



  1. 独自掌管;独自把持。

    明 张居正 《乞鉴别忠邪以定国是疏》:“谓‘皇上当独揽乾纲,不宜委政於众所阿附之元辅’,此则其微意所在,乃陷臣之机穽也。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·用傅文忠》:“﹝上﹞知大权之不可旁落……每遇事必独揽大纲, 文忠 承志行旨,毫不敢有所专擅。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·“公理”的把戏》:“女师大向来少有专任教员,正是 杨荫榆 的狡计,这样,则校长即可以独揽大权。”



  1. It would at least be better than if General Musharraf grabbed power, as he might.


  2. Crucially, power was to be shared between the parties in the assembly rather than being monopolised as before by the unionist majority.


  3. What was offensive was the veryidea an exclusive right to sell and use turmeric for the purpose of wound healing as claimed in the patent.


  4. He conjured a massive fire storm in the hall, trying to assassinate all who were assembled and seize power himself.


  5. His governmental principles were those of the Han despots - political authority centralized in one man, reinforced by a graded bureaucracy.


  6. Kim Jong-il looks set to be the last North Korean leader to enjoy a semi- divine status and rule the nation single-handedly.


  7. The prize that matters is undivided power: control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.


  8. "The technique" is controls the subject, causes it to obey to the dominant political political skill.


  9. He then unilaterally declared a state of emergency early in 2005, and assumed all executive powers.


  1. 独揽大权的法国总统

    Comments on French President Arrogating All Powers to Himself

  2. 中文爱要独占, 权要独揽。

    English Love and lordship like no fellowship.

  3. 总统废止了宪法,独揽大权。

    The President has suspended the constitution and assumed total power.

  4. 总统身边独揽能源大权的人物

    The president's energy czar.

  5. 爱情忌分享,权力喜独揽。

    Love and lordship like no fellowship.

  6. 在封建社会中, 皇帝独揽大权。

    During feudal times, emperors had a monopoly on power.

  7. 在封建社会中,皇帝独揽大权。

    During feudal times, emperors had a monopoly on power.

  8. 总统中止了宪法并独揽大权。

    The president has suspended the Constitution and assumed total power.

  9. 他一人独揽设计制作大任?

    And he's programming and designing them all by himself?

  10. 国家危在旦夕而出来独揽大权的人

    man on horse back

  11. 民众谴责工党政府试图大权独揽。

    People are charging the Labour government with bossiness.

  12. 那心灵的王国就将由你独揽。

    Then thou alone kingdoms of hearts shouldst owe.

  13. 不久, 他便独揽了整个国家的大权。

    Soon the whole country was under his sole dominion.

  14. 任何人不得在哈萨克斯坦共和国独揽权力。

    No one may arrogate power in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  15. 独揽权力是一种可依法惩处的犯罪行为。

    The arrogation of power is an offence punishable by law.

  16. 艺术家独揽了所有的创造性工作,投入了大量的心血。

    Thev artist does all the active work, makes the biggest emotional investment.

  17. 他要求大权独揽,以便于对国家队进行全面调教。

    He has centralised power so that he can prepare his team properly.

  18. 他首次在九年内独揽了重量级的三个桂冠。

    He united the three major heavyweight titles for the first time in nine years.

  19. 同时,由于资源独揽,英吉利是亚洲唯一的鸸鹋油出口商。

    At the same time, due to resource arrogate English in Asia, the only emu oil exporters.

  20. 这种制衡关系使政府的任何一个部门都无法独揽大权。

    These and other checks and balances ensure that no single branch of government exercises too much power.

  21. 起码它要比穆沙拉夫将军独揽大权好, 而他很可能这么做。

    It would at least be better than if General Musharraf grabbed power, as he might.


  1. 问:独揽拼音怎么拼?独揽的读音是什么?独揽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独揽的读音是dúlǎn,独揽翻译成英文是 have a monopoly on



词目:独揽 读音:dúlǎn 英文:monopolize  基本解释 [monopolize;arrogate] 独自把持 详细解释 独自掌管;独自把持。 明 张居正 《乞鉴别忠邪以定国是疏》:“谓‘皇上当独揽乾纲,不宜委政於众所阿附之元辅’,此则其微意所在,乃陷臣之机穽也。” 清昭连 《啸亭杂录·用傅文忠》:“﹝上﹞知大权之不可旁落……每遇事必独揽大纲, 文忠 承志行旨,毫不敢有所专擅。”鲁迅《华盖集·“公理”的把戏》:“女师大向来少有专任教员,正是 杨荫榆 的狡计,这样,则校长即可以独揽大权。”