











汉语拼音:xíng xiàng sī wéi






  1. Duchamp also makes it very difficult to understand, visual image of his thinking, to break the visual image of our general mode of thinking.


  2. This chapter is to deal with the embodiment of imagery thinking in Capital as a way of presentation.


  3. Imagination is characterized by the appearance of the image way of thinking.


  4. thinking skills: innovative thinking, the image of a more broad thinking and logical thinking.


  5. Younger students, the lack of knowledge and experience, abstract thinking is not enough developed, but the image of the dominant thinking.


  6. Besides, the conformity of the fine arts teaching and poetry teaching should be well thought of with creativeness.


  7. The image of thinking whose basic unit is imagery and the basic form is imagination, is one of three basic patterns of thinking.


  8. Nevertheless, "bi" to be discussed in this chapter mainly refers to such ways of imagery thinking as metaphor, analogy and contrast.


  9. The impulse towards culture, the desire to express and explore the world through imagination and the representation is fundamental.


  1. 金形象思维

    Imagery thinking

  2. 物理形象思维

    physics imagine thinking.

  3. 形象思维科学

    thinking science in images

  4. 书法形象思维

    Calligraphy Thinking in Images.

  5. 论武术中的形象思维

    On the Thinking in Images in the Wushu

  6. 形象思维的视表象基础

    The visual mental image base for thinking by image

  7. 空间形象思维形式的研究

    Study on thinking forms of spacial images

  8. 形象思维模拟的可能途径

    Possible Approaches on Imagery Thinking Simulation

  9. 形象思维与科技术语翻译

    Image Thought in Technical Terminology Translation

  10. 形象思维与艺术设计创新

    Imagery Thinking and Innovation in Artistic Design

  11. 小说形象思维的隐性逻辑

    Concealed Logic of Thinking in Terms of Image in Novels

  12. 形象思维活动范畴之我见

    My View on the Scope of the Activities of Thinking in Images

  13. 版面构成中的形象思维问题

    On Thinking in Images in the Layout of Newspaper

  14. 形象思维中的相似和相似剩余

    Similar and Similarity Surplus in the Figurative Thinking

  15. 诗歌运用形象思维达意。

    Poetry conveys ideas by means of images.

  16. 音乐教学中的形象思维训练

    The Drills of Thinking in Images in the Teaching of Music

  17. 论形象思维的实质与特征

    The Essence and Feature of Thinking in Images

  18. 形象思维在钢琴教学中的运用

    The Application of Image Mode of Thinking in the Teaching of Piano

  19. 中学生科学形象思维能力的培养

    To Foster Middle School Students with Scientific Ability of Thinking in Terms of Images

  20. 艺术设计中的形象思维与逻辑思维

    Imaginary Thinking and Logical Thinking in Art Design

  21. 藏语藻饰词中的形象思维与逻辑思维

    The image thinking and logical thinking in analogic modifiers in Tibetan

  22. 数学直感是形象思维的基本形式。

    The straight sense of mathematics is a basic form of the thinking in image.

  23. 第三章语文阅读教学与形象思维。

    The third chapter is about Chinese reading teaching and imaginative thinking.

  24. 形象思维与精神科临床医学人才培养

    Training the clinical talents of psychiatry with image thinking

  25. 论创造性形象思维活动的机制与规律

    On the Functions and Laws in the Creating Thinking in Images of Human

  26. 略论物理教学中形象思维能力的培养

    Cultivation of Thinking vividly in Physics Teaching

  27. 礼记的入世思想刍议论礼记中的形象思维

    On the Mode of Thinking in Images in the Book of Rites

  28. 论形象思维与古诗英译中的意象处理

    Thinking in Images and Translating Classical Chinese Poetry into English

  29. 谈歌唱中创造想象与形象思维的培养

    On the Training of Creative Imagination and Thinking in Images in Singing

  30. 论形象思维在超弦理论建立中的作用

    On the Effect of Thinking in Image in the Foundation of Pro Theory of String


  1. 问:形象思维拼音怎么拼?形象思维的读音是什么?形象思维翻译成英文是什么?

    答:形象思维的读音是xíngxiàngsīwéi,形象思维翻译成英文是 thinking images