


1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……


哺乳动物,肉可食,鬃可制刷,皮可制革,粪是很好的肥料:~倌。~场。~圈(juàn )。~肉。生~。野~。种(zhóng )~。古同“潴”,水积存之处。……



汉语拼音:máo zhū






  1. 生猪,活猪。



  1. Decorticating conveyor : Decorticating Conveyor is used for decorticating swine's skin after hand work.


  2. Other swine skin leather, in the wet state , without hair on, whether or not split, but not further prepared.


  3. Swine wet-blue leather, without hair on, whether or not split, but not further prepared.


  4. Initial plans include importing about 10, 000 black hogs from Kagoshima of Japan to the farm.


  1. 其它不带毛猪湿皮革, 不论是否剖层, 但未进一步处理者。

    Other swine skin leather, in the wet state, without hair on, whether or not split, but not further prepared.

  2. 猪毛牙刷并不是唯一的选择。

    The boarshair toothbrush is not our only alternative.

  3. 没有刚毛的箭猪尸体是吸引大型食肉动物非常好的诱饵。

    Without its quills, this porcupine carcass will make a good bait for attracting large carnivores.

  4. 水洗猪毛绒

    washed pig wool.

  5. 予剥输送机用于对毛猪进行人工予剥皮, 再进入剥皮机剥皮。

    Decorticating conveyor Decorticating Conveyor is used for decorticating swines skin after hand work.

  6. 松叶猪毛菜

    Salsola laricifolia.

  7. 水洗猪毛渣子

    washed pig hair combings.

  8. 喜食猪毛菜和艾蒿之类的草类。

    Preference Salsola and mugwort sort of grass.

  9. 目得为猪毛菜得开发和利用提供鉴定得依据。

    ObjectiveTo engage in a system at pharmacognostical study on Salsola collina Pall.

  10. 结果详细描述了猪毛菜得性状和显微特征。

    Results Morphological, histological characters of the Chinese Salsola collina Pall. were described and illustrated with photo.

  11. 结果详细描述了猪毛菜的性状和显微特征。

    Results Morphological, histological characters of the Chinese Salsola collina Pall. were described and illustrated with photo.

  12. 结论所发现得这些特征可作为鉴定猪毛菜得依据。

    ConclusionThese studies provide reference information for further development, identification of crude drug.

  13. 结论所发现的这些特征可作为鉴定猪毛菜的依据。

    ConclusionThese studies provide reference information for further development, identification of crude drug.

  14. 猪胴体刮毛刀

    hog shaving knife

  15. 猪皮拔毛机

    hair plucking machine.

  16. 北京黑猪的毛色遗传

    Inheritance of Hair Colour in the Pig Beijing Black

  17. 猪皮制革工艺与酶法脱毛

    Technology of Enzyme Unhairing for Pigskin Processing

  18. 野猪与黑猪杂交的毛色遗传研究

    Research on Hair Color Genetics of Sus Jinnaeus Crossbreed with Black Swine

  19. 猪皮手缝棉毛交织里男式手套

    Handsewn mans gloves of pig skin with mixed cotton and woollen lining

  20. 小猪你个小毛孩,就只知道破校规,那你知道宪法吗?

    Little pig Tell you, youd better pretend to see nothing, dont you know.

  21. 浦东白猪是国内唯一一个毛色全白得地方猪种。

    Pudong White pig is the only one Chinese indigenous pig breed with full white hair color.

  22. 旋毛虫肌幼虫排泄 分泌抗原诊断猪旋毛虫病的研究与应用

    Study and Application for Diagnosing Swine Trichinosis with ES Antigen Derived from Trichinella Spiralis

  23. 香猪体躯短而矮小,被毛全黑,个别有唇白和肢端白。

    Pigs Tiqu short and short, black hair, white lips and individual acromegaly white.

  24. 屠宰猪蹄猪头复合脱毛剂

    Keywords slaughteringpork trotterhog facemixed depilatories.

  25. 猪旋毛虫病与毛细血管出血的鉴别诊断

    Differential Diagnosis of Swine Trichimellosis and Capillary Hemorrhage

  26. 慢性病猪通常有局部脱毛,特点是鬃毛变稀疏。

    Chronically sick pigs often suffer from a partial alopecia characterized by a thinning of the bristles.

  27. 采用新型酶制剂脱毛生产耐水洗、耐干洗猪反绒服装革

    Washable pigskin suede garment leather adopting a novel enzyme dehairing.

  28. 臀部处理、脱毛和浸灰对提高北方猪皮服装革质量的影响

    Influence of Buttock Processing and Dehairing and Liming on Rising Quality of North Pig Clothing Leather



毛猪,同:生猪,即生活着的猪,对未宰杀的除种猪以外的家猪的统称。属于脊椎动物门,哺乳纲,偶蹄目动物。 俗语即将要被杀死的猪,是指猪在被杀死之前,卖出去的叫法 属于土语类型 猪出生后5-12个月可以配种,妊娠期约为4个月。猪的平均寿命为20年