





  1. 即车裂。古代的一种酷刑。

    元 关汉卿 《哭存孝》第二折:“二贼子用计舖谋,将 存孝 五裂身卒。”




  1. 四分五裂的政党

    a disunited political party

  2. 矛盾百出, 四分五裂

    rent by contradictions and disunity

  3. 汽车简直已经四分五裂了。

    The car has practically fallen apart.

  4. 被战争弄得四分五裂的国家

    a country torn apart by war

  5. 由于政治纷争而四分五裂得国家。

    a nation torn by political strife

  6. 由于政治纷争而四分五裂的国家。

    a nation torn by political strife

  7. 由于内部分歧而四分五裂的政党

    a party riven by internal disputes

  8. 许多项目失败了,许多项目四分五裂,支派横生。

    Many projects fail, but some become very disruptive.

  9. 曼德拉接手的是一个四分五裂的国家。

    Mr. Mandela inherited a fractured nation.

  10. 四分五裂的,我们还需要其他一些关键证据。

    found themselves adrift. There's some missing puzzle pieces.

  11. 四分五裂的反动派为什么还要空喊全面和平?

    Why do the badly split reactionaries still idly clamour for total peace?

  12. 瞬间,一个破碎的,四分五裂的国家团结了起来。

    In a single moment a divided and fractured nation was united.

  13. 当世界都四分五裂,你是我的永恒,你是我的试金石。

    When the world was falling apart, you were my constant, my touchstone.

  14. 这家人在艰难困苦面前眼看就要四分五裂了。

    This family will be disintegrating before difficulties and hardships soon.

  15. 此次, 重压之下得欧洲并未出现四分五裂得局面。

    Under stress, this time, Europe did not splinter.

  16. 此次,重压之下的欧洲并未出现四分五裂的局面。

    Under stress, this time, Europe did not splinter.

  17. 意识形态使得国会四分五裂, 狭隘的关切主宰了整个国会。

    The Congress is both riven by ideology and dominated by parochial concerns.

  18. 但我们现在所处的是一个更加四分五裂的社会。

    But we are now a much more fragmented society.

  19. 自从巴别塔变乱口音后, 世界已变得四分五裂了。

    Our world has been fragmented since the babble of confusion at Babel.

  20. 地形上四分五裂的国家,其经济发展会遭受严重阻碍。

    Countries that are badly broken up topographically have a serious handicap in economic development.

  21. 就在地下黑客内部四分五裂的时候, 新的威胁又出现了。

    Even as the hacking underworld has splintered, new threats are emerging.

  22. 我们在因部族间的冲突而四分五裂的国家看到这种情形。

    We see it in nations that are torn asunder by tribal lines.

  23. 我们在因部族间得冲突而四分五裂得国家看到这种情形。

    We see it in nations that are torn asunder by tribal lines.

  24. 我厌倦了那些稍微遇到一丁点困难就四分五裂的团体。

    I was tired of groups that fell apart when faced with the slightest difficulty.

  25. 作为家庭成员之一, 我为神的家庭四分五裂而感到痛心。

    As a member, I grieve that Gods family is as divided and as divisive as it is.

  26. 当然,亚历山大大帝无法维持一个政府 帝国变得四分五裂

    And of course, Alexander couldn't sustain a government and it fragmented.

  27. 四分五裂的兽人氏族很快被赶进了戒备森严的俘虏收容所。

    The orc clans were quickly rounded up and placed within guarded internment camps.


  1. 问:五裂槭拼音怎么拼?五裂槭的读音是什么?五裂槭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五裂槭的读音是wǔlièqì,五裂槭翻译成英文是 Acer oliverianum

  2. 问:五裂组拼音怎么拼?五裂组的读音是什么?五裂组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五裂组的读音是wǔlièzǔ,五裂组翻译成英文是 Sect.; Asterostoma

  3. 问:五裂丬的拼音怎么拼?五裂丬的的读音是什么?五裂丬的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五裂丬的的读音是,五裂丬的翻译成英文是 quinquevalve

  4. 问:五裂叉蕨拼音怎么拼?五裂叉蕨的读音是什么?五裂叉蕨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五裂叉蕨的读音是wǔliè chājué,五裂叉蕨翻译成英文是 Tectaria quinquefida

  5. 问:五裂爿的拼音怎么拼?五裂爿的的读音是什么?五裂爿的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五裂爿的的读音是wǔ liè pán de,五裂爿的翻译成英文是 quinquevalve

  6. 问:五裂黄连拼音怎么拼?五裂黄连的读音是什么?五裂黄连翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五裂黄连的读音是wǔlièhuánglián,五裂黄连翻译成英文是 Coptis quinquesecta

  7. 问:五裂悬钩子拼音怎么拼?五裂悬钩子的读音是什么?五裂悬钩子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五裂悬钩子的读音是wǔlièxuángōuzi,五裂悬钩子翻译成英文是 Rubus lobatus

  8. 问:五裂蟹甲草拼音怎么拼?五裂蟹甲草的读音是什么?五裂蟹甲草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五裂蟹甲草的读音是wǔliè xièjiǎcǎo,五裂蟹甲草翻译成英文是 Parasenecio quinquelobus