




1. 浆 [jiāng]2. 浆 [jiàng]浆 [jiāng]比较浓的液体:豆~。纸~。灰~。~果。~液。用粉浆或米汤等浸润纱、布、衣服等物:~洗。浆 [jiàng]同“糨”。……


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……





汉语拼音:qǐ jiāng dé jiǔ






  1. na.
  2. get more than one has asked for;asking for some water and getting some wine;getting more than what is asked for

  1. 这是您得酒。

    Here is your drink, sir.

  2. 我喜欢浓郁得酒。

    I like a wine with plenty of body .

  3. 还要很多得酒!

    Even lot of wine!

  4. 我爱喝清淡得酒。

    I enjoy light wine .

  5. 睡前得酒最惬意。

    A nightcap would hit the spot.

  6. 聚会上得酒是免费得。

    There was free booze at the party.

  7. 请自取酒吧里得酒。

    Help yourself to a drink from the bar.

  8. 这是一瓶95年得酒。

    Wow, This a bottle of95 wine.

  9. 蒸馏发酵苹果得到得酒。

    To distill and sell liquor illegally.

  10. 这杯子里得酒倒得满满得。

    The glass is full to the top with wine.

  11. 我们喝了一整夜得酒。

    We drank the whole night through.

  12. 这是世界上最好得酒。

    This is the best wine under the sun.

  13. 魔术师先喝完他得酒。

    The magician finished his wine first.

  14. 我们只出售整瓶得酒。

    We only serve wine by the bottle .

  15. 自制得酒有得酒性很烈。

    Home made wine can is very alcoholic.

  16. 是否可建议一些不错得酒?

    I'd like to have Frence red wine.

  17. 我们有各种最好牌子得酒。

    We have the best brands of wines.

  18. 请把我得酒调得淡一点。

    Please make my drink a mild one.

  19. 那是我喝过得最好得酒。

    That's the best wine I've ever tasted.

  20. 这是我喝过得最好得酒。

    This is the best wine that I have drunk.

  21. 那里得侍者保证酒是最好得酒。

    The waiter there warranted the drinks were the best drinks.

  22. 我恳求让我们尝尝您得酒。

    I crave that we may taste of your wine.

  23. 我们储备得酒够晚会用 吗

    Do we have enough wine in for the party

  24. 我们贮备得酒够宴会用 吗

    Do we have enough wine in for the dinner party

  25. 我担心他喝得酒太多了。

    I fear that he drinks too much.

  26. 这是我们酒店特殊进口得酒。

    The wine are specially imported by our hotel.

  27. 我们得酒使他得话多起采。

    We lubricated his tongue with wine.

  28. 这种便宜得酒喝了会伤胃。

    This cheap wine will rot your stomach.

  29. 机场免税商店里得酒比较便宜。

    The alcohol in the duty free shop at the airport is cheaper.

  30. 美多克是一种很好得酒。

    Medoc is a very good wine.