




1. 褶 [zhě]褶 [zhě]衣服摺叠而形成的印痕:百~裙。泛指摺皱重复的部分:~子。~皱。……



汉语拼音:zhòu zhě







  1. 褶皱。指衣物上折迭的纹路。



  1. not easy to produce a quality and reliable: the wrinkles, bubble, self-crimping rrepublic and isolation of the paper and films.


  2. The only creases were the ones on my forehead, though, and I knew that if I could manage to relax, they would disappear.


  3. The foreskin, a circular fold of skin covering the glans, is often removed.


  4. When I looked at the silvery hair on her head and the wrinkles on her face, I could not tear myself away from her.


  5. As she let her eyes wander over the page she noticed it was just a little crumpled, stiff in places, as if it had been wetted then dried.


  6. For a bump I painted the lip wrinkles and added some noise around the eyes ( improvising , you know. . . ).


  7. Lizzie's frill is shaped as the map of Australia with its green and gold colors, while her body is the red ochre color of the land.


  8. She smoothed the front of her uniform and tugged on the straps of her backpack until, finally, Samy walked out.


  9. In the west there was a great suffusion of cold red light, which made the sides of the little valley look only more rugged and dusky .


  1. 皱褶领鬣蜥

    frilled lizard.

  2. 烫皱褶熨斗

    goffering iron.

  3. 异常手掌皱褶

    Abnormal palmar creases

  4. 服装接缝皱褶

    pucker profile of garment seam.

  5. 衣服的皱裥, 皱褶

    A fold or pleat in cloth.

  6. 衣服的皱裥,皱褶。

    A fold or pleat in cloth.

  7. 为求老天爷皱褶。

    Pucker up for heavens sake.

  8. 皱褶服装审美观

    Keywords pleatcostumeaesthetic concept

  9. 褶皱起皱褶皱皮装

    Keywords pleatmaking pleatpleat leather garments.

  10. 皱褶。普通群众。大量

    A crowd especially of ordinary or undistinguished persons or things

  11. 袖口上出现的皱褶

    A ruffle showing at the edge of the sleeve.

  12. 起皱有了皱褶的状态。

    The state of being corrugated.

  13. 同时保持平整、不易皱褶。

    Simultaneously maintains smooth, is not easy to fold.

  14. 买个好的皱褶喷雾。

    Invest in a good wrinkle spray.

  15. 皱褶服装审美观的体现

    Pleatthe Embodiment of Costume Aesthetic Concept

  16. 将馅饼皮的周围摺皱褶

    Crimp a pie crust.

  17. 通过压褶做得装饰得皱褶。

    To make into a ruffle frill.

  18. 皮肤皱褶肥肉的折卷部分

    A roll of fat flesh.

  19. 您皱褶起来, 用我们的激情。

    You pucker up, our passions spent.

  20. 比蓝色皱褶衣好多了。

    It's better than those blue ruffles.

  21. 现在, 这是半张开得皱褶。

    Now, here's the frill at half staff.

  22. 她把裙子上的皱褶弄平。

    She smoothed the creases out of her skirt.

  23. 她弄平了床单上的皱褶。

    She smoothed away the creases from a bedsheet.

  24. 她把桌布上的皱褶弄平。

    She smoothed out wrinkles out of the tablecloth.

  25. 她用电熨斗把皱褶烫平。

    She smoothed the creases out with an electric iron.

  26. 袖口上出现的皱褶参见同义词

    a ruffle showing at the edge of the sleeve. See also Synonyms at seem

  27. 使有褶弄出皱褶或饰边。

    To make into a ruffle or frill.

  28. 这张纸湿得地方起皱褶了。

    The paper has wrinkled where it got wet.

  29. 这张纸湿的地方起皱褶了。

    The paper has wrinkled where it got wet.

  30. 她长袜的膝盖处起了皱褶。

    Her stockings were wrinkling at the knees.


  1. 问:皱褶拼音怎么拼?皱褶的读音是什么?皱褶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶的读音是zhòuzhě,皱褶翻译成英文是 fold; wrinkle; crease

  2. 问:皱褶的拼音怎么拼?皱褶的的读音是什么?皱褶的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶的的读音是zhòu zhě de,皱褶的翻译成英文是 corrugated

  3. 问:皱褶系拼音怎么拼?皱褶系的读音是什么?皱褶系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶系的读音是zhòuzhě xì,皱褶系翻译成英文是 Ser.; Plicatae

  4. 问:皱褶缘拼音怎么拼?皱褶缘的读音是什么?皱褶缘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶缘的读音是zhòu zhě yuán,皱褶缘翻译成英文是 ruffled border

  5. 问:皱褶面拼音怎么拼?皱褶面的读音是什么?皱褶面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶面的读音是zhòu zhě miàn,皱褶面翻译成英文是 corrugated surface

  6. 问:皱褶鳄拼音怎么拼?皱褶鳄的读音是什么?皱褶鳄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶鳄的读音是,皱褶鳄翻译成英文是 Rugosuchus

  7. 问:皱褶龙拼音怎么拼?皱褶龙的读音是什么?皱褶龙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶龙的读音是Zhòuzhělóng,皱褶龙翻译成英文是 Rugops

  8. 问:皱褶状态拼音怎么拼?皱褶状态的读音是什么?皱褶状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶状态的读音是,皱褶状态翻译成英文是 regosity

  9. 问:皱褶菌素拼音怎么拼?皱褶菌素的读音是什么?皱褶菌素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶菌素的读音是zhòu zhě jūn sù,皱褶菌素翻译成英文是 rugosin

  10. 问:皱褶菌落拼音怎么拼?皱褶菌落的读音是什么?皱褶菌落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶菌落的读音是zhòu zhě jūn luò,皱褶菌落翻译成英文是 rugose colony

  11. 问:皱褶青霉拼音怎么拼?皱褶青霉的读音是什么?皱褶青霉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶青霉的读音是zhòuzhěqīngméi,皱褶青霉翻译成英文是 Penicillium rugulosum

  12. 问:皱褶囊裸藻拼音怎么拼?皱褶囊裸藻的读音是什么?皱褶囊裸藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶囊裸藻的读音是zhòuzhěnángluǒzǎo,皱褶囊裸藻翻译成英文是 Trachelomonas tambowica

  13. 问:皱褶马先蒿拼音怎么拼?皱褶马先蒿的读音是什么?皱褶马先蒿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶马先蒿的读音是zhòuzhěmǎxiānhāo,皱褶马先蒿翻译成英文是 Pedicularis plicata

  14. 问:皱褶上华蜗牛拼音怎么拼?皱褶上华蜗牛的读音是什么?皱褶上华蜗牛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皱褶上华蜗牛的读音是zhòuzhěshànghuáwōniú,皱褶上华蜗牛翻译成英文是 Cathaica corrugata


