







汉语拼音:shuō lì






  1. 序言。

    章炳麟 《文学说例》:“今为説例,率取文学与雅故神恉相关者,观其会通,都为一牒,以俟达者云尔。” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》九:“说例相当于序文,是编辑者的公开宣言,怎么会有了毛病。”



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  1. 例说贬义词褒用

    Illustrations of Complementary Usages of Derogatory Words

  2. 例说重积分与累次积分

    Analysis on the Multiple Integral and Repeated Integral with Instances

  3. 举个例说,他喝酒过多。

    For one thing, he drinks too much.

  4. 例说巧用童谣教英语

    Exemplifying English Teaching by the Means of Using Rhymes Skillfully

  5. 敦煌文学艺术性先驱作用例说

    The Harbingers Example of Art Of The Literature Works From Dunhuang

  6. 例说构造矢量法解初等代数问题

    Explaining with Examples the Structure of Vector to Solve Elementary Algebra Problems

  7. 例说初中数学的几种命题失误的补遗

    Illustrating the Addendum to Some Mistaken Proposition in Junior High School Mathematics.

  8. 例说求函数最值中的设参, 消参技巧

    Explanation with Examples about the Tactics of Given and Removed Parameters in Solving Questions of the Extreme Value of Function

  9. 是呀, 举个例说, 这里这一套正是目前流行的。

    It is. This set here, for instance, is popular just now.

  10. 是呀,举个例说,这里这一套正是目前流行得。

    It is. This set here, for instance, is popular just now.

  11. 例说无穷递缩等比数列求和公式的解题功能

    Talking with Examples about the Solution Function in the Summation Formula of Infinite Decreasing Series

  12. 妙用过坐标原点的两条直线统一方程解题例说

    On Cleverly Using an Uniform Function to Solve Problems by Examples

  13. 这只是一个更普遍的吉布斯相率的特例, 或者说是个例。

    And then we said that this turned out to be a special case or subcase of the more general Gibbs phase rule.

  14. 他以丰田为例分析说, 目前的开工率低只是暂时的现象。

    He said Toyota as an example of the current low rate of only a temporary phenomenon started.

  15. 咱们可以随便拿个作家为例,比方说狄更斯。

    Let's take any writer, say Dickens.

  16. 但是, 他们说以加州红杉为例, 它能向更北面的地方迁移。

    Still, they say California's coastal redwood trees, for example, could move farther north.

  17. 它举版权为例,但是补充说也可以扩大到工业产权。

    It mentioned copyright as an example, but added that it could also be extended to industrial property.

  18. 独立做例9。订正时说一说怎样取近似值的。

    Do Example 7 by yourself. Tell me how you got the approximate value.

  19. 古今舞蹈例说

    Illustration of Dances in Ancient Times and Now.

  20. 话语易序例说

    Illustration of the change of speaking order with examples.

  21. 汉语中的浑沌例说

    The examples of Chaos in ancient Chinese language

  22. 现代汉语时尚外来词例说

    Analysis of faddy loanwords in modern Chinese language

  23. 考释佛经中疑难词语例说

    Exemplify Research on Difficult Words and Expressions in Sutra

  24. 他们说我讲的故事很乏味。例

    And that individuals can use the entire capacity of the times out loud yawn throughout the abyss of time one along the 13 century.

  25. 或者说,在这一事例中,一个中介鸟。

    Or in this case, a middle bird.

  26. 构造向量的内积证明不等式例说

    Illustrating Constructing Interior Product of Vector to Prove Inequality

  27. 在说到肮脏的昆虫时他举苍蝇为例。

    He instanced the fly as a dirty insect.

  28. 不时地,撇开今天不说,再给我举一例。

    Constantly? Aside from today, give me one example.

  29. 说它是一例罕见的跨大西洋的收敛性。

    Call it a rare case of transAtlantic convergence.

  30. 约翰说, 除了例定的数目, 不要多取。

    And he said to them, do not make an attempt to get more money than the right amount.