




1. 陈 [chén]陈 [chén]排列,摆设:~列。~兵。述说:~述。~情。详~。~诉。~说。旧的,时间久的:~旧。~腐。~醋。推~出新。~~相因。~迹。~皮。中国周代诸侯国名,在今河南省淮阳县一带。中国朝代名,南朝最末的王朝。姓。……



汉语拼音:shuō chén






  1. 陈说,陈述。《何典》第七回:“ 活死人 觉着他意思,又见 臭鬼 这般説陈,便答道:‘既蒙错爱,不敢固辞,容日央媒説合便了。’” 阿英 《袁中郎做官》:“这样的说陈,也依然是没有结果。”



  1. He said the visit would have a negative impact on bilateral relations between China and Libya .


  2. because of him always does not believe ghosts and gods, so ghosts and gods also does not rescue.


  3. Old sand notice with light ChenLiGong said wu wei and generation in, and said with less than than having don't come here.


  4. But on the contrary I said Chen Qingyang was a whore, doubtlessly.


  5. The arrest, made by the police's commercial crime bureau, was in relation to a possible forgery, the spokeswoman said.


  6. He said that Chen Shuibian had nothing to do except push a pro- "independence" timetable.


  7. Gome said Mr. Chen is leaving to 'spend more time with his family, ' and that he 'has confirmed that he has no disagreement' with the board.


  8. Chen then concentrated on Buddhist studies at the monastery, according to staff from her company.


  9. Many said it wasn't Hu's fault that Chen made a bad movie, not to mention the misleading press campaign about it.


  1. 你是说陈上士?

    You mean, sergeant jln?

  2. 人们都说陈最后这么几个年头过得值了。

    People say that so some old final times have to worth.

  3. 话说 陈女士正准备取钱, 她得宠物狗要便便。

    Mrs Chen was waiting to withdraw money when her dog to deposit a number two.

  4. 不要说陈老师的坏话, 因为他有较多的幽默感。

    Don'say a bad word about Mr. Chen, because he has a good sense of humour.

  5. 因此, 陈教授说瘙痒研究一直处于疼痛研究的阴影之下。

    Because of this, Professor Chen says itch research has lived in the shadow of pain research.

  6. 例如, 陈先生说两岸直航次数的增加应该会起到作用。

    For example, says Mr Chen, more direct flights between Taiwan and China should help.

  7. 就因为此,陈教授说瘙痒研究是处在疼痛研究的阴影之下。

    Because of this, Professor Chen says itch research has in the shadow of pain research.

  8. 陈教授说,停下来重新审视局势是脱离苦海的一个办法。

    One way to pull out of it is to stop and reexamine the data, says Chen.

  9. 有一天, 派出去得探子回来报告, 说陈仓守将郝昭病重。

    One day, a scout came Back to report that Hao Zhao was seriously ill.

  10. 有一天, 派出去的探子回来报告, 说陈仓守将郝昭病重。

    One day, a scout came Back to report that Hao Zhao was seriously ill.

  11. 陈先生有说错话得毛病, 因为他常常说话没有技巧。

    Mr. Chen has footinmouth disease because he always says something tactless.

  12. 陈先生有说错话的毛病,因为他常常说话没有技巧。

    Mr. Chen has footinmouth disease because he always says something tactless.

  13. 但是我偏说, 陈清扬就是破鞋, 而且这一点毋庸置疑。

    But on the contrary I said Chen Qingyang was a whore doubtlessly.

  14. 陈先生无奈地说。

    Mr. Chen says with exasperation.

  15. 李瑜说, 陈在内部的会议上会经常向高管们这样发问。

    Li Yu says, old the meeting on the conference of interiorly often to tall canal people such ask a question.

  16. 据她公司的雇员说, 陈晓旭在这座尼姑庵里潜心研究佛法。

    Chen then concentrated on Buddhist studies at the monastery, according to staff from her company.

  17. 陈晓东不必说感谢。

    Daniel Chan Donts Say Thanks Karaoke Collection.

  18. 说得陈静怪难为情得。

    Chen Jing felt put on the spot.

  19. 说得陈静怪难为情的。

    Chen Jing felt put on the spot.

  20. 千橡集团创始人陈一舟说。

    Chen Yizhou of author of 1000 rubber group says.

  21. 你要学会说那些陈词烂调。

    You have to learn your cliches.

  22. 陈白沙主静说与道家思想

    Chen Bai Sha's Tranquility Proposition and Taoism

  23. 这个故事是福州的陈兴元说的。

    Chen Xingyuan of Fuzhou told this story.

  24. 这个故事是福州得陈兴元说得。

    Chen Xingyuan of Fuzhou told this story.

  25. 陈老爷在哪儿,我有话要跟他说。

    Where is the master? I must speak to him.

  26. 陈清扬说, 我始终是一个恶棍。

    Chen Qingyang said I was a villain from the beginning to the end.

  27. 正如陈逢说, 多少钱你自己得家。

    As Chen Feng said, how much money your own home.

  28. 正如陈逢说,多少钱你自己的家。

    As Chen Feng said, how much money your own home.

  29. 陈姨太板起粉脸对觉慧说。

    Her frown made her long face look even longer.

  30. 陈老七走在最前排, 也高声得说。

    Shouted Old Chen, who was in the first rank of the crowd.


  1. 问:说陈词滥调的人拼音怎么拼?说陈词滥调的人的读音是什么?说陈词滥调的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:说陈词滥调的人的读音是,说陈词滥调的人翻译成英文是 platitudinarian