




哺乳动物,肉可食,鬃可制刷,皮可制革,粪是很好的肥料:~倌。~场。~圈(juàn )。~肉。生~。野~。种(zhóng )~。古同“潴”,水积存之处。……



汉语拼音:ròu zhū






  1. You young porkers who are sitting in front of me, every one of you will scream your lives out at the block within a year.


  2. Then she saw her hog, Raw Head, slaughtered with the rest of the pigs and hung up for gutting .


  3. Although this is not a major stock - farming area , quite a number of beef cattle and hogs are fattened for the market .


  4. Yes, the host, viewers, I first in the legendary home of the father of pig, the fat man next to me is the father of pigs.


  5. This has almost become an unwritten rule of the beef and pork industry.


  6. Hoop-raised pork Disease can run rampant in factory-farm enclosures.


  7. One of the hogs was Raw Head.


  8. The necessary raw materials such as pig and meat chicken are in adequate supply locally.


  9. Cut the spareribs into 2. 5 cm pieces, marinate with soy sauce and wine for 30 minutes. Reserve soy sauce in bowl.


  1. 肉猪价位攀升, 养殖户应注意啥

    What producers should pay attention when pork price is increasing

  2. 那么,有多少人 见过一头活的肉猪?

    And how many people have actually seen a live pig producing this meat?

  3. 紫花苜蓿种植及草粉添加饲喂肉猪效果观察

    The Observation of the Effect on Alfalfa Rice Cropping and Grass Meal Raising Pork Pig

  4. 新型秸秆微贮饲料饲喂肉猪的生长动态研究

    Study on the Growth Dynamic Changes of Feeding Pigs with New Microbial Straw Silage.

  5. 肋条肉猪的腿与肩之间切下的肉或用这类肉腌成的腌肉

    Pork or bacon cut from between the ham and shoulder of a pig.

  6. 火腿肉从猪大腿上切下来的肉

    A cut of meat from the thigh of a hog.

  7. 牛猪午餐肉

    luncheon meat, beef and pork.

  8. 这肉有猪肉味。

    The meat relishes of pork.

  9. 邓莫腌熏猪肋肉

    Dunmow flitch

  10. 汤姆,去肉店买点猪肉。

    Go to buy some meat at the butcher's, Tom.

  11. 鳖肉忌猪肉,兔肉,鸭蛋,苋菜

    turtle meat bogey pork, rabbit meat, duck eggs, amaranth.

  12. 牛肉和猪肉, 你爱吃哪个

    Which do you like better, beef or pork

  13. 与牛肉相比,我更喜欢猪肉。

    I like pork better than beef.

  14. 一般地说,我喜欢羔羊肉胜过猪肉。

    Generally speaking, I prefer lamb to pork.

  15. 而有些人则吃牛肉而不吃猪肉

    Some of you would eat it if it's beef, but not pork.

  16. 汤团烩肉与汤团一起煮的猪肉或禽肉

    A meat or poultry stew with dumplings.

  17. 最佳搭配烧烤类红肉, 猪肉或者野猪肉。

    To drink with roasted red meat, pork and wild boar.

  18. 烩白豆配以自制猪肉肠和猪脸肉

    Cassoulet White Bean Stew with Home Made Sausage and Confit Pork Cheek Cassoulet Gascon au Saucisse Maison et Joue de Porc Confite or

  19. 你更喜欢哪一个,牛肉还是猪肉?

    Which do you prefer, beef or pork?

  20. 如果我们买不起牛肉, 猪肉也行。

    If we can't afford beef, we have to do with pork.

  21. 这里所说得红肉, 即牛肉, 羊肉, 猪肉。

    Here the red meat said, scilicet beef, mutton and pork.

  22. 被烹饪时, 这些肉缺乏正常猪肉得汁液。

    When cooked, this meat lacks the juiciness of normal meat.

  23. 被烹饪时,这些肉缺乏正常猪肉的汁液。

    When cooked, this meat lacks the juiciness of normal meat.

  24. 这里所说的红肉,即牛肉,羊肉,猪肉。

    Here the red meat said, scilicet beef, mutton and pork.

  25. 鹌鹑肉不宜与猪肉, 猪肝, 蘑菇, 木耳同食。

    quail meat not with pork, liver, mushrooms, edible fungus with food.

  26. 许多美国人喜欢牛肉,火腿,羊肉和猪肉。

    Most Americans love beef, ham, lamb and pork.

  27. 腌熏猪肋条肉用盐腌过并且经加工处理过的熏猪肉

    A salted and cured side of bacon.

  28. 整片的牛肉和猪肉挂在铁钩上。

    Sides of beef and pork swung from steel hooks.

  29. 牛肉,羊肉和猪肉上还应有大理石纹。

    Beef, lamb, and pork should also have marbling throughout the meat.

  30. 冰箱里放有牛肉, 猪肉, 蛋, 水果和蔬菜。

    In the refrigerator we keep beef, pork, eggs, fruits and vegetables.


  1. 问:肉猪拼音怎么拼?肉猪的读音是什么?肉猪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肉猪的读音是ròuzhū,肉猪翻译成英文是 porker; hog