


1. 冲 [chōng]2. 冲 [chòng]冲 [chōng]用水或酒浇注,水撞击:~茶。~剂。~洗。~荡。向上钻,直上:~腾。~入云霄。破解不祥:~喜。空虚,谦虚:“大盈若~,其用不穷”。~挹(yì)。谦~。幼小:~昧。~弱。~龄。方……


1. 凉 [liáng]2. 凉 [liàng]凉 [liáng]温度低:~快。~爽。~意。~气。阴~。~丝丝。~亭。荒~。喻灰心,失望:听到这消息,我~了半截。中国西晋末年至北魏,各族统治者在西北地区建立的割据政权:五~(前、后、南、北、……



汉语拼音:chōng liáng







  1. The freshwater pump is at the heart of the delivery system that ensures a constant supply to the fixtures in galley, head and shower.


  2. The fascinating physics of foams offers much to contemplate as you shower before heading off to the bar.


  3. Riding heavily-laden bikes through undulating countryside in scorching temperatures without this luxury began to get us down.


  4. eat anything imported can not spit it out, the case of hot food, showers can be water or fruit juice.


  5. Filtering water through a whole house water filter eliminates the risks of both drinking and showering in contaminated water.


  6. He would build the bonfire there, and enjoyed sleeping on the beach, returning to his room to shower in the morning.


  7. I'd like to have a shower before going to bed.


  8. On raining with thunder , people should not wash under shower ? , for strong thunder power may raid people along the flow water .


  9. The image of him trudging into the room after a cold shower, a frozen water bottle in hand to sleep next to, was too funny.


  1. 睡觉之前, 他喜欢冲凉。

    Before he goes to bed, he likes to take a shower.

  2. 冲凉水澡能减肥吗?

    Can bath of strong cold water reduce weight

  3. 其它浴室里有冲凉设备。

    Other bathrooms have a shower.

  4. 爱情就像夏日冲凉一样甜美。

    Love is sweet as summer showers.

  5. 江苏无锡老街上冲凉的人。

    People are taking a bath in an old street.

  6. 读, 冲冲凉, 干些放松心情的事情。

    Read a book, take a bath, do something relaxing.

  7. 冲凉,冲掉首席中士带来的恶臭。

    To shower, unless the stinking First Sergeant objects.

  8. 我不得不让她停止写了, 然后去冲凉。

    I have to let her stop writing and have a bath.

  9. 他早晨习惯就是泡咖啡,冲凉和吃早饭。

    His morning ritual is to make coffee, take a shower and have breakfast.

  10. 我决定我要去,嗯,拍一张他的冲凉照。

    I decided that I'd go and, like, take a picture of him while he was in the shower.

  11. 把西米倒入过滤网,然后冲凉水备用。

    Turn cold water rinse the sago under the water.

  12. 宝贝, 你什么时候见过我冲凉超过四分钟的?

    Baby, have you ever seen a shower of mine take more than four minutes?

  13. 过后我们就上去旅馆冲凉准备和收拾行李去了。

    After that, we goto the hotel and take showers, we get ready to pack up and go.

  14. 放大音乐或冲凉也是受欢迎的消除起床气的方法。

    Listening to loud music or having a cold shower were named as other popular ways to get going after getting out of bed.

  15. 我们回到火车上冲凉,喝咖啡,像是快乐的游牧人。

    We return to the train for showers and coffee like happy Bedouins.

  16. 海军官员说, 照明弹得弹壳击穿两堵墙后进入冲凉房。

    A Navy official said the star shell hit the bathroom after going through two walls.

  17. 海军官员说,照明弹的弹壳击穿两堵墙后进入冲凉房。

    A Navy official said the star shell hit the bathroom after going through two walls.

  18. 不管怎么说吧, 今天的工作我都做完了, 回家就能冲凉。

    Anyway, I've finished work early today. I can have a shower when I get home.

  19. 但是在室内穿毛衣去成为了一种时尚, 冲凉却变得奢侈。

    But sweaters are popular indoor wear and showers are not an everyday luxury.

  20. 此份报告还指出,使用含氯水冲凉也会对人造成危害。

    This report also stated that much of these effects were due to showering in chlorinated water.

  21. 想信我,这办法很有用,有时我起床感觉很冷,就马上跑去冲凉。

    This works, trust me, sometimes I'm cold and just run for the shower.

  22. 猪脚请肉贩切块, 洗净后, 先用开水烫过, 捞出后用冷水冲凉。

    Have the butcher chop the pigs foot into pieces. Rinse well and blanch in boiling water, remove and rinse under cold water.


  1. 问:冲凉拼音怎么拼?冲凉的读音是什么?冲凉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲凉的读音是chōngliáng,冲凉翻译成英文是 take a shower





【释义】〈方〉洗澡 从字面上看就是拿冷水冲洗身子。在粤语地区是洗澡的口语。无论是用热水还是冷水,都叫冲凉。 可能是因为洗完澡以后会觉得凉(夏天是正在洗澡的时候凉,冬天是洗完澡以后凉)。 在国内很多地方,打台球的时候,无意中白色主球进洞了,俗称“冲凉”。