











汉语拼音:zhuì zhuì bù ān








  • 【解释】:惴:忧愁、恐惧。形容因害怕或担心而不安。
  • 【出自】:《诗经·秦风·黄鸟》:“临其穴,惴惴其栗。”宋·周孚《铅刀编·滁州奠枕楼记》:“乾道八年,济南辛侯(辛弃疾)自司农寺簿来守滁……民之居茅竹相比,每大风作,惴惴然不自安。”
  • 【示例】:大家都认为这是震南村第一个大灾难,愁眉苦脸,~。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义


  1. Jack nervously moves away from her as Gaines orders him to wait for his contact.

  2. At all levels of the company, as with any new drug launching, there was a mix of excitement, circus, nervousness and hope.

  3. My peace of mind is often troubled by the depressing sense that I have borrowed too heavily from the work of other men.

  4. These are a few examples, but you see the kind of financial matters that may have been on your mind.

  5. The men simply sat down and shut up, terrified of getting kicked out.

  6. But that may change. Mr Ahmadinejad has begun removing subsidies on bread, fuel and other items, reckoned to be worth $100 billion a year.

  7. But we found a skilful team , who hoisted it into place during a solemn and somewhat apprehensive ceremony .

  8. Easy to approach, but sometimes nervous if you come too close.

  9. Water use continued, and environmental exposures mounted, even as serious illnesses became disturbingly common among the population.


  1. 但是今天, 我惴惴不安。

    But today I was restless.

  2. 她惴惴不安地抽着香烟。

    She puffed a cigarette nervously.

  3. 你惴惴不安地顺海滩走上去。

    Uneasily you move up the beach.

  4. 她担心其后果而惴惴不安。

    Fear of the consequences preyed on her mind.

  5. 那男孩子惴惴不安地走向考场。

    The boy went to the examination room filled with apprehension.

  6. 他说话的声调显得惴惴不安。

    He spoke in a nervous tone of voice.

  7. 我们惴惴不安地展望未来的动态。

    We view future developments with some trepidation.

  8. 我内心惴惴不安,觉得那是我的过错。

    I had the uncomfortable feeling that it was my fault.

  9. 可以看出,俄罗斯还是有些惴惴不安的。

    By that measure, Russia still looks a little dicey.

  10. 令人惴惴不安的日子一天天地过去。

    The breathless days slipped by.

  11. 他因食品匮乏而变得惴惴不安。

    He was jittery over food shortage.

  12. 然而此后他变得坐卧不宁, 惴惴不安。

    But after that he became more restless and nervous.

  13. 我最近如临深履薄, 惴惴不安。

    Recently I feel that I am on thin ice, I am always anxious and fearful.

  14. 我最近如临深履薄,惴惴不安。

    Recently I feel that I am on thin ice, I am always anxious and fearful.

  15. 万物的生机却使许多人惴惴不安。

    The general revival of life troubles many people.

  16. 他对父亲的挂虑使他内心惴惴不安。

    His anxiety about his father preyed on his mind.

  17. 最使他惴惴不安的是他的所作所为被人发现

    What he feared most was to be found out

  18. 读者们,你们是否有提心吊胆,惴惴不安得经历呢?

    Readers, have you had experiences when you were on tenterhooks, struggling to deal with the unknown.

  19. 读者们,你们是否有提心吊胆,惴惴不安的经历呢?

    Readers, have you had experiences when you were on tenterhooks, struggling to deal with the unknown?

  20. 他暴虐的脾气让每个人都惴惴不安。

    His brutal temper made everyone feel very ill at ease.

  21. 他独自负荷着沉重的负担, 长期怀着惴惴不安的心情。

    He carried his concentrated burden and his perpetual suspense.

  22. 嘉莉在买这买那的时候, 心里总有些惴惴不安。

    In all of Carrie's actions there was a touch of misgiving.

  23. 他干上这一行纯属偶然,心中一直惴惴不安。

    He had adopted the profession by accident and practised it with misgiving.

  24. 而后, 林偌一家子怀着惴惴不安得心情往里面走了去

    And then, wood so a son keeps in idea an perturbed and redoubtable mood to go toward in walk to

  25. 而后,林偌一家子怀着惴惴不安的心情往里面走了去

    And then, wood so a son keeps in idea an perturbed and redoubtable mood to go toward in walk to

  26. 每2秒钟,每飞过一英里,深入敌后得我越发惴惴不安。

    With each mile we traverse, every two seconds, I become more uncomfortable driving deeper into this barren and hostile land.

  27. 每2秒钟,每飞过一英里,深入敌后的我越发惴惴不安。

    With each mile we traverse, every two seconds, I become more uncomfortable driving deeper into this barren and hostile land.

  28. 怀着惴惴不安的心情,我们朝着麦可尔这个磨坊小镇驶去。

    With a certain foreboding, we headed for the little mill town of McColl.

  29. 但当你被不断地往上吊,在顶端停止时,你就会变得惴惴不安。

    But this transforms into severe apprehension once you have been hoisted steadily skywards and are brought to a halt at the peak of the ride.

  30. 但当你被不断地往上吊,在顶端停止时,你就会变得惴惴不安。

    But this transforms into severe apprehension once you have been hoisted steadily skywards and are broughn to a holt atm he peak of the ride.


  1. 问:惴惴不安拼音怎么拼?惴惴不安的读音是什么?惴惴不安翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惴惴不安的读音是zhuìzhuìbù'ān,惴惴不安翻译成英文是 ill at ease


