


感到耻辱:~耻。~辱。~恶。难为情,害臊:害~。~惭。~臊(sào )。~愧。含~。~赧(因害臊而红了脸的样子)。~怯。~涩。使难为情:~人。你别~我。进献:“~玉芝以疗饥”。同“馐”。……




1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……





汉语拼音:xiū miàn jiàn rén






  • 【解释】:因感到羞耻而怕见人。
  • 【出自】:《南齐书·刘祥传》:“司徒禇渊入朝,以腰扇鄣日。祥从侧过,曰:‘作如此举止,羞面见人,扇鄣何益?’”


  1. na.
  2. feel ashamed to see others

  1. 她人见人爱。

    She does enchant each one she meets.

  2. 真是人见人爱。

    She's hard to resist.

  3. 日久见人心。

    It'll get you further in the long run.

  4. 他见人就杀!

    He kills everyone he sees!

  5. 它真是人见人爱。

    She's hard to resist.

  6. 愧无面目见人

    feel too ashamed to face people.

  7. 这个孩子人见人爱。

    Everyone who sees this child likes him.

  8. 牛奶咖啡,人见人爱。

    White coffee is loved on sight By everyone.

  9. 活要见人, 死要见尸

    want sb. dead or alive

  10. 与世隔绝,不愿见人。

    Who hide themselves away from the world.

  11. 与世隔绝,不愿见人。

    Who hide themselves away from the world.

  12. 我真是没脸见人了。

    I'm so humiliated.

  13. 我真是没脸见人了。

    I'm so humiliated.

  14. 他见人就称赞她。

    He spoke well of her in front of every one.

  15. 几十里不见人烟。

    No trace of human habitation could be seen for dozens of li.

  16. 裸露的皮肤羞于见人

    Be bashful if anyone find me

  17. 见人迷惑要多方提醒。

    Remind others when they are deluded.

  18. 哨兵奉命见人就开枪。

    The guard had orders to shoot on sight.

  19. 他气急败坏, 见人就打。

    He lashed out angrily, hitting anyone within his reach.

  20. 小时候,他特别害怕见人。

    As a boy, he had a real terror of facing people.

  21. 别让我再见人这么干!

    Let me catch you at it again!

  22. 明镜照容颜,醇酒见人心。

    In the mirror we see the face; in wine, the heart.

  23. 别让我再见人这么干!

    Let me catch you at it again!

  24. 见人就献媚, 谁也不待见。

    Those who seek to please everybody please nobody.

  25. 我知道自己不是人见人爱。

    I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea.

  26. 你今天为什么见人就骂?

    Howard Why are you snapping at everyone today

  27. 我这身打扮能见人吗?

    Am I presentable?

  28. 我觉得这是罪过,没脸见人。

    I feel guilty and ashamed.

  29. 疾病使她冷漠,不愿见人。

    The illness made her apathetic and unwilling to meet people.

  30. 还有我四条眉毛人见人爱

    Everybody love my four brows