


1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……









汉语拼音:tōng fēng bào xìn







  • 【解释】:风:风声。把对立双方中一方的机密暗中告诉另一方。
  • 【出自】:清·颐锁《黄绣球》第二十回:“那掌柜的说他恶毒,跟手叫送棺材到陈府上去的通风报信,一面地保就在内看守了这掌柜的。”
  • 【示例】:他立刻掉头,抄横巷子赶回冼大妈的竹寮,打算给那几个共产党员~。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;指暗中传递消息


  1. Informing or any other action to the detriment of a fellow prisoner is despicable and is expressly forbidden.


  2. One peep out of you and I cut your throat.


  3. So at the time of the Draft Riots he was warned to leave.


  4. She wondered if someone from the office had tipped him off, or. . . did he just somehow know that she would not get turned down?


  5. Someone tipped off the police that the thief was hiding in the garage.


  6. A war with the Soulscar could upset Realag's plans, and he must stop all messengers who could escape to reach their territory.


  7. Before the Leveson inquiry, no details of this briefing had been known or published outside NI.


  8. However, Yeh Sheng-mao tipped off to choose the way of documents to Chen Shui-bian, also own copies of the end of stay.


  9. In providing them information, he often -- without doubt -- betrays secrets.


  1. 留个活口去通风报信。

    Leave one alive to tell the tale.

  2. 你要是通风报信,我就宰了你。

    One peep out of you and I cut your throat.

  3. 我们得灭了他,免得他通风报信。

    We gotta get rid of him, or he'll squeal.

  4. 直觉告诉我他想去通风报信。

    Something tells me he was on his way to deliver a warning.

  5. 窃贼得到望风者的通风报信逃跑了。

    The burglars were tipped off by a lookout and escaped.

  6. 你真的认为有人给他通风报信吗?

    Do you think that somebody tipped him off?

  7. 官员们相信很可能是他们给共党通风报信。

    Officials believe this area was the likely source of a tip to the Maoists.

  8. 他经常泄露机密,这无疑是给他们通风报信。

    In providing them information, he often without doubt betrays secrets.

  9. 你是说你在警察局有一帮通风报信的?

    Are you telling me that you've got your own little nest of informers in the Police Department?

  10. 有人向警察通风报信,举报有窃贼隐匿在车库里面。

    Someone tipped off the police that the thief was hiding in the garage.

  11. 有人向警察通风报信,举报有窃贼隐藏在车库里面。

    Someone tipped off the police that the thief was hiding in the garage.

  12. 简向我通风报信说老板明天要来检查。

    Jan tipped me off that the boss is going to make an inspection tomorrow.

  13. 伍斯特集体通风报信我们送到三件新班克斯!

    Wooster Collective has tipped us off to three new Banksy pieces!

  14. 如果有什么消息出来,你一定要先给我通风报信。

    Whenever news comes out, you must send messages to me to keep me informed.

  15. 如果有什么消息出来,你一定要先给我通风报信。

    Whenever news comes out, you must send messages to me to keep me informed.

  16. 上次多亏我给你通风报信,你才免了牢狱之灾

    Hey, last time I checked, I tipped you off and you are not in jail

  17. 通风报信及其他损害同伴的行为是可耻的,也是禁止的。

    Informing or any other action to the detriment of a fellow prisoner is despicable and is expressly forbidden.

  18. 另外两名窃贼得到了望风者的通风报信而逃掉了。

    The two other burglars were tipped off by a lookout and escaped.

  19. 阿秋撒谎骗了小莲父亲后, 马上跑上楼通风报信。

    A autumn lies after cheating small lotus father, run immediately go upstairs tip off information.

  20. 只是不要忘记仔细修剪爪通风报信每个申请前钉帽。

    Just don't forget to carefully trim the tip off each claw before applying the nail cap.

  21. 啊,我知道,如果谁能去通风报信的话,就能拿到五镑的赏金呢。

    Well, I understand that they get five pounds if they can give information.


  1. 问:通风报信拼音怎么拼?通风报信的读音是什么?通风报信翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通风报信的读音是tōngfēngbàoxìn,通风报信翻译成英文是 to furnish secret information