











汉语拼音:shēng chǎn bù jú






  1. To propose adjustment plans for the transportation production deployment of the state railways and guide their implementation.


  2. KMM has excellent process layout, and continuously strengthens the quality management and optimizes the quality assurance system.


  3. Simple plan or description of manufacturing areas with indication of scale (architectural or engineering drawings not required).


  4. Analysis method and case study on interzone spatial transfer of agricultural system production disposition in farming region.


  5. A diagram of major production and processing areas is helpful for understanding the operational layout.


  6. Rational production layout ensures that the paper flow during production.


  7. Establish material delivery routes. Review it after shop floor layout.


  8. production of design layouts and general assemblies.


  9. Assist to the new products introduction, program the layout.


  1. 矿井生产布局

    mine allocation of production.

  2. 林业生产布局

    allocation of forestry production.

  3. 农业生产布局

    allocation of agricultural production.

  4. 生产布局和环境保护

    location of production and environmental protection

  5. 工位和生产布局的设计和改善。

    Workplace and production layout design and improvement.

  6. 浙江蚕桑生产布局现状和发展研究

    Research on The Present Distribution and Development of Sericulture Production in Zhejiang Province.

  7. 黄土高原湿润期特点与农业生产布局

    The characteristics of the humid period and the rational layout of the agricultural production in the Loess Plateau.

  8. 同时农业生产布局和结构也要相应地调整。

    The same time the distribution and structure of agricultural production has to be adjusted.

  9. 生产布局合理,符合有害与无害作业分开的原则。

    Rational production layout in compliance with the principle of separating harmful from harmless operations.

  10. 供电生产布局调整后日常检修与施工模式的思考

    Thoughts on Routine Maintenance and Construction Mode after Adjustment on Distribution of Power Supply

  11. 网络化柑橘生产布局与管理决策咨询系统的研制

    Development and Application of Network Information System for Citrus Distribution Optimization and Management Consultation

  12. 你的任务将是,标志设计,平面设计与生产布局和横幅。

    Your task will be, Logo design, graphical design and layout and production of banners.

  13. 根据公司发展需要,合理规划生产布局,优化产业供应链。

    More reasonable chains of production, sales and supplies by means of the production distribution from south to north.

  14. 生产基地布局

    layout of production bases.

  15. 我国森林产业生产与布局的变化及经济意义

    Changes of Production Structure and Location of Forest Industry in China and its Implications

  16. 劳动生产企业的布局和管理, 完全可以图例标示出来。

    Labor production enterprise layout and management, and can completely illustrations are marked.

  17. 生产布局学原理

    Principle of productive distribution

  18. 开发利用福州农业气候资源合理布局农林牧渔生产

    The Rational Development and Distribution of Agricultural and Climatic Resources of Fuzhou

  19. 除此之处, 具有布局合理和生产效率高得特点。

    In addition, the utility model is characterized in reasonable distribution and high production efficiency.

  20. 除此之处,具有布局合理和生产效率高的特点。

    In addition, the utility model is characterized in reasonable distribution and high production efficiency.

  21. 工厂布局是否足够进行生产操作

    Is plant layout adequate for the work performed

  22. 总体布局调整后的生产能力和规模。

    The production capacity and the scale after the revision of the overall layout

  23. 调整布局摆脱水患实现安全生产

    Adjusting Layout to Prevent Water Disester and Keep Safe Production

  24. 但在布局和水平上却是生产分散,手工作坊偏多。

    But be to produce dispersive, manual mill to slant however on layout and level much.