



  1. 端午节的俗称。

    萧红 《生死场》七:“忙乱的叫卖童,手中花色的葫芦,随着空气而跳荡,他们为了‘五月节’而癫狂。”



  1. He was one of the three walking brothers who had stopped their walk to admire the May-Day dance in Marlott a few years before.


  2. Dragon Boat Festival will be called in some places in May Festival, Ai Festival, summer festivals.


  1. 我们这里每年五月节都有赛龙舟的习俗。

    It is our custom to hold a boating contest every May.

  2. 我们这里每年五月节都有赛龙舟的习俗。

    It is our custom to hold a boating contest every May.

  3. 我们这里每年五月节都有赛龙舟得习俗。

    It is our custom to hold a boating contest every May.

  4. 一九三五年, 政府将清明节订为扫墓节, 时间为阳历四月五日。

    Inserted in the calendar to make the calendar solar year. Used of a day month.

  5. 五月的科技艺术节, 是科学创新的擂台。

    The Science and Art Festival of May is an arena for scientific creation.

  6. 在五节那一天一位漂亮的少女会被选为五月皇后。

    On May Day a pretty girl is chosen the May Queen.

  7. 自五月以来

    Since May

  8. 五月的花朵

    The Darling Buds of May.

  9. 农历五月初五。

    May the fifth on the lunar calendar.

  10. 油桃五月火

    Nectarine May fire.

  11. 五月艾精油

    refined oil of Artemisia indica.

  12. 立秋七月节坐功

    July dhyana

  13. 五月人倍忙。

    And May doubles their haste all time.

  14. 四月, 五月和六月。

    A?pril and M?ay and June.

  15. 四月,五月和六月。

    A?pril and M?ay and June.

  16. 五月的第一周。

    It was the first week of May.

  17. 冬十月节坐功

    Octomber dhyana.

  18. 我们五月去度假。

    We'll go on holiday in May.

  19. 五月一日行吗

    Be first may ok

  20. 五月份销售额略降。

    Sales dipped in May.

  21. 五月熏香的风

    The warm breeze in may

  22. 国殇日是在五月。

    Memorial Day is in May.

  23. 她预计五月末分娩。

    She expects to be confined at the end of May.

  24. 阿根廷五月革命

    May Revolution of Argentina

  25. 五月里百花盛开。

    May is prodigal with flowers.

  26. 四月落雨五月花肥。

    April showers bring May flower.

  27. 三月, 四月, 五月和六月。

    March, April, May, and June.

  28. 他五月九号回来。

    He is coming back on the ninth of May.

  29. 他五月九号回来。

    He is coming back on the ninth of May.

  30. 婚礼订于五月五日。

    The wedding has been fixed for May 5 th.


  1. 问:五月节拼音怎么拼?五月节的读音是什么?五月节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五月节的读音是Wǔyuèjié,五月节翻译成英文是 the Chinese dragon boat festival