


1. 肖 [xiāo]2. 肖 [xiào]肖 [xiāo]衰微。姓,如元朝有肖乃台。肖 [xiào]相似,像:~像。不~。惟妙惟~。神情酷~。……


相似:好~。相(xiāng )~。~生(a.仿天然产物制成的工艺品;b.中国宋、元两代以说唱为业的女艺人)。比照人物做成的图形:画~。塑~。雕~。绣~。肖~。比如,比方:~这样的事是值得注意的。……





汉语拼音:xiào xiàng huà






  1. 描绘人物形象的画。

    鲁迅 《南腔北调集·看萧和“看萧的人们”记》:“但是,雪白的须发,健康的血色,和气的面貌,我想,倘若作为肖像画的模范,倒是很出色的。” 巴金 《三次画像》:“他的画完成了,送到 华东 肖像画展览会去了。” 李玲修 《笼鹰志·苍鹰上击翻曙光》:“ 王习三 的肖像画,更是维妙维肖。”



  1. I remember at White House, how I would hear that Roosevelt had groaned because still another painting of him had come in as a gift.


  2. Yin's portraits, comparing with his "public space" series, are more capable of bringing out his inner spirits.


  3. As yet there appear to be no images of Kim Jong-un to hang alongside the portraits of his father and grandfather around the capital.


  4. These paintings and others make a show of Manet's portraits at the Royal Academy in London one not to be missed.


  5. The Daily Telegraph newspaper said the drawing of Sarah Brown "bears scant resemblance to her" .


  6. It did not take long for them to fully embrace European portrait painting, and by the 18th century it had become an 'imperial tradition'.


  7. Explaining how to design a green complex is much like an artist trying to explain how to paint a portrait.


  8. Most pieces were commissioned portraits or religious iconography, and there was no need for explanation.


  9. So, as long as you neglect ground to read a portrait painting, you the meeting judge the big body ages of a work very easily.


  1. 油画肖像画

    portraits in oil paintings.

  2. 肖像画之王

    portraits king.

  3. 一张速写肖像画

    a sketched portrait

  4. 肖像画与相术

    Portrait Painting and Physiognomy.

  5. 肖像画得逼真。

    The portrait is a faithful likeness.

  6. 自动肖像画生成

    automatic portraiture

  7. 我喜欢你的肖像画

    I love your portrait.

  8. 木乃伊肖像画

    mummy portraits.

  9. 清代肖像画著述

    writings of portrait painting in Qing Dynasty

  10. 这幅肖像画十分逼真。

    The portrait is true to life.

  11. 画图画, 肖像画, 静物画等

    paint a picture, a portrait, a still life, etc

  12. 以家庭肖像画装饰墙壁。

    Family portraits were dressed on the walls.

  13. 这肖像画都是艺术精品。

    These portraits are great pieces of paint.

  14. 这幅肖像画已经在戏弄时间。

    Already the portrait is playing tricks with time.

  15. 这是我所藏的肖像画。

    This is a portrait of mine.

  16. 这幅肖像画的是我吗?

    Is this portrait intended to be mine?

  17. 主题是巴赫妻子的肖像画吗?

    The theme of his wife's portrait of Bach it?

  18. 其中一些肖像画使詹妮大吃一惊。

    Jenny was taken aback by some of the portraits.

  19. 你们注意那边的肖像画了吗

    Hey. Hey, you see these face prints over there?

  20. 我可以给你画副肖像画吗

    Can I draw a portrait of you

  21. 看到墙上的这些肖像画没?

    See these portraits on the wall?

  22. 这是他唯一的一张肖像画。

    That's the only portrait of him.

  23. 我提出给她画一副肖像画。

    I offered to paint her portrait.

  24. 这是一幅非常迷人的肖像画。

    It's a very glamorous portrait.

  25. 我画了一幅栩栩如生的肖像画。

    I drew a life like portrait.

  26. 他的美貌女子软笔肖像画非常昂贵。

    His soft portraits of beautiful women are very valuable.

  27. 他画风景画,而他的妻子则画肖像画。

    He paints landscapes but his wife paints portraits.

  28. 我本打算请人画一副肖像画。

    I answered an ad to get my portrait taken.

  29. 他的肖像画多线描,少晕染。

    His portraits have more line drawing but less vague dying.

  30. 他几分钟就完成了一副肖像画。

    He finished the portrait in a few minutes.


  1. 问:肖像画拼音怎么拼?肖像画的读音是什么?肖像画翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肖像画的读音是xiàoxiànghuà,肖像画翻译成英文是 the art or practice of making portraits, especia...

  2. 问:肖像画家拼音怎么拼?肖像画家的读音是什么?肖像画家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肖像画家的读音是,肖像画家翻译成英文是 portraitist


