文是 Autogyro

  8. 问:自转状态桨距拼音怎么拼?自转状态桨距的读音是什么?自转状态桨距翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自转状态桨距的读音是zì zhuǎn zhuàng tài jiǎng jù,自转状态桨距翻译成英文是 autorotation pitch

  9. 问:自转状态转子拼音怎么拼?自转状态转子的读音是什么?自转状态转子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自转状态转子的读音是zì zhuǎn zhuàng tài zhuàn zǐ,自转状态转子翻译成英文是 free wheeling rotor