








1. 与 [yǔ]2. 与 [yù]3. 与 [yú]与 [yǔ]和,跟:正确~错误。~虎谋皮。生死~共。给:赠~。~人方便。交往,友好:相~。~国(相互交好的国家)。〔~其〕比较连词,常跟“不如”、“宁可”连用。赞助,赞许:~人为善。与 ……



汉语拼音:sè shòu hún yǔ



  1. na.
  2. communication between minds with loving glances;be carried away by bewitching glances between each other

  1. 色与白色, 则称为缠丝玛瑙。

    Onyx which is reddish brown and white is known as sardonyx.

  2. 酥油是牛奶中提炼出来的脂肪,色与味类似食用黄油。

    The butter is the fat which in the milk refines, the color and the taste similar edible butter.

  3. 灭蚊器的色与发出的光,促使蚊子集体飞向主体方向。

    Antimosquito device issued by the light color and to promote the collective fly to the main direction of mosquitoes.

  4. 车门面板和方向盘轮辐得金属色与其它外饰相映成辉。

    Metallic accents on the door panels and steering wheel spokes are another link to exterior design.

  5. 车门面板和方向盘轮辐的金属色与其它外饰相映成辉。

    Metallic accents on the door panels and steering wheel spokes are another link to exterior design.

  6. 容斥原理与色多项式

    The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion and Chromatic Polynomials

  7. 这种茶文化注重茶的味与色, 以及茶具的摆放。

    This tea culture places emphasis on the taste and color of the tea as well as on the presentation of the tea set.

  8. 我戴了南瓜色围巾与帽子。

    I had my pumpkin colored scarf and hat on.

  9. 它与我国的水墨画很相似,讲究水与色的相互融合。

    Similar to the ink and wash painting of our country, watercolor painting pays attention to the mutual integration of water and color.

  10. 色赤杨光合作用与根瘤氮代谢的关系

    Relationship between photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism in the nodules of Alnus tinctoria Sarg

  11. 一层层的光与色,相荡相薄,闪闪烁烁地都映现在我的眼底。

    Layer upon layer of colour, interweaving and interplaying, shone with a dazzling brilliance.

  12. 用色度、色密度与同色异谱对筛选结果进行了评价。

    Filtrating result was estimated by using chroma, color density and metamerism.

  13. 同类色如橘红与大红,绿与青绿色等。

    Congener color if tangerine and bright red, green wait with viridescence color.

  14. 色貌模型与色域压缩

    Color Appearance Model and Gamut Compression

  15. 对照组在色氨酸增加期与缺失期没有明显差别。

    Controls did not hae a difference in symptomatology on either day.

  16. 重色与轻色

    Heavy Color and Light Color

  17. 白色服装与蔷薇色系的唇彩搭配一起,显得非常天真烂漫。

    The labial colour of white dress and rosaceous department matchs one case, appear very childlike.

  18. 释放出柠檬色与金黄的蝴蝶。

    lemonyellow and saffron butterflies.

  19. 平面设计中的字体, 形色与纸

    Type, Shape, Color and Paper in Design

  20. 泛光照明中光源光色与节能研究

    Study on the Color of Illuminant and Energy Efficiency for Floodlighting

  21. 桑蚕荧光茧色与茧质关系的研究

    On the Relation between Fluorescent Lustre and Quality of Mulberry Cocoons

  22. 猕猴桃复合营养饮料的护色与澄清

    Methods of Protective Tint and Clarification of the Compound Drink of Actinidia chinensis.

  23. 用不朱色与线条表示宾题的形体。

    Ink color and line subject body.

  24. 用兰色与灰色涂在你的调色板上。

    Paint your palette blue and grey.

  25. 彩色扩印微电脑控制自动测色与曝光

    Automatic Checking Colour and Exposure with a MC in the Printing of Colour Film.

  26. 深紫色,带有鲜艳的深红色与黑墨色彩。

    Colour Intense purple with a black inky depth and a bright crimson hue.

  27. 他那夹克的米黄色与乳白色的衬衫非常协调。

    The beige of his jacket toned in with the cream shirt.

  28. 养殖武昌鱼体色与鳞片黑色素细胞初步观察

    Preliminary observation of body color and squama melanin cell of breed aquatics WuChang fish

  29. 颜色深宝石红色, 带有紫红色与紫罗兰色的色彩。

    Colour V ery intense ruby color, with purple and violet hues.

  30. 颜色深紫色, 带有鲜艳的深红色与黑墨色彩。

    Colour Intense purple with a black inky depth and a bright crimson hue.



拼音 色授魂与 sè shòu hún yǔ 解释 色:神色;授、与:给予。形容彼此用眉目传情,心意投合。