


上,升:~山。~车。~门。~天。~台。~场(chǎng )。~高。~攀。~临。~科。~程。~堂入室。踩,践踏,脚向下用力:~踏。踢~。记载:~记。~报。~载。谷物成熟:~岁(丰年)。五谷丰~。立刻:~时。“~即相许和,便可作婚姻。”进:~崇……




表示敬意的礼节:~手(古代男子跪拜礼的一种)。~忏。礼~。回~。恭敬地:~托。~谢。~读。~别。~谒(a.拜见;b.瞻仰陵墓、碑碣)。行礼祝贺:~年。~寿。用一定的礼节授与某种名义或职位,或结成某种关系:~将(jiàng )。~相(xiàn……





汉语拼音:dēng tái bài jiàng






  • 【解释】:指任命将帅或委以重任。同“登坛拜将”。
  • 【出自】:清·钱彩《说岳全传》第四回:“这沥泉原是神物,令郎定有登台拜将之荣。”


  1. na.
  2. ascend the altar and receive the appointment of general; (

  3. the emperor) makes someone the commander-in-chief [

  4. generalissimo]

  1. 约翰将登台表演魔术。

    John will come on the stage to perform a magic act.

  2. 约翰将登台表演魔术。

    John will come on the stage to perform a magic act.

  3. 今晚我将登台演出。

    I will appear on the stage tonight.

  4. 将拜占庭王国瓜分。

    Dividing the Byzantine empire between them.

  5. 今年夏天有些著名的艺术家将登台演出。

    Some famous artists are appearing this summer.

  6. 节目单上注明他将登台饰演马克白。

    He was billed to appear as Macbeth.

  7. 至第十三迭, 揭示谬误之处, 敬服将拜。

    To the 13th again and again, reveals the fallacy, Jingfu will Baidoa.

  8. 七将攻忒拜

    The seven against Thebes.

  9. 珀金斯先生将主持晚礼拜。

    Mr. Perkins will take the evening service.

  10. 赛门拜,萝丝。这将会是个甜蜜的复仇喔。

    Simon Come on, Rose. It will be sweet revenge.

  11. 牧羊人和智者将屈膝且膜拜他。

    Shepherds and wise man will kneel and adore him.

  12. 下午四点十五乐队将在大舞台登台演出。

    The band will perform on the main stage at 4.15 P.M.

  13. 下午四点十五乐队将在大舞台登台演出。

    The band will perform on the main stage at 4.15 P. M.

  14. 他将在此次活动中初次登台。

    He will make his debut during the event.

  15. 他将在此次活动中初次登台。

    He will make his debut during the event.

  16. 我将成为穿黑色衣服一族了,拜拜!

    I'll be the one in black. Bye!

  17. 你将会度过愉快的一天,我爱你,拜!

    You're gonna have a good time, all right? I love you. Bye!

  18. 其他的将对拜纳姆和姚的对抗感兴趣。

    Others will be interested to see Bynum and Yao go at it.

  19. 然后我将会要求伯母萨拜娜为我们翻译。

    Then I will ask Aunt Sabina to translate for us.

  20. 萨拜因将她那辆小型轻便车停下来。

    Sabine pulled up in her little runabout.

  21. 整个世界都将对她出类拔萃的美貌顶礼膜拜。

    The world was to bow to her visible beauty.

  22. 整个世界都将对她出类拔萃得美貌顶礼膜拜。

    The world was to bow to her visible beauty.

  23. 拜伦李和的传人乐队将抵上海演出

    Byron Lee and the Dragonaires head to Shanghai

  24. 他们之间的胜者将遇上我们和拜仁的胜者。

    The winners of that will face the winners of our tie.

  25. 如果当选,拜登将成为首位天主教徒副总统。

    If elected, Biden would be the first Catholic vice president.

  26. 然后拜德维尔爵士将亚瑟背到湖边。

    Then Bedivere carried Arthur on his shoulders and brought him to the edge of the lake.

  27. 你将得到的回报是巨大的,就算你礼了拜就离开。

    The payoff will be huge, even if you just pray and leave right after.

  28. 我将会长生永久顾惜我拜候此地留下的回忆。

    I will cherish my visit here in memory as long as I live.

  29. 他还说,副总统拜登将监督此计划的执行。

    And he said Vice President Joe Biden will oversee the implementation of the plan.

  30. 拜我埃及众神,你将臣服我们,见识高深的魔法。

    By the might of Horus, you will kneel before us. Kneel to our splendorous power.



登台拜将 发 音 dēng tái bài jiàng 释 义 指任命将帅或委以重任。同“登坛拜将”。 出 处 清·钱彩《说岳全传》第四回:“这沥泉原是神物,令郎定有登台拜将之荣。”