



  1. 讨人嫌。

    《红楼梦》第二五回:“因向他悄悄的道:‘你安分些罢,何苦讨人厌!’”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四二回:“然而到了里面,我却不做什么正颜厉色的君子去讨人厌。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·怎么写》:“记得还是去年躲在 厦门岛 上的时候,因为太讨人厌了,终于得到‘敬鬼神而远之’式的待遇,被供在图书馆楼上的一间屋子里。”



  1. And although her mom is just as nasty as ever--some things never change--the two women have never been closer.


  2. No, I don't find the role of a censor pleasant - I find it amazingly disgusting - and I really hoped to avoid becoming one.


  3. The weather. The British weather is, at first glance, dreadful, ghastly, horrendous, outrageous, horrible, shocking, woeful, rotten, bad.


  4. And she would carry a very small dog in her purse to class with an annoying name. . . like Rajah.


  5. You know, if Dick weren't so obnoxious I might work a little harder.


  6. If you use Americanisms just to show you know them, people may find you a tadtiresome, so be discriminating.


  7. Back off , Kit. You know, you're really becoming a grouch .


  8. There was nothing offensive in their manner; they seemed quite unconcerned at the passing of the other people.


  9. Abroad, the Kaczynskis repeatedly misplayed their hand, making their country, once a respected ally, a laughing stock and a nuisance.


  1. 讨人厌的天

    A horrid sort of day.

  2. 别那么讨人厌。

    Don't be so pathetic.

  3. 很讨人厌的孩子

    a horrid child

  4. 讨人厌,却又顽固

    nasty but persistent.

  5. 多麽讨人厌的家伙!

    What a nasty little man!

  6. 你哥哥真是讨人厌!

    Your brother is a real pest!

  7. 没有,你才讨人厌呢

    It doesn't bug. You bug.

  8. 一则讨人厌的新闻

    Worse, worst a bad piece of news

  9. 对不起,我越来越讨人厌了。

    Sorry, I'm being a pest.

  10. 没看过这么讨人厌的人。

    Ive never seen someone so despicable.

  11. 讨人厌的家伙赶紧滚蛋吧?

    gettin'the hell outta here?

  12. 我怀孕时也这么讨人厌吗

    Was I that grumpy when I was pregnant?

  13. 男人中最讨人厌的是酒鬼。

    Of all men the drunkard is the foulest.

  14. 男人中最讨人厌得是酒鬼。

    Of all men the drunkard is the foulest.

  15. 你肯定觉得我的态度讨人厌。

    You must have found my attitude annoying.

  16. 通信室里那些讨人厌的东西?

    Of the nuisance in the communication room?

  17. 就当它们是讨人厌的小孩子

    as if they were a small, annoying child.

  18. 杰夫,你真是个讨人厌的怪人。

    You are a strange and disturbing man, Jeff.

  19. 杰夫,你真是个讨人厌得怪人。

    You are a strange and disturbing man, Jeff.

  20. 我姑姑有时候还真有点讨人厌。

    My aunt can be a bit of a terror.

  21. 那么为什么富人得孩子如此讨人厌?

    So why are rich kids such brats ?

  22. 那么为什么富人的孩子如此讨人厌?

    So why are rich kids such brats ?

  23. 医生讨人厌,攻击性强,死不回头

    surgeons, nasty, aggressive, unstoppable.

  24. 我不想做一个讨人厌的母亲。

    And I hate being the bitchy, naggy mom.

  25. 我不想做一个讨人厌的啰嗦母亲。

    And I hate being the bitchy, naggy mom.

  26. 难道你不知道你什么时候讨人厌吗?

    Shouldn't you psychically know when you're annoying someone?

  27. 我们见了面,我觉得他很讨人厌。

    We met and I thought he was awful.

  28. 这是我最好,也是最讨人厌的特点。

    It's my best and most annoying trait.

  29. 他说话很刻薄,动不动就讥刺人家,很讨人厌。

    He is a harsh speaker, often jeering at others. He's a nuisance!

  30. 他说话很刻薄,动不动就讥刺人家,很讨人厌。

    He is a harsh speaker, often jeering at others. He's a nuisance!


  1. 问:讨人厌的拼音怎么拼?讨人厌的的读音是什么?讨人厌的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讨人厌的的读音是,讨人厌的翻译成英文是 undesirable