





  1. "Wilt thou let me be at peace if I once tell thee? " asked her mother.


  2. when he came to the minister , he asked him if he would venture to marry a couple of strangers that were both willing.


  3. 'I might be able to give you the price you want, if you'll only talk to me. '


  4. One day Eugene asked me if I would empty the pail for him. I took it to the corner of the yard.


  5. " Birds slippery per cent countered: " this is just a hypothesis, if you pull a hairs and could settle the world, you would go for it?


  6. Will it please you, therefore, to tell me of Hester Prynne's- have I her name rightly?


  7. The president of my club wonders if I will make a speech for the boys!


  8. Mike: Emily , if I do improve and make a big change, then would you be, I mean could you be. . . There how was that?


  9. I can't say whether she would like to come and work here or not.


  1. 他肯不肯出诊?

    Does he make house call?

  2. 这纯粹是个肯不肯苦干的问题。

    It's simply a question of hard work.

  3. 她肯不肯来我们这儿工作, 我可说不好。

    I can't say whether she would like to come and work here or not.

  4. 皮拉摩斯你肯不肯到宁尼的坟头去跟咱相聚?

    PYRAMUS Wilt thou at Ninnys tomb meet me straightway

  5. 丝毫不肯让步

    will not make the slightest concession.

  6. 宁死也不肯

    not be seen dead.

  7. 为什么不肯放手?

    Why not just let me go?

  8. 他不肯帮我。

    He isn't willing to help me.

  9. 他不肯帮我。

    He isn't willing to help me.

  10. 他贵贱不肯去。

    He absolutely refused to go.

  11. 她不肯带发网。

    She refused to wear a hairnet.

  12. 他不肯喝葡萄酒。

    He would not drink wine.

  13. 她不肯放慢脚步。

    She refuses to slow down.

  14. 她不肯放慢脚步。

    She refuses to slow down.

  15. 她不肯面对现实。

    She refuses to face reality.

  16. 你不肯看着我

    You can't look at me.

  17. 嘴硬, 不肯服输, 不肯承认

    Never say uncle

  18. 不肯低头在草莽。

    You have held your head high, never bowed it in the dust.

  19. 羞答答不肯把头抬。

    Blushing, she turns her head without a qualm.

  20. 群众不肯远离栅栏。

    The crowds would not keep back from the barrier.

  21. 您太不肯将就了。

    You are too unyielding.

  22. 这只鸟不肯吃食。

    The bird refuses to feed.

  23. 但他们并不肯走。

    People don't want to move.

  24. 他不肯低声下气鞠躬。

    He wouldn't lower himself to bow.

  25. 不肯接受你的帮助

    throwing their life away.

  26. 他不做完不肯住手。

    He won't stop until he finishes the job.

  27. 我知道你不肯相信。

    I know this is hard to hear.

  28. 我知道你不肯相信。

    I know this is hard to hear.

  29. 他们是不肯出力的。

    They will not take the sweat.

  30. 其他学校都不肯收

    that none of the other schools wanted.