







汉语拼音:mén qiáng






  1. 见“ 门墙 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 门墻 ”。连接大门处的院墙。

    唐 唐彦谦 《夏日访友》诗:“童子立门墙,问我向何处。”借指门庭。 宋 苏舜钦 《送黄莘还家》诗:“顾亦念所亲,归心剧风檣。想当舍檝初,喜气充门墙。”

  3. 《论语·子张》:“夫子之墙数仞,不得其门而入,不见宗庙之美,百官之富。得其门者或寡矣。”后因称师门为“门墙”。

    汉 扬雄 《法言·修身》:“或问:‘人有倚 孔子 之墙,弦 郑 衞 之声,诵 韩 庄 之书,则引诸门乎?’曰:‘在夷貉则引之,倚门墙则麾之。’” 南朝 梁 陶弘景 《登真隐诀序》:“未造门墙,何由眄其帷席。” 唐 顾云 《上池州卫郎中启》:“自随乡荐,便託门墻。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·娇娜》:“少年曰:‘倘不以駑駘见斥,愿拜门墙。’生喜,不敢当师,请为友。”

  4. 指学术的门径。

    《医宗金鉴·张仲景<金匮要略·妇人产后病脉证并治>》“产后风续之,数十日不解”集注引 沉明宗 曰:“奈后人不察其理,反谓芍药酸寒,能伐生生之气,桂枝辛热,恐伤其血,弃而不用,以致病剧不解,只因未窥 仲景 门墻耳!” 清 王夫之 《张子正蒙注·乾称下》:“自其説炽传中国,儒者未容窥圣学门墙,已为引取,沦胥其间,指为大道。”

  5. 比喻某种事物的藩篱或屏障。

    清 严如熤 《三省边防备览·策略》:“御贼当在门墻之外。” 田汉 《<田汉选集>前记》:“在长沙师范时代,春柳社后身的文社及另一些鼓吹改革的戏剧团体曾在 长沙 演出,但他们的门墙对我还是太高了。我不过是在场外徘徊爱慕而已。”



  1. The brook Huan Zhu Prefecture, bridges cross Bi quicksand. The wind is not the door wall, long and cold spray.


  2. You banged your son's head on the doorway while giving him a piggyback ride?


  3. He nailed6 the top score on the New York state bar exam, catching then-governor Rockefeller's eye, and the Rockefeller ride began.


  4. When we go downstairs we see four portals and nine panels on the walls that are arranged like a keyboard.


  5. Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture.


  6. It's a window. a desk. a chair. a blackboard. a window. a door. a wall.


  7. Today, people often use them for decoration, such as ornament windows, doors, walls and so on. Some people also use them as good gifts.


  8. Industry: Security Door; Brick wall; Slate, culture stone; Steel; Toilet and accessories; Apartments, garden, villa;


  9. crack of the wall of tunnel entrance;


  1. 整个房屋是以高品质的木镶墙板在门墙。

    High quality wood wall paneling in doorway and throughout home.

  2. 这是门墙。你看不到得是, 他们晚上还用木头栓门!

    You can't see it but they still use wood bars lock up night!

  3. 这是门墙。你看不到的是,他们晚上还用木头栓门!

    You can't see it but they still use wood bars lock up night!

  4. 门与墙的对话

    Between Wall and Door

  5. 甚至透过实心的门和墙看东西。

    Even see through solid doors and walls.

  6. 甚至能透过厚实的门和墙看到东西。

    And even see through solid doors and walls.

  7. 门应该与墙在同一平面上。

    The door should be flush with the wall.

  8. 与墙与门, 与我自己斗争。

    Fight against the walls, against myself, my door.

  9. 注意线不要触到墙和门。

    Take care that the string does not touch the wall or the door.

  10. 常常可以在窗户,墙,门及灯笼上看到起装饰作用的剪纸。

    Paper cuts used for decoration are often seen on windows and gates.

  11. 一个镶板或是一扇门,一堵墙的嵌板的一部分。

    A panel or section of panels in a wall or door.

  12. 空心钢筋混凝土带门、窗洞剪力墙抗震性能试验研究

    An experimental study on the aseismic behavior of hollow shear wall of reinforced concrete with doors or windows

  13. 门墙上一对瓷盆中各饰有五只飞舞的蝙蝠, 象征着五福临门。

    A door wall Capon each decorated with five fluttering bat, a symbol of the Five quick succession.

  14. 她沿墙摸索着找门。

    She felt along the wall for the door.

  15. 餐桌靠墙,对着门的一侧,为主宾席。

    The dining table towards portal one side by the wall, for lord guest seat.

  16. 建筑隔墙,防火墙,防火门和电梯井的防火和降噪。

    Building walls, firewall, fire doors and elevator well fire prevention and noise reduction.

  17. 诊所全部门墙,包括内墙,弹痕累累。

    All clinic walls and doors, including interior walls, were riddled with bullet holes.

  18. 列车空气信号遮断塞门墙遮断了我们的视线。

    Train air signal stop cock The wall cuts across our line of vision.

  19. 与墙齐平的门

    a door flush with the walls.

  20. 门应与墙齐平。

    The door should be flush with the wall.

  21. 与墙在同一平面上的门

    A door that is flush with the wall.

  22. 他们在门上和墙上贴春联。

    They put up posters on their doors and walls.

  23. 门打开时,吧嗒一声门儿碰着墙。

    The door unbolted, whacked back against the wall.

  24. 这扇门可折起来靠在墙上。

    This door folds back against the wall.

  25. 墙上有四个窗户和两扇门。

    There are four windows and two doors in the wall.

  26. 门上的黑漆与白墙形成对比。

    The black paint on the door provides a contrast for the white walls.

  27. 小心别让细绳碰到墙上或门上。

    Take care that the string does not touch the wall or the door.

  28. 门漆成了蓝色,为的是与墙的颜色相配。

    The doors were painted blue to match the walls.

  29. 在东墙上有两个门, 分别在楼梯两边。

    On the east wall are two doors, one on either side of the staircase.

  30. 门漆成了兰色, 为的是与墙的颜色相配。

    Match the words above with the humorous definitions below.


  1. 问:门墙玻璃块拼音怎么拼?门墙玻璃块的读音是什么?门墙玻璃块翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门墙玻璃块的读音是mén qiáng bō lí kuài,门墙玻璃块翻译成英文是 pane of glass