





  1. 宣称。《元典章·刑部十九·禁宰杀》:“中都兵马司説称一十三局及城外南人常是夤夜宰牛隻。”



  1. "Miss Zhou looks fashionable today. " One of the men said. Well, it's fashion enough to call an unmarried woman "miss" .


  2. Another said that those who said the Jiangdu, "is a cosmopolitan city Jianghuai. "


  3. A Treasury source said: "We have contingency plans in place. We are watching the banks very closely but there is not cause for alarm. "


  4. Calling Mao the father of modern China was also wrong, Mr Li said.


  5. Or call it, as many of Michael's collaborators have: "a labor of love. " That sentiment certainly shines through on the record.


  6. "It adds to the visual history of Jerusalem, " Gibson added, saying it brings attention to the life of women in antiquity.


  1. 一位发言人说称奥巴马将对目前的情况做一个合理的评估。

    A spokesman says Obama will offer a sober assessment of how things stand.

  2. 我们一直在讨论如何称说这项新技术。

    We have been continuously discussing the name of the new technology.

  3. 我们一直在讨论如何称说这项新技术。

    We have been continuously discussing the name of the new technology.

  4. 报纸指称说警察未经示警就枪杀那位嫌疑犯。

    The newspapers allege that the police shot the suspect without warning.

  5. 说梦话也称梦呓。

    Somniloquy also weighs balderdash.

  6. 伊拉克说, 所称损失是间接的损失。

    Iraq contends that the losses claimed are indirect.

  7. 更准确地说, 我们称翻滚的白气为混合云。

    More accurately, these billows are a type of cloud called a mixing cloud.

  8. 在法庭上故意说假话并称假如自己说假话就会遭报应。

    knowingly tell an untruth in a legal court and render oneself guilty of perjury.

  9. 我可以说她可以称的上红楼梦中的王熙凤了。

    I can say that she can be called on the Dream of the Red Chamber of Wang Xifeng.

  10. 最高军事指挥说有报告称士兵中出现了士气低落。

    Top military leaders say there have been reports of demoralization in the ranks.

  11. 达登说,警方称这是他们解决过的最容易的盗窃案。

    Darden said police told her it was their best arrest ever.

  12. 一名财政部官员称目前说其会脱手多少持股还太早。

    A Treasury official said it is too early to say how much it would sell.

  13. 他说那把香蕉称重为5磅。

    He told me that the palm of banana hefted 5 pounds.

  14. 你丈夫跟中介抱怨 说我很不称职。

    Your husband told the agency That I am a lousy housekeeper.

  15. 耶稣对他说,你为什么称我是良善的。

    And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good?

  16. 一个版本收费, 另一版本免费, 这说不通, 他称。

    It is illogical to charge for one but not the other, he says.

  17. 他们说他当教练不够称。

    They say hes not much cop as a coach.

  18. 别让她觉得好像我在用第三人称跟她说话

    Don't sign her like I'm talking to her in the third person.

  19. 胆小鬼说自己谨慎, 守财奴称自己节俭。

    Cowards call themselves cautious and misers thrifty.

  20. 我说,你完全可以称她为专家。

    I guess you could call her an expert.

  21. 松本大称,比如说,你不能用特别提款权买武器。

    You can't buy weapons, for example, by using SDRs, 'Matsumoto said.

  22. 你已被洗脑,无论他们说什麽你一律点头称是。

    You are brainwashed, everything they say you nod.

  23. 新闻上说了。他们一直称她为你的高中同学,共犯。

    The news. They kept on calling her a high school friend or an accomplice.

  24. 每一次他们几乎都说没有, 但补充称, 开会的目的在于社交。

    They nearly always say no, but add that the point is the hobnobbing.

  25. 我称它为痴人说梦话。

    I call it hypocritical bullshit.

  26. 这个公社有11个行政单位或称大队,他说。

    There are11 administrative units, or brigades, in this commune, he said.

  27. 他们称自己为兄长 称我们为弟兄 说我们是破坏世界的人

    They call themselves the elder brothers and they say we, who are the younger brothers, are the ones responsible for destroying the world.

  28. 官方称,据报告说火焰是起飞后一个引擎冒出的。

    Officials say flames reportedly were coming from one of the engines after takeoff.

  29. 报纸引述他的话称, 我只说过我在那里做过一些研究。

    I only said I had done some research there, 'the newspaper quoted him as saying.

  30. 报纸引述他得话称,我只说过我在那里做过一些研究。

    I only said I had done some research there, the newspaper quoted him as saying.