





  1. 谓象枝条那样分布。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·沁水》:“盖 济水 枝瀆条分,所在布称,亦兼 丹水 之目矣。”



  1. The registered items of a branch include: the name, location of business premises, person in charge and business scope.


  2. A new approach is presented for calculation of earth pressure coefficients by the modified conventional limit equilibrium method of slices.


  3. The circle sliced method of analysis of earth slope stability analysis under gravity erosion is widely employed in engineering practice.


  4. Article 5: A branch may not directly engage in the business of a securities business office.


  5. The results will page at every tenth result and ask you whether you want more results.


  6. Widget support in GWT-WL includes calendars, calculators, image buttons, progress bars, pagination, and more.


  7. Section 548(a) reaches actually fraudulent transfers and section 548(b) reaches constructively fraudulent transfers.


  8. Article 39 A branch refers to the institution engaged in business activities which is set up by a company in another domicile.


  9. A new approach based on the method of slices to analyze the stability of slopes with non-circular slip surface is presented.


  1. 条分理论及其在下川岛某岩石边坡分析中的应用

    Strip Division Theory and Its Application in Analyses of One Rock Slop at Xiachuan Isle

  2. 拖动选项卡右侧的垂直拆分条。

    Drag the vertical splitter bar on the right side of the tab.

  3. 这条小巷十分冷僻。

    The alley was quite outoftheway.

  4. 这条裙子十分适合你穿。

    This dress fits you to a T.

  5. 这条山路十分险巇,夜晚一定要小心行走。

    This mountain road is very steep, you must be careful at night.

  6. 搓条分条皮带

    condenser tape

  7. 这个挂件与你戴着的那条项链十分匹配。

    The pendant goes with the necklace you are wearing fabulously.

  8. 这个挂件与你戴着得那条项链十分匹配。

    The pendant goes with the necklace you are wearing fabulously.

  9. 第五十四条企业所得税分月或者分季预缴。

    Article 54 Enterprise income taxes shall, on the monthly or quarterly basis, be paid in advance.

  10. 他们分乘三条小船出发了。

    They set forth in three small boats.

  11. 关于今后财政工作的方针, 我现在分六条来讲。

    I shall now discuss the six principles for future financial work.

  12. 圆弧条分法

    circular slice method.

  13. 通用条分法

    generalized slices method

  14. 普遍条分法

    generalized procedure of slice

  15. 广义条分法

    generalized procedure of slices.

  16. 瑞典条分法

    Sweden slice method.

  17. 圆弧滑动条分法

    circular arc method

  18. 极限平衡条分法

    limit equilibrium slice method

  19. 栅条分馏柱

    grid tray column.

  20. 瑞典圆弧条分法

    sweden circular slice method

  21. 周期性条分变异

    periodic titre variation

  22. 这条河在这里分岔。

    The river branches off here.

  23. 条分法的数值分析

    The Numerial Analysis of Strip Partition Method

  24. 极限平衡水平条分法

    horizontal slice of limited equilibrium method

  25. 强度折减条分法

    strength reduction dividing

  26. 第11条分庭的组成

    Article11 Composition of the Chambers

  27. 简化毕肖普条分法

    simplified bishop slice method

  28. 条分法的统一公式及其分析

    Unified Formula for the Slice Methods and Its Analysis

  29. 一般条分法的安全系数显示解

    Explicit solution to safety factor for general slice method

  30. 这条河只有那条河得三分之一长。

    This river is one third as long as that river.


  1. 问:条分缕析拼音怎么拼?条分缕析的读音是什么?条分缕析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条分缕析的读音是tiáofēnlǚxī,条分缕析翻译成英文是 make a careful and detailed analysis; anal...

  2. 问:条分法拼音怎么拼?条分法的读音是什么?条分法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条分法的读音是tiáo fēn fǎ,条分法翻译成英文是 slice method