











汉语拼音:sī wéi xíng shì






  1. Logic has not contained all the general modes of thinking of human being, although it is a science dealing with human mode of thinking.


  2. content-dominating competition and pattern-creating marketing tactics.


  3. The forming and development of the chemical hypothesis are results that human thinking forms combined with thinking method.


  4. It includes content from two aspects, one is the external thinking form and the other is internal essence or commonness of things.


  5. The arts are forms of thought as powerful in what they communicate as mathematical and scientific symbols.


  6. Innovation thinking is a precious thinking mode that human beings have only.


  7. Small changes in your routines can lead to fresh, invigorating experiences and creative thought patterns.


  8. There is thought, and there is Thought Form, and there is Manifestation.


  9. Whenever you watch the mind, you withdraw consciousness from mind forms, which then becomes what we call the watcher or the witness.


  1. 辩证思维形式

    dialectical thinking form.

  2. 思维形式的辩证法

    Dialectics of the form of thinking

  3. 空间形象思维形式的研究

    Study on thinking forms of spacial images

  4. 不同的语言形式反映了不同的思维形式。

    It is believed that the different patterns of languages reflect different modes of thinking.

  5. 语言中的词语就是思维形式中的概念。

    The words in language is the notion of thinking form.

  6. 诡辩是一种特殊得负面思维形式。

    Sophistry is a kind of special negative thought.

  7. 诡辩是一种特殊的负面思维形式。

    Sophistry is a kind of special negative thought.

  8. 非形式逻辑仍然以思维形式为研究对象。

    Nonformal logic takes ways of thinking as its object of study.

  9. 论马克思关于辩证思维形式的思想

    On Marx's Ideas on the Form of Dialectical Thinking

  10. 创新思维是人类独有的一种宝贵思维形式。

    Innovation thinking is a precious thinking mode that human beings have only.

  11. 概念、判断、推断、论证是抽象思维的基本思维形式。

    And Concept, judgment, deduction and appraisal are the fundamental forms of the abstract thinking.

  12. 试论数学思维过程中两种思维形式的交互作用

    Mutual Effect of the Two Modes in Mathematical Thinking Process

  13. 普通逻辑是以普通思维形式及其规律为研究对象的。

    The object of study of general logic is general thinking form and its law.

  14. 作为思维形式 它是人脑对各种具体使用价值的抽象概括。

    while as a format of thoughts, it is the abstract generalization of human brain to kinds of concrete use values.

  15. 沉思是一种引导思维得形式。

    Meditation is a form of guided thought.

  16. 沉思是一种引导思维的形式。

    Meditation is a form of guided thought.

  17. 摘要创新是思维的最高形式。

    Innovation is the highest level for thinking.

  18. 数学直感是形象思维的基本形式。

    The straight sense of mathematics is a basic form of the thinking in image.

  19. 类比和联想是中介思维的主要形式。

    Analogy and association are intermediary thinking.

  20. 比喻是古代画论形象思维的认知形式。

    Analogy was the cognition form in image thinking of ancient painterly theory.

  21. 意象,想象,显象是形象思维的具体形式。

    Image, imagination and manifestation are the three specific forms of thinking in images.

  22. 论具体概念何以是辩证思维的基本形式

    Concrete Concept as the Basic Form of Dialectical Thinking

  23. 文字本身不具意义, 而语言却是思维模式的形式化。

    The words themselves have no meaning, but language is a formalized way of thinking.

  24. 文字本身不具意义,而语言却是思维模式得形式化。

    The words themselves have no meaning, but language is a formalized way of thinking.

  25. 优等生数学思维的最高表现形式是思维的直觉性。

    Top students'highest displaying form of is intuition of thoughts.

  26. 管理者和职工们所成得思维和行动得形式是难以改变得。

    Managers and employees may develop patterns of thought and behavior that are hard to change.

  27. 管理者和职工们所成的思维和行动的形式是难以改变的。

    Managers and employees may develop patterns of thought and behavior that are hard to change.

  28. 中西绘画形式美的异同及其思维根源初探

    Exploring the Similarities and Dissimilarities in the Stylistic Beauty of Chinese and Western Painting

  29. 壁画本身是以形式来表达,设计师就是以图像来思维的。

    Forms manifest fresco, designer thinks by images.

  30. 在这里思维仅是一抽象的作用或只有形式同一性的意义。

    Thought in such circumstances means no more than an act of abstraction or of formal identity.


  1. 问:思维形式障碍拼音怎么拼?思维形式障碍的读音是什么?思维形式障碍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:思维形式障碍的读音是sī wéi xíng shì zhàng ài,思维形式障碍翻译成英文是 thought disorder in forms