









汉语拼音:shì zhōng xīn






  1. 城市政治、经济和文化生活的中心地区。



  1. Basically it proposes a riverbed mesh that is extended and infiltrates through the entire downtown, as if it were a living organism.


  2. She worked out of a small room in downtown Moscow, with one table, one chair and a telephone.


  3. I have found this experience to be very rewarding for us as a family. And I really think the girls are having a good experience.


  4. From his perch in Angel Court, in the heart of the City, he watched the rapid expansion all around him.


  5. Highest performance street, almost all near the city center, sits on an excellent transportation network, and a variety of leisure options.


  6. Yesterday, a huge crowd showed up in the downtown square where a lot of these protests have been going on.


  7. A little under an hour later another suicide bomber blew himself up in central Baghdad, killing at least four and wounding 10 others.


  8. At midnight I go up to the roof of our apartment building on near the center of town, and climb up the telephone mast.


  9. We would advise they stay out of the city centre while we assess the scale of any disorder and report any concerns they have to us.


  1. 她住在市中心。

    She lives downtown.

  2. 该酒店位于市中心。

    The hotel is located in the center of the city.

  3. 市中心禁止车辆通行。

    Vehicles are not allowed in the town centre.

  4. 抗议者涌向市中心。

    The protesters were flowing to the center of the city.

  5. 可以乘着慢车到市中心。

    It is possible to ride the local all the way downtown.

  6. 大商场多集中在市中心。

    Most of the department stores are concentrated in the city centre.

  7. 请问去市中心坐几路车?

    Can you tell me which bus goes downtown?

  8. 这个商店位于纽约市中心。

    The shop is located in the center of New York.

  9. 市中心附近的酒楼已被拆除。

    The older buildings near the center of the city have been demolished.

  10. 我住在北郊,离市中心很远。

    I live far north of the city center.

  11. 警察在市中心逮捕了贩毒嫌犯。

    Police collared suspected drug dealers in the centre of the city.

  12. 新酒店在远离市中心的地方拔地而起。

    Newer hotels are sprouting up farther from the centre.

  13. 从住宅小区到市中心来回有多远?

    How far is it from the residential area to town and back?

  14. 长官和船员将列队游行穿过市中心。

    Officers and crew will parade through the town centre.

  15. 我想去接近市中心的公园散步游览。

    I wanted to take a walk and visit the parks that were close to downtown.

  16. 我的大多数朋友住在纽约市中心。

    Most of my friends live in downtown New York.

  17. 我们要在市中心修建一条通衢大道。

    We'll build a road which radiates in all directions in the center of the city.

  18. 这间公寓的位置确实挺靠市中心的。

    This apartment is in a really central location.

  19. 候租的出租车位于市中心很宽敞的地方。

    Taxi ranks are situated at convenient locations in the town centre.

  20. 事故发生后,市中心附近交通一片混乱。

    There was traffic chaos around the centre of town after the accident.

  21. 一个工人阶级妇女集会在市中心召开。

    A large gathering of working-class women convened in the center of the town.

  22. 市政府决定在市中心建一条平安大道。

    The municipal government decided to construct a main road in the downtown area.

  23. 校园离市中心有不到半英里的距离。

    The campus is within half a mile of the city center.

  24. 从地理位置上看他们离市中心更近。

    They are geographically closer to the center of town.

  25. 我们最终都挤上了公车,去往市中心了。

    We were eventually piled onto buses and driven to the city centre.

  26. 市中心的影院是传统式的,郊外的比较现代。

    The city centre entertains the traditional cinemas while the modern ones are located in the suburbs.

  27. 家住市中心虽然购物很方便,但是交通很拥挤。

    It is convenient to live downtown, but the traffic is very heavy.

  28. 我去看上星期在市中心广场的死刑,真令人作呕。

    I went to the execution last week in Town Square and it was disgusting.

  29. 一排排沉郁的三层楼高的灰色楼房通向市中心。

    Grey rows of grim houses, three storeys high, led into the town centre.

  30. 市中心的那座银楼已经有将近一百年的历史了。

    The jeweler's shop in the city center has a history of about a hundred years.


  1. 问:市中心拼音怎么拼?市中心的读音是什么?市中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市中心的读音是shìzhōngxīn,市中心翻译成英文是 The downtown area of a city; town centre; ci...

  2. 问:市中心区拼音怎么拼?市中心区的读音是什么?市中心区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市中心区的读音是shì zhōng xīn qū,市中心区翻译成英文是 urban center