


1. 同 [tóng]2. 同 [tòng]同 [tóng]一样,没有差异;相~。~一(a.一致,统一;b.共同的一个或一种)。~侪(同辈)。~庚(同岁)。~年。~胞。~人(a.在同一单位工作的人;b.同行业的人)。~仁(同人)。~仇敌忾。……


行走:~兵。~行(xíng )。徒~。信~。闲~。固~自封。望而却~。踏着别人的足迹走,追随:~韵。~其后尘。~武前贤。行走时两脚的距离:~伐。~测。寸~难行。事情进行的程序、阶段、程度:~骤。初~。中国旧制长度单位,一步等于五尺。古同“埠……






事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……



汉语拼音:tóng bù diàn dòng jī






  1. So far, Permanent magnet linear synchronous motor as a primary drive source is one of the best subjects in this field.


  2. This thesis proposes the implementation of a permanent-magnet synchronous motor drive system for elevator applications.


  3. First, the configuration, characteristics and mathematical model of the permanent magnet synchronous motor are discussed.


  4. Most synchronous motors used in industry are very large horsepower and relatively low speed.


  5. The AC supply to the test motor is provided by an AC generator, which is driven by an inverter-fed, synchronous motor.


  6. And how to estimate accurately the position of a rotor in a dynamic situation to realize the sinusoidal current drive was analyzed.


  7. The reactance parameters of permanent magnet synchronous motors are the most essential to the analysis and design of motor.


  8. Transverse flux permanent propulsive magnetic (TFPPM) motor has low speed, high torque density and is widely researched as propulsive motor.


  9. Under the theoretical research of direct torque control system on electrically excited synchronous motor, simulations have been done.


  1. 同步电动机

    synchronous motor.

  2. 电钟同步电动机

    synchronous clock motor

  3. 永磁同步电动机

    permasyn motor

  4. 反应式磁滞同步电动机

    reaction hysteresis synchronous motor

  5. 永磁同步电动机电抗参数研究

    Study of the Reactance Parameters of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors

  6. 运动控制与同步电动机反应式同步电动机的运动方程

    Motion Control and Synchronous Motor

  7. 盘式无铁心永磁同步电动机设计

    The Design of Disk type Coreless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

  8. 仪表用磁滞同步电动机的设计和制造

    Design and Manufacture of Hysteresis Synchronous Motor for Instrument

  9. 高效永磁同步电动机的技术开发和应用

    Technology Development and Application of Energy Efficient Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

  10. 爪极永磁同步电动机脉动转矩的计算

    Calculation of Cogging Torque in Claw Pole Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors

  11. 稀土永磁同步电动机隔磁磁桥的设计研究

    Study on the Design of Flux Barrier of Rare earth Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor.

  12. 永磁式同步电动机矢量图的分析与应用

    An Analysis of Vector Diagrams of Synchronous Motor with Permanent Magnet Fields and Its Applications

  13. 高起动转矩高效率的稀土永磁同步电动机

    High Starting Torque and High Efficiency REPM Synchronous Motor

  14. 永磁同步电动机系统的能控性与能观性分析

    Controllability and Observability of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine System

  15. 永磁同步电动机空载电势最佳取值问题研究

    On Selection of Back emf of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

  16. 钕铁硼稀土材料在永磁同步电动机中的应用

    Application of Xd Fe B Permanent Magnetie Mate Material for Synchronous Motor

  17. 永磁同步电动机混沌系统条件负反馈控制研究

    Research on Conditioned Negative Feedback Controlling Chaos in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

  18. 脉振磁场永磁低速同步电动机起动转矩分析

    Analysis of Starting Torque for Pulsating Magnetic Field Permanent Magnet Low Speed Synchronous Motor

  19. 不连续定子永磁直线同步电动机运行过程分析

    Analysis on Running Process of Permanent Linear Synchronous Motors with Discontinuous Stators

  20. 本文旨在研制电梯用之永磁同步电动机驱动系统。

    This thesis proposes the implementation of a permanentmagnet synchronous motor drive system for elevator applications.

  21. 研究了永磁同步电动机的纳入轨道和强迫迁徙控制。

    The entrainment and migration control of the PMSM is studied.

  22. 永磁同步电动机在无齿轮曳引电梯中的应用前景

    Applied Foreground of the PM Synchronous Motors in the Elevator Traction System without Gear

  23. 直线同步电动机直接牵引力控制及无速度传感器运行研究

    Direct Thrust Control for Linear Synchronous Motors and Sensorless Operation

  24. 异步起动的永磁同步电动机发展现状与研究方法

    Development Status Que and Research Method on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine With Asynchronous Starting

  25. 一种新型同步电动机最佳顺极性投励方式的研究

    Study of a novel method for the best exciting in towards polarity of synchronous motor

  26. 本文旨在探讨无转轴侦测元件永磁同步电动机驱动系统。

    This thesis proposes a sensorless drive system a permanent magnet synchronous motor.

  27. 一种由试验结果求取永磁同步电动机电抗参数的方法

    A Method to Acquire Reactance Parameters of PM Synchronous Motor by the Test Results

  28. 轮毂式永磁同步电动机电磁转矩的数值计算与误差分析

    Calculation of Electromagnetic Torques and Error Analysis of a Wheel PM Motor

  29. 多相同步电动机用作舰船的推进电机有着广泛的应用前景。

    Polyphase synchronous motors used in ship propelling have a broad application foreground.

  30. 轴向激磁电磁减速式低速同步电动机辅相绕组设计问题

    Design considerations for the auxiliary phase winding of the axially excited vernier motor.


  1. 问:同步电动机振荡拼音怎么拼?同步电动机振荡的读音是什么?同步电动机振荡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同步电动机振荡的读音是tóngbùdiàndòngjīzhèndàng,同步电动机振荡翻译成英文是 synchronous motor hunting