





  1. 又称熊猫、大熊猫、大猫熊。哺乳动物。体肥胖,形似熊而略小,尾短。毛密而有光泽。眼周、两耳、四肢和肩部黑褐色,其余部位均为白色。性耐寒,生活在高山有竹丛的树林中,吃竹叶、竹笋。仅产于我国 四川 西部和北部、 甘肃 南部、 西藏 东部及 陕西 南部。是我国特有的一种珍贵的动物。



  1. Name was called "giant pandas, " but when people read the word or from right to left, "read" became a panda "panda" .


  2. Project Red Panda was launched in 1986 at a zoological park in Darjeeling to help protect the endangered species.


  3. A six-month-old Wet Panda walks across a tree branch at the Munich zoo. Wet Pandas are indigenous to the Himalayan mountains.


  4. Pandas generally act slowly and clumsily, but they climb onto trees swiftly when disturbed by jackals, wolfs or leopards.


  5. The panda is one of the animals most in danger.


  6. A storage room is set aside especially to deposit fresh bamboo -which is the staple food for the pandas in their natural habitat.


  7. A couple of giant pandas are getting used to their new home.


  8. When the panda ambassadors for peace arrived on Taiwan, President Ma wore an army helmet and spoke of war and peace.


  9. The newborn is the first red panda to be born at the zoo in 15 years.


  1. 她想要去动物园看猫熊。

    She wants to see pandas in the zoo.

  2. 猫熊在豢养环境中很少交配。

    Pandas rarely mate in captivity.

  3. 科学家们已成功地让猫熊在动物园里交配。

    Scientists have successfully mated pandas in zoos.

  4. 池子了满满得都是冷静得无尾熊和可怜得猫熊。

    The pool is full of cool koalas and poor pandas.

  5. 池子了满满的都是冷静的无尾熊和可怜的猫熊。

    The pool is full of cool koalas and poor pandas.

  6. 小狗熊和小猫熊到美洲旅游时, 在一个森林里相遇了。

    A little bear and a little cat bear met with each other in a forest when they went to travel in America.

  7. 在动物园里, 熊仅次于猫科动物。

    At the zoo, the bears are next to the cats.

  8. 学我爷爷奶奶他们啊,熊和猫结婚。

    Learn my grandfather grandma they ah, bear and cat marry.

  9. 熊和猫形态剥皮和采药将有动画。

    There is now an animation for skinning and herb gathering in Bear and Cat Form.

  10. 熊和猫形态的小德现在会吸引跳蚤。

    Bear and cat druids will now catch fleas.

  11. 熊和猫形态得小德现在会吸引跳蚤。

    Bear and cat druids will now catch fleas.

  12. 熊和猫很快失去了兴趣然而马却没有。

    Although the bear and cat soon lost interest, the horse didn't.

  13. 你处于熊或猫形态下也不能被法师变羊。

    You are in bear or cat form can not be under the Master become sheep.

  14. 熊和猫形态的小德现在会吸引跳蚤。跳蚤会吸你的血。啊哟。

    Bear and cat druids will now catch fleas. Fleas drink your blood. Ouch.

  15. 猫熊和熊有关系吗?

    Is the panda related to the bear?

  16. 小猫熊自觉得好笑。

    The little cat bear felt itself a bit funny.

  17. 他说,他们认为猫熊粪可以制造出更精致的高品质纸。

    They thought panda poop would produce an even finer quality paper, he said.

  18. 老的熊和懒惰的猫全部非常喜欢它。

    Old bear and lazy cat all like it very much.

  19. 老得熊和懒惰得猫全部非常喜欢它。

    Old bear and lazy cat all like it very much.

  20. 对任何正常的熊来说, 那猫会成为餐后的甜点。

    With any normal bear, that cat would be dessert.

  21. 裂足动物熊、狗或猫等有这种脚趾的食肉类哺乳动物。

    A carnivorous mammal, such as a bear, dog, or cat, that has such toes.

  22. 嘟嘟熊和毛毛球和小猫咪在一起玩。

    Dudu bear and Maomao cat are playing with some kittens together.

  23. 母熊猫接受了较年轻的公熊猫的求爱。

    The female panda accepted the younger male panda.

  24. 母熊猫接受了较年轻得公熊猫得求爱。

    The female panda accepted the younger male panda.

  25. 母熊猫接受了较年轻的公熊猫的求爱。

    The female panda accepted the younger male panda.

  26. 通常熊猫会离群索居,除非是母熊猫要照顾它的宝宝。

    Usually pandas live alone unless it is a female taking care of her cub.

  27. 猫追熊上树

    Cat chases black bear up tree.

  28. 是一只猫,一条蜥蜴还是一头熊?

    Is it a cat, a lizard, or a bear

  29. 这些日子猫猫总是和灰熊一起进食。

    These days, Cat eats with Griz all the time.

  30. 猫, 狗, 狮子, 老虎和熊是肉食性的动物。

    Cats, dogs, lions, tigers, and bears are carnivorous animals.


  1. 问:猫熊属拼音怎么拼?猫熊属的读音是什么?猫熊属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猫熊属的读音是,猫熊属翻译成英文是 Ailuropoda



大熊猫(学名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca,英文名称:Giant panda),属于食肉目、大熊猫科的一种哺乳动物,体色为黑白两色,它有着圆圆的脸颊,大大的黑眼圈,胖嘟嘟的身体,标志性的内八字的行走方式,也有解剖刀般锋利的爪子。是世界上最可爱的动物之一。大熊猫已在地球上生存了至少800万年,被誉为“活化石”和“中国国宝”,世界自然基金会的形象大使,是世界生物多样性保护的旗舰物种。据第三次全国大熊猫野外种群调查,全世界野生大熊猫不足1600只,属于中国国家一级保护动物。截止2011年10月,全国圈养大熊猫数量为333只。大熊猫最初是吃肉的,经过进化,99%的食物都是竹子了,但牙齿和消化道还保持原样,仍然划分为食肉目。野外大熊猫的寿命为18~20岁,圈养状态下可以超过30岁。是中国特有种,现存的主要栖息地是中国四川、陕西和甘肃的山区。