




1. 都 [dū]2. 都 [dōu]都 [dū]大都市:~市。~会。通~大邑。一国的最高行政机关所在的地方,京城:首~。国~。京~。建~。美好:“雍容闲雅,甚~”。~丽。~雅。总:~为一集。居:“~卿相之位”。古代称头目、首领。姓。都 [……





汉语拼音:yún dōu chì






  1. 蒙古 语音译。意为带刀的人, 元 代用以名皇帝的侍卫官。

    《元代白话碑集录·加封颜子父母妻懿旨碑》:“云都赤 别不花 、殿中 喃忽里 等有来。” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·云都赤》:“国朝有四怯薛太官……中有云都赤,乃侍卫之至亲近者。”



  1. 网络
  2. ulduchi;ulduhi

  3. >

  1. 我们的孩子们夏天都赤着脚。

    Our children go barefoot in summer.

  2. 我们得孩子们夏天都赤着脚。

    Our children go barefoot in summer.

  3. 天空中连一片云都没有。

    There's not even a speck of cloud in the sky.

  4. 我们的孩子们在夏天都赤着脚

    Our children go barefoot in summer

  5. 并非每片云都能生成一场风暴。

    Every cloud engenders not a storm.

  6. 除了云蒸霞蔚得巫山之云, 别处得云都黯然失色。

    In addition steam cloud of Wushan Xia Wei of clouds, clouds have overshadowed elsewhere.

  7. 有些地方小孩都赤着脚, 穿着破衣服或面粉袋。

    There are where every child is barefoot, and dressed in rugs or old flour sacks.

  8. 每次她和他说话, 他都面红耳赤。

    He blushed every time she spoke to him.

  9. 但是并非所有云存储都是相同的。

    But not all cloud storage is the same.

  10. 满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪!都云作者痴,谁解其中味?

    Fantastic speaking full of page, Written with bitter tears, Everyone thinks the author mad, But who know the spirit of it?

  11. 我的心中飘着风和云, 都是回忆在我心

    It float breeze and clouds in my heart, is all to recall in my heart

  12. 我得心中飘着风和云,都是回忆在我心

    It float breeze and clouds in my heart, is all to recall in my heart.

  13. 整个早上都多云。

    It's been cloudy all morning.

  14. 任何东东都是云架子, 包括英语。

    Any thing is the cloud rack, include english.

  15. 云和船都被明媚的阳光镶上了一层金色的膜。

    The clouds and the boat are set on a golden velum by the sunshine.

  16. 任何事情都会成为过去的, 一切都会云淡风清的。

    Any affair will become the past, everything all would cloud the thin breeze be pure.

  17. 相信那一天不会很远的,一切都会云淡风清。

    I believe that day will not be very far, everything was clear Fengqing.

  18. 所有妇女都赤身裸体。

    All the women were naked.

  19. 雪和白云都是白色的。

    White is the color of snow and cloud.

  20. 高飞飞得几乎比云都要高了。

    Goofy is almost higher than the clouds.

  21. 甲丁和飞天云都惊奇地瞪大了眼睛。

    Jia Ding and Fei Tianyun open their eyes wide in surprise.

  22. 王石和马云都是我非常了解的朋友。

    Wang Shi and equestrian cloud are the friend that I know very much.

  23. 一天都是多云天气。

    It was cloudy all day.

  24. 你觉得整天都会多云吗?

    Do you think it will be cloudy for the whole day?

  25. 整个上午都是多云的天气。

    It's been cloudy all moring.

  26. 整个上午都是多云得天气。

    It's been cloudy all moring.

  27. 我希望每天都万里无云。

    I hoped that every day is the cloudless day.

  28. 夜很黑,星星都躲在云的后面。

    The night was dark, the stars hidden behind cloud.

  29. 但是, 我们目前的工作和想法都是基于云。

    But, our current job and idea are to be based on the cloud.

  30. 云计算和网格计算都是可伸缩的。

    Cloud computing and grid computing are scalable.

