






1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:dòng nǎo zi






动脑子 [dòng nǎo zi]
  1. 用脑思考,使用智慧。无论在生活、学习、工作等方面,如果没有了脑,你就是一个植物人啦!不用脑,就等于没了脑子!没有一件事不用动脑的。它是思考的一个过程。



  1. But she turned down the offer because of her long-term plans and a desire to avoid knee-jerk decisions based on what commodity is hot.


  2. Anyway, they is designed, my is free, and not of the generation of me to move, I don't mind hard work.


  3. You probably thought, "What kind of doofus can't add a few numbers without moving his mouth? "


  4. I see it now, but somehow I never thought, you know, until it was too late.


  5. The kind that takes hours of brain-twisting effort. The kind where the answer is actually important.


  6. Use his head as often as possible, and he'll understand what the teachers say.


  7. The seemingly simple motionless in the brain can complete the work, you have put your heart sink, so, for half a year, you feel no progress.


  8. rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active mind.


  9. D: you really like brains that make you think, don't you?


  1. 动动脑子。

    Keep your brain ticking over.

  2. 动动脑子。

    Keep your brain ticking over.

  3. 他又没法动脑子。

    It's not like he could use his brain.

  4. 他又没法动脑子。

    It's not like he could use his brain.

  5. 做事前先动脑子想想。

    Use your brain before doing something.

  6. 做事前先动脑子想想。

    Use your brain before doing something.

  7. 这个问题要动动脑子了。

    This problem should bake your noodle.

  8. 怎么就不能自己动脑子想想?

    Can't they just figure it out?

  9. 一个需要动脑子的智力游戏。

    Tiles Collector is a very addictive and fun game of greed.

  10. 问问题并不说明你没动脑子。

    Asking questions doesn't mean you are not use your head.

  11. 能动脑子的人总是会胜过别人。

    A man who can think will always have an advantage over others.

  12. 动动脑子, 把这道数学题做出来。

    Use your noodle to figure out the math problem.

  13. 他从来不动脑子, 总是干傻事。

    Everything he does is stupid. He never uses his head.

  14. 波比很聪明,他就是不喜欢动脑子

    As bright as Bobby is, he just does not like to think.

  15. 做这件事的人准没好好动脑子。

    Whoever did this can't have been thinking straight.

  16. 外出时, 只要动脑子, 逃脱的机会更多。

    When they go out, asas dynamic brain, the more opportunities to escape.

  17. 他人很有头脑,但太懒不愿动脑子。

    He's got brains but he's too lazy to use them.

  18. 因为你没有动脑子, 所以就被人家骗了。

    You havent used your noodle, so you got ripped off.

  19. 你好好动脑子,一定可以想出解决的办法。

    Think hard and you will be able to find a solution to it.

  20. 多动脑子少抛头露面,没人能伤害你。

    Use your heads, lie low and no one will hurt you.

  21. 成天做这种不用动脑子的工作,会使我发狂的。

    Doing this mindless work all day is going to drive me crazy.

  22. 动脑子证明自己的观点是正确的也是很大的乐趣。

    That's all the fun there is being right by using your head.

  23. 河狸在修水坝或垒窝得时候也会动脑子。

    The beavers think as they build their dams and their houses.

  24. 因为我沿用了经典模式,因此编码几乎不用动脑子。

    Because I follow a classic pattern, the coding is almost brainless.

  25. 如果你的对手高大强壮,你就得动脑子想办法了。

    If your opponent is tall and strong, you have to play it wise.

  26. 因为用母语动脑子很快,一下子可以想到很多。

    If you mention Vancouver to someone living in Toronto, that someone will immediately say it rains too much in winter there.

  27. 汤姆喜欢动脑子,总能找到数学题的最好解答方法。

    Tom is an intellectual and can always can work out the best method to solve the mathematic problems.

  28. 汤姆喜欢动脑子,总能找到数学题的最好解答方法。

    Tom is an intellectual and can always can work out the best method to solve the mathematic problems.

  29. 你真是喜欢玩那种需要动脑子的益智游戏,没错吧?

    You really like brains that make you think, don't you?

  30. 这和玩不需要动脑子的动作电子游戏感觉不太一样。

    It doesn't really feel like playing mindless action video games.


  1. 问:动脑子拼音怎么拼?动脑子的读音是什么?动脑子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:动脑子的读音是dòngnǎozi,动脑子翻译成英文是 The same as 动脑筋



dòng nǎo jīn ㄉㄨㄙˋ ㄣㄠˇ ㄐㄧㄣ 动脑筋(动脑筋)