





  1. 接近死亡。

    《后汉书·列女传·董祀妻》:“明公廐马万匹,虎士成林,何惜疾足一骑,而不济垂死之命乎!” 宋 苏轼 《登州谢上表》之二:“愿忍垂死之年,以待维新之政。” 巴金 《<家>法译本序》:“我绝不做封建家庭的奴隶,我要控诉这个垂死的制度的罪恶。”



  1. There's a planet out in space that looks like the distorted face of a dying manImperfection, slow reaction to a demolition course.


  2. It was claimed that this prince had been switched with a dying baby, and had indeed appeared 16 years later as "Kaspar Hauser" in Nuremberg.


  3. me that you will help me with my last wish as a dying man.


  4. I can never imagine that the sons and daughters would attack one another like the creations of Cadmus in the presence of their dying father.


  5. You do not have to be a member of the moribund Socialist Labour Party of America to see the political appeal of that.


  6. If only the plant could talk, it might be able to save itself from dying, either from thirst or drowning.


  7. The dying friend said that perhaps her sickness would have been better understood if she had been treated by a woman.


  8. The poor lady, turning about to him, and looking at him with dying eyes, desired him to afford her one little moment to recollect herself.


  9. When he had arrived at this stage of succor which he was administering to this dying man, the officer opened his eyes.


  1. 垂死,濒死

    impending death.

  2. 挤榨垂死的挣扎

    Squeeze the throes of death from me

  3. 他为垂死的人祷告。

    He prayed for the dying man.

  4. 在垂死暖阳的彼岸。

    Beyond the warmth of the dying Sun.

  5. 求生的挣扎继以垂死的挣扎

    The Agony of Death after the Agony of Life

  6. 我们是一种垂死的繁殖。

    We're a dying breed.

  7. 站在你垂死的身躯旁边

    your dying body for decades.

  8. 他的脸是垂死者的脸。

    His face was the face of the dying.

  9. 收容垂死者的救济院。

    Hospice for the dying.

  10. 收容垂死者得救济院。

    Hospice for the dying.

  11. 修正蜘蛛杀掉垂死的羚羊。

    Fariel is dying killed by spider.

  12. 牧师与垂死者的对话

    Dialogue Between A Priest And A Dying Man

  13. 垂死的人被急速送往医院。

    The dying were rushed to the hospital.

  14. 越来越多的人在做垂死的挣扎。

    More and more people are dying.

  15. 当我们摆脱了此垂死之皮囊,

    When we have shuffled off this mortal coil

  16. 你垂死之刻, 我仍会活着。

    While you're dying I be still alive.

  17. 死者和垂死者横卧沙场。

    The killed and the dying lay on the battlefield.

  18. 那个垂死的人不久停止了呼吸。

    The dying man soon ceased to breathe.

  19. 垂死动物的哀嚎充斥了我的灵魂

    Shrieks of dying animals inside my soul

  20. 一方面是一个垂死的帝国英国。

    On the one hand a dying Empire, Britain.

  21. 他看起来好像已到了垂死之际。

    He looks as though he's at death's door.

  22. 耐心的护士照料那名垂死的男人。

    The patient nurse administered to the dying man.

  23. 在触地前,血幻化垂死的花。

    Blood come to dying flowers before touch the earth.

  24. 垂死前的痛苦是在3月里开始的。

    The death throes began in March.

  25. 我在这垂死的世界的唯一所爱!

    That I could love in this dying world!

  26. 耐心得护士照料着那个垂死得老人。

    The patient nurse ministered to the dying old man.

  27. 耐心的护士照料着那个垂死的老人。

    The patient nurse ministered to the dying old man.

  28. 那话偶然被那垂死得妇人听到。

    The words caught the ear of the dying woman.

  29. 那话偶然被那垂死的妇人听到。

    The words caught the ear of the dying woman.

  30. 他因疲累口渴而濒临垂死边缘。

    He was dying of exhaustion and thirst.


  1. 问:垂死拼音怎么拼?垂死的读音是什么?垂死翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垂死的读音是chuísǐ,垂死翻译成英文是 dying; moribound

  2. 问:垂死挣扎拼音怎么拼?垂死挣扎的读音是什么?垂死挣扎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垂死挣扎的读音是chuísǐzhēngzhá,垂死挣扎翻译成英文是 be in one's death throes; put up a last-ditch s...

  3. 问:垂死的拼音怎么拼?垂死的的读音是什么?垂死的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垂死的的读音是,垂死的翻译成英文是 dying

  4. 问:垂死之人拼音怎么拼?垂死之人的读音是什么?垂死之人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垂死之人的读音是,垂死之人翻译成英文是 moribund

  5. 问:垂死狮子像拼音怎么拼?垂死狮子像的读音是什么?垂死狮子像翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垂死狮子像的读音是,垂死狮子像翻译成英文是 Lion Monument




拼音:chuí sǐ 基本解释 [moribund;dying] 临近死亡 例句 在垂死痛苦的尖叫声中倒下。 详细解释 接近死亡。 《后汉书·列女传·董祀妻》:“明公廐马万匹,虎士成林,何惜疾足一骑,而不济垂死之命乎!” 宋 苏轼 《登州谢上表》之二:“愿忍垂死之年,以待维新之政。” 巴金 《法译本序》:“我绝不做封建家庭的奴隶,我要控诉这个垂死的制度的罪恶。”