




1. 鸟 [niǎo]鸟 [niǎo]脊椎动物的一纲,温血卵生,全身有羽毛,后肢能行走,前肢变为翅,一般能飞:~类。候~。益~。~语花香。……



汉语拼音:yú niǎo







  1. 鱼和鸟。常泛指隐逸之景物。

    三国 魏 嵇康 《与山巨源绝交书》:“游山泽,观鱼鸟,心甚乐之。”《隋书·隐逸传序》:“狎玩鱼鸟,左右琴书。” 唐 韩愈 《海水》诗:“风波一荡薄,鱼鸟不可依。”参见“ 鱼鸟慕 ”。

  2. 指梦境。语本《庄子·大宗师》:“梦为鸟而厉乎天,梦为鱼而没於渊。” 宋 梅尧臣 《和原甫早赴紫宸朝待旦假寐》:“烛房犹照衣冠上,漏舍欲为鱼鸟间。”



  1. bait : Food or other lure placed on a hook or in a trap and used in the taking of fish , birds , or other animals .


  2. But, now that U. S. species from mountainsides to tropical seas are threatened by climate change, can it be used to fight a global problem?


  3. Rich in fish, its waters attract thousands of cormorants .


  4. One can observe comparable behavior in other vertebrates --fish , bird , and mammals .


  5. It is the ideal home for a wide variety of plants, fish and birds.


  6. Some people have cats and dogs in their houses. Other people like fish, caged birds, tortoises and even snakes, monkeys or lions.


  7. Killing a living animal, fish, bird or insect is an act of destruction.


  8. The number of fish, game birds, or other animals killed or captured at one time.


  9. Other people like fish, caged birds, tortoises and even snakes, monkeys or lions.


  1. 湖中丰富的鱼资源吸引了成千上万的鱼鸟。

    Rich in fish, its waters attract thousands of cormorants.

  2. 当时气候非常宜人,岛上森里密布,鱼鸟花草极为丰富。

    All that time the climate was so hospitable that the island was thickly forested and alive with fish, birds, flowers and grass.

  3. 是鱼与鸟相爱时。

    Is the love between the fish and bird.

  4. 蛇、鱼、鸟都是动物。

    Shakes, fish, and birds are all animals.

  5. 鱼,鸟和人类都是脊椎动物。

    Fish, birds, and human beings are vertebrates.

  6. 许多人在调色板的动物形状,鱼或鸟。

    Many palettes were made in the shape of animals, fish or birds.

  7. 另一些喜欢鱼, 鸟, 龟甚至蛇, 猴和狮子。

    Other people like fish, caged birds, tortoises and even snakes, monkeys or lions.

  8. 一次所猎杀或捕获的鱼,鸟或其它动物的数目。

    The number of fish, game birds, or other animals killed or captured at one time.

  9. 油轮漏油污染海水, 杀死鱼, 鸟, 是环境得大灾害。

    Oil spill is an environmental disaster which kills fish and birds as well as pollutes the sea.

  10. 油轮漏油污染海水,杀死鱼,鸟,是环境的大灾害。

    Oil spill is an environmental disaster which kills fish and birds as well as pollutes the sea.

  11. 尽管人类发明了飞行和航海的机器,但是人一直没有学会像鱼和鸟那样生来就能在空中和水里生活。

    Although man has invented machines for flying and swimming, they are never as well-adapted to air and water as the creatures born to inhabit those elements.

  12. 鸟和鱼饲料及药品

    feedstuff and medicine for bird and fish

  13. 吞食吞食。用来指某些鸟或鱼

    To swallow. Used of certain birds or fishes.

  14. 网捕捉鸟, 鱼或昆虫的工具

    A device for capturing birds, fish, or insects.

  15. 他们常猎杀野生动物,鸟或鱼。

    Often they killed wild animals, birds, or fish.

  16. 她发现他们以鸟和鱼为食。

    She found that they dined on birds and fish.

  17. 她发现他们以鸟和鱼为食。

    She found that they dined on birds and fish.

  18. 鸟或鱼的骨架是骨质的内部支撑物。

    The skeleton of a bird or fish is an inside bony support.

  19. 鸟,鱼,兽都集齐了,单是缺了象。

    All the birds, fish and beasts assembled with the exception of the elephant.

  20. 年幼的鸟, 鱼和爬行类动物都产卵。

    Young birds, fish, and reptiles hatch.

  21. 人类、狗和大象都是哺乳动物,而鸟和鱼不是。

    Humans, dogs, elephants are all mammals, but birds and fish are not.

  22. 并且即使是好的纯净泉水,鸟和鱼也在里面排便。

    And even the nice fresh pure spring water Birds and fish poop in it.

  23. 鱼鸟虫饲料

    fish and bird feed

  24. 海里的鱼, 空中的鸟, 地上的牲畜,

    Over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of

  25. 鱼、兽或鸟,一整个夏天在赞扬

    Fish, flesh, or fowl, commend all summer long

  26. 更常见的宠物有热带鱼、老鼠和鸟。

    More common pets include tropical fish, mice and birds.

  27. 鱼在游,鸟在叫,愿你天天哈哈笑。

    Fish in travel, the birds are singing, may you every day giggle.

  28. 就像鱼需要游泳或鸟需要飞 或鹿需要奔跑,我们需要行走

    Just as fish need to swim or birds need to fly or deer need to run, we need to walk.

  29. 三鸟柳穿鱼

    three birds.

  30. 因为没有一丝水花,水里的鱼鸟儿看得一清二楚

    Without a splash, so they can see the fish.


  1. 问:鱼鸟拼音怎么拼?鱼鸟的读音是什么?鱼鸟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鱼鸟的读音是,鱼鸟翻译成英文是 ichthyornis

  2. 问:鱼鸟目拼音怎么拼?鱼鸟目的读音是什么?鱼鸟目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鱼鸟目的读音是yúniǎo mù,鱼鸟目翻译成英文是 Ichthyornithes; Ichthyornithiformes